Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2590 Scarlet Flame Ghost King

Chapter 2590 Scarlet Flame Ghost King


Immediately, there was a loud noise. In comparison, the old man was undoubtedly much stronger, and the man flew out directly with a sluggish expression.

"What? Concubine Hua!"

Until now, the old man seemed to have only seen the woman's head clearly, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"You are looking for death, and you actually killed the most beloved concubine of the monarch, and took your life for me." The old man was furious, and he slapped out a giant palm again, which was much stronger than before.

If there were no accidents, that person would have died on the spot.

Just kidding, he was already seriously injured, and now the old man is even more desperate to kill.


Looking at this palm, the man showed despair and was completely at a loss.

But just at this moment, seeing that palm was about to fall, suddenly, out of nothingness, a huge palm protruded out without any life, and before that palm was about to fall, it dragged that person into nothingness and disappeared not see.


The old man's pupils changed drastically, and a paleness flashed across his face, then he looked around and shouted, "Who is it?"

At this moment, his face became extremely ugly.

As a strong man in the realm of Dongtianguiyi, he was rescued from the mortal man under his nose. What's more, he didn't realize it beforehand, and afterward, the aura also disappeared.

It made him completely at a loss, and he seemed to have received a great shame in his heart.

However, being able to have such means...

His face became a little pale, and he took out a messenger jade slip.


Needless to say, the person who made the move was Fang Yi.

Originally, Fang Yi was not a nosy person, but these people have mysterious origins, and it seems that everyone has the same goal, so there may not be no possibility of cooperation, so...

"who are you?"

Somewhere in an unknown space, the man was still in a daze, obviously not understanding what happened.

Until Fang Yi's appearance, fierce and fearful eyes swept over him.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that I have no malice towards you, but you, who are you? Why do you want to attack the concubine who destroyed the monarch?"

Fang Yi looked at the man in front of him curiously.

The man in front of him seemed to be no different from ordinary ghosts, but he saw the previous scene clearly, these people could transform into ghosts, and they were extremely ferocious.

Do not!Perhaps it could be said that they were ghosts in the first place, and their current form was their disguise.

"Why should I tell you? Let me go, or..."

"How about otherwise?"

Fang Yi smiled playfully, "I really think I don't know who you are? You are from the evil ghost realm, you are ghost ghost mothers, right!"

In fact, Fang Yi really didn't understand the way of evil ghosts and their methods. He only knew about a ghost mother.

But this is enough. Before the woman died, she had revealed the identities of these people.

When the man heard the words, his expression changed immediately, and the fear in his eyes also became stronger.

"Relax, I have already said that I have no malice towards you, and, maybe, we can still cooperate."

Fang Yi said lightly.

The man glanced at Fang Yi, as if thinking that Fang Yi, like them, had sneaked into the harem rashly, perhaps with other plans.

Dang said: "Cooperation? How to cooperate?"

"Not urgent!"

Fang Yi smiled, "Before the cooperation, shouldn't you talk about your grievances, why did you take action against the Temple of Destruction?"

This is what Fang Yi is most curious about.

"I... I don't know. I just followed orders. I don't know exactly what kind of grievances there are."

The man pondered for a moment, and finally replied.

Just these words gave Fang Yi a headache.

do not know?Does that mean that this is not a grievance between the evil ghosts and the Temple of Destruction?Or is it just a grudge between the evil ghost and that woman?

If this is the case, Fang Yi's calculations will undoubtedly come to nothing.

However, he was still a little unwilling, and asked, "Whose order?"

"The Scarlet Flame Ghost King!"

The man didn't hide anything and asked directly.

"Who is the Scarlet Flame Ghost King?" Fang Yi asked.

Hearing this, the man looked at Fang Yi in surprise, as if he didn't expect that Fang Yi didn't even know the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, but he still didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly said.

It turned out that the Scarlet Flame Ghost King was a general under the command of the Ghost Mother.

And these people are only ordered by the Scarlet Flame Ghost King. As for whether the Ghost Mother knows about this, he doesn't know, and, according to him, there is no grievance between the evil ghost and the destruction of the temple.

Of course, although there is no grievance, it is not surprising to attack anyone in this Huangquanhai full of killings.

So they didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Knowing all this, Fang Yi could not help but frown, a little speechless.

I thought I could find an ally, but I never thought...

"That's right! After you killed that woman, why did you keep her head?"

These people only left their heads, which was obviously intentional.

Fang Yi couldn't help being curious.

The man was slightly startled, and then said: "I don't know the details, the higher-ups just want us to bring back the head, maybe they just want to confirm that the woman was killed."

Fang Yi nodded, it seemed that this was the only possibility.

and many more!

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he remembered something, he immediately said: "I want this head!"

"Huh? This?"

The man obviously didn't react, a head, what can the other party do with it, "But..."

He was about to say something, but was interrupted by Fang Yi.

"No but! If the Scarlet Flame Ghost King just wants to confirm that the woman has been killed, he will see it two days later." Fang Yi could not doubt it, and swept away the head casually.

Seeing this, the man had no choice but to accept it.

"Okay! I won't give it away!" After saying that, Fang Yi waved his hand, and the man disappeared.

But he himself, looking at the head in his hand, had an intriguing smile on the corner of his mouth.


"What? The evil ghost broke into the Temple of Destruction at night and killed the most beloved concubine of the Destruction Monarch?"

Upon hearing the news, Heilong's pupils widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Fuck! These people are too arrogant, they dare to directly break into the Temple of Destruction to commit murder at this juncture. This is clearly not taking the Temple of Destruction seriously!"

"If we have such strength, then..."

"That's right, the evil ghosts are extremely terrifying. I'm afraid they really didn't take the destruction of the temple seriously."

The black dragon's eyes shone with envy.

"By the way! Are evil ghosts powerful? What's their origin?" Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

For the Evil Ghost Dao, he only knows a name, and the master of the Evil Ghost Dao, Ghost Mother, and nothing else.

"Of course! The way of evil ghosts is amazing! It has a great background. It is said that the evil spirits in the entire underworld are all because of them."

"However, in the past tens of thousands of years, they have kept an unusually low profile and rarely clashed with other forces, so there are fewer legends about them."

"However, their true strength is definitely one of the top existences in the underworld."


Another top power?

Fang Yi was stunned, what happened to the Temple of Destruction?What's so special about it?Why is it being targeted by two top powers at the same time?

(End of this chapter)

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