Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2589 Evil Ghost Road

Chapter 2589 Evil Ghost Road

"Haha! I just heard that that kid had a lot of trouble with the people of Ruin City outside the city gate."

In a certain residence in the City of Destruction, the black dragon laughed happily, as if he was very proud of his masterpiece.

Fang Yi couldn't help but give him a blank look, and was speechless for a while.

But the brows could not help but furrow deeply.

Now that he has entered the city of destruction, it is time to consider how to act.

It's just that, along the way, he has become more and more aware of the strength of Ruin City, and it seems impossible for the two of them to make any noise.

Even if it is possible, I am afraid that the price will not be small.

Especially at this time, guests from all walks of life gathered, and there were countless strong ones.

If there is anything, I am afraid that it will not be easy to retreat.

"Brother, what are your plans next? What are you going to do?" Heilong couldn't help asking at this time, observing his words and expressions.

His expression was still slightly tense.

Just kidding, this is the city of destruction, if one is bad, it will be fatal.

"No hurry! My birthday is two days later. I'll go to explore it first in these two days."

Fang Yi thought for a while and replied.

The most important thing right now is to find out how strong the ruined city is, in the open, in the dark, and the strength of the ruined monarch.

In this way, it is good to decide how to make a move.


The City of Destruction is incomparably huge, far beyond the comparison of ordinary cities.

To the east is a huge continuous palace complex, which is the residence of the King of Destruction.

There are not many guards in the palace.

Just kidding, is that necessary?Who dares to infiltrate the prestigious and illustrious ruler of destruction rashly, isn't that courting death?

Of course, there are always exceptions to everything, such as Fang Yi.

At this moment, somewhere in the palace, a ripple rippled slightly, and Fang Yi's figure followed.

"Destroy the monarch, I want to see how good you are!"

Fang Yi's eyes lit up. During this trip, he had already fully grasped the strength of destroying the temple. Two Dongtians returned to one, three Dongtian Ruyi, and there were still several people in the remaining Dongtian Realm.

It has to be said that if such a powerful force is placed in Tianshan Mountain, it must be the overlord.

But in this Huangquanhai, it is only extremely good, not the top.

From this point of view, the strength of this underworld is much stronger than that of Tianshan.

However, although these people's realm is high, their real combat power may not be much stronger than Tianshan.

Moreover, Tianshan is only a part of the spirit world. According to the legend, the other eight mountains and seven seas are as strong as clouds, and I am afraid that they are far from the underworld.

Of course, these are not what Fang Yi cares about. Right now, what he cares most about is destroying the strength of the monarch, so he came here.

However, sensing the breath in the hall, he couldn't help frowning.

Because there is no one there.

not there?

Where will the other party go at this moment?

Fang Yi couldn't help being a little puzzled. On his birthday, it stands to reason that the other party shouldn't have left.

and many more!

Suddenly, he seemed to have noticed something, and his sharp eyes swept directly to a certain place in the void, where he clearly sensed several breaths.

And none of them are extremely weak.

Immediately, his eyes moved and disappeared into the ripples again.

Behind the huge palace complex, in a certain hall, a beautiful woman who seemed extremely luxurious was closing her eyes and adjusting her breath at the moment, when she suddenly opened her eyes.


Just listen to her scolding.

However, before her words fell, three figures surrounded her like ghosts.

The three figures seemed extremely strange, and it was difficult to detect the fluctuation of breath on them.

However, judging from their performance, all of them are extremely good.

As soon as the three of them showed up, they couldn't help but go straight for the beautiful woman.

The beautiful woman's complexion changed drastically, but her strength should not be underestimated either, and she got entangled with those three people in an instant, and at the same time, she tried to inform others.

But the three of them had expected it long ago and failed to let her succeed.

Suddenly, the woman's face became extremely ugly.

In the dark, Fang Yi could not help but frown deeply as he watched this scene.

There is no doubt that this beautiful woman can be in this harem, she must be the concubine who destroyed the monarch, and these three people dared to break into this harem to deal with the beautiful woman.

It's daring.

However, for Fang Yi, this is naturally not a bad thing. Someone is looking for trouble to destroy the monarch, and he can't wait for it.

"You...what do you want to do? This is the Temple of Destruction, my lord..."

The beautiful woman has been completely suppressed, obviously a little panicked.

Trying to scare the three of them by destroying the monarch.

Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten that this is the city of destruction, if the three of them are so easily intimidated, how could they act at this time and this place.

"Hmph! Destroy the monarch? If he is here, do you think we will show up?"

Some of the three sneered.

These words are already obvious, the departure of the ruined monarch may be inseparable from them.

This was clearly a premeditated attack.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help moving, and he became curious about the identities of these people.

Who are these people who can lure away the ruler of destruction and dare to break into this place?Could it be someone from the night devil king?Want to take this woman down to threaten to destroy the monarch?

It doesn't seem right!

Even if this woman is really the concubine who destroys the monarch, I'm afraid it's not enough to threaten to destroy the monarch, right?

Most of the life in this world is conceived naturally, there is no concept of family at all, concubine is just an outlet for desire.

Not to mention someone like the Destroyer Monarch.


"someone is coming!"

Just when Fang Yi was puzzled, a terrifying aura approached quickly in the distance.

The three of them seemed to have noticed it too, and only one of them said anxiously: "Quick! We've been spotted, let's go all out."

As he said that, the auras of the three of them changed suddenly, and after they were enveloped by endless Yin Qi, the bodies of the three of them also changed accordingly, like ghosts, eerie and terrifying.

" are evil ghosts."

Seeing the appearance of the three of them, the beautiful woman's complexion changed drastically, turning pale and bloodless.

But, before she could react, the three ghosts pounced on her, tore her to pieces, and devoured her.

Only a head full of despair and fear remained.

Fang Yi was also dumbfounded.

After solving the woman, the three of them returned to their human form again.


One of them rolled up the woman's head and was about to leave.

But just at this time, the terrifying aura from before had arrived, "He Fangxiao is young, dare to break into my city of destruction and commit murder, seek death!"

It was an old man with a deep breath.

It was exactly what Fang Yi had observed before, one of the two strong men who returned to the same realm.

Seeing the visitor, the faces of the three of them also changed drastically.

"Let's split up!"

As they said that, the three of them had a tacit understanding, and each rushed towards the same direction, like ghosts.

"Bold, where to go!"

The old man was furious, and wanted to stop the three of them, but they were not idle people, and they were heading in different directions, so he had no choice but to choose one of them.

It was the one who rolled his head.

"Leave it to me!"

As he spoke, he stretched out his giant palm and grabbed the man directly.

The old man's cave is one, and it is conceivable that under this palm, the surrounding space seems to be sealed, and the man's face can't help but change drastically.

But in a hurry, he returned a slap in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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