Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2598

Chapter 2598

"Thank you, Lord Destroyer, for your love!"

Heilong hurriedly said, the originally tense nerves finally relaxed a lot.

He was really afraid that the other party would find out that something was wrong, so in a fit of rage, he ended him. Although Fang Yi had guaranteed him a ticket, no matter what, it was not a joke.

"This king has admired Lord Destroyer for a long time. With this king's cultivation base, it is still too early to refine this dragon scale, so I came to join Lord Destroyer."

Dedicating the Dragon Scale of Destruction for no reason, I have to say, made many people feel unbelievable.

Therefore, the black dragon said something quickly, as if explaining his intentions.

Obviously, these words played a big role, and the crowd nodded subconsciously. What destroys the dragon scales is the rules of destruction. If you want to refine and comprehend, you must at least return to the peak.

And with the black dragon's cultivation base, there is no doubt that it is still a lot worse.

Under such circumstances, it is not unacceptable to dedicate it to the destroying monarch in order to obtain greater benefits and blessings.

and so……



Outside the City of Destruction, in a certain endless sea area, two figures were looking at a huge light curtain in front of them, and above the light curtain was everything at the birthday banquet.

Of those two figures, one was like a blood mist, completely enveloped by blood energy.

As for the other path, it was shrouded in a terrifying aura, and there was a faint flash of fire. It was the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

"It's really interesting. That head was actually a congratulatory gift from the Night Demon King. It's really a good trick. It's interesting. It's really interesting."

Red Flame Ghost King's cold tone was full of playfulness.

"In this way, the Night Demon Realm and the Temple of Destruction are completely torn apart. Perhaps, we don't need to take action anymore."


The bloody figure denied it: "The Destroyer Monarch is not a fool, so how could he be easily fooled, otherwise, he wouldn't just have taken down the disciple of the Night Demon King."

"That's right!" The Scarlet Flame Ghost King nodded.

"However! The Night Demon Realm and the Temple of Destruction have long been in conflict. It doesn't seem to matter who the murderer is. At most, he just wants to find out who else is behind it."

This time, the bloody figure did not refute.

That is undoubtedly the case.

"Before, this king suspected that the person who shot secretly was the king of night devils, but now it seems..."

"Hey! This city of destruction is getting more and more interesting."

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King gave a strange laugh.

If the head can appear in the gift of the Night Demon King, there is no doubt that the person who shot that night cannot be related to the Night Demon King.

The other party made it clear that they wanted to intensify the conflict between the Night Demon Realm and the Temple of Destruction.

In this way, the city of destruction will be lively, and various forces are secretly surging.

In the thick blood mist of the blood-colored figure, although he couldn't see clearly, people could feel that he seemed to be full of curiosity and doubts.

"Since the gift from the Night Demon King has been swapped, what is his real gift?"

"Does it matter?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King was a little puzzled, hehe said: "King of the Night Demon, I'm afraid I have the urge to kill at this moment."

His words are undoubtedly correct.

At this moment, in an endless abyss, in a certain huge palace, a man in a black robe with a pair of huge black wings on his back also had a light curtain in front of him.

Looking at the head and Ye Xingchen on the light curtain, he was furious.

"Idiot, it's just an idiot!"

There was a thunderous sound, and the entire hall was shaken to the point of collapse, as if it was about to collapse.

"Who is it? If you dare to destroy this king's plan, this king will definitely find you and tear you into pieces."

The man is undoubtedly the king of night devils. He has been preparing for this day for a long time, but in the end... how can he not be angry.

However, just when he was extremely annoyed, on the light curtain, the "Dragon Scale of Destruction" that he carefully designed appeared miraculously again.

what happened?

His pupils were wide open, looking at all this in disbelief.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something.

The person who transferred the package put his head in his gift, obviously wanting to intensify the two major forces. There are several reasons for doing so. The other party has enmity with the Temple of Destruction, or himself, or both. have.

I want to use this to provoke a battle between the two major forces.

And no matter which one it is, offering the dragon scale will undoubtedly achieve the purpose of intensifying.

After thinking this through, the Night Demon King, who was originally furious, became expectant again at this moment.

A weird smile gradually formed on the corner of his mouth.


"How is it possible? Destroy the dragon scale?"

When the dragon scale appeared on the light curtain, the pupils of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King suddenly brightened, extremely hot.

Still deeply incredible.

"What's the origin of this person? He's an idiot. He even gave the Destruction Dragon Scale to the Destruction Monarch for nothing. It's so stupid." The Scarlet Flame Ghost King seemed envious and jealous.

Just kidding, destroying dragon scales is a great thing, and it was given away for nothing like this.

"With this dragon scale, once it is refined and comprehended by him, then..."

"No, should we make an early move?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King seemed a little anxious.

No wonder, once the Destroying Sovereign really refines another Destroying Dragon Scale, its strength will inevitably increase greatly, and then it will be difficult to deal with it.

"Not urgent!"

However, the bloody figure shook his head.

"Don't you find it strange? If this person really wants to curry favor with the King of Destruction, such an important item should be offered privately."

"It's so fair and aboveboard, isn't it a target for the destruction of the monarch?"


The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help being startled, and had to say that this made a lot of sense, "Maybe, he was afraid that the King of Destroyer would kill him to keep his mouth shut. Naturally, there is no such possibility in the public. On the contrary, the King of Destroyer had to Reward him as a brother."

"This possibility cannot be ruled out." The bloody figure also nodded.

"However, from the beginning when this person teased Ye Xingchen to the moment when he suddenly took out the Dragon Scale of Destruction, everything seemed premeditated. It was definitely not that simple."

"Even, from his words, it can be vaguely heard that he is very clear about Ye Xingchen's congratulatory gift."

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King paused for a moment, then subconsciously nodded.

It seems so.

"Then, what is his purpose?" The Red Flame Ghost King asked puzzled.

The bloody figure also shook his head, "I don't know, but, no matter what his purpose is, it's obviously more than that simple, and he may not have any good intentions towards destroying the monarch."

"For the sake of today's plan, let's take a look first."

"Also, even if we want to make a move, there are people who are more anxious than us, so we should let them make the move first."

There was a hint of amusement in the voice of the blood-colored figure.

"They? You mean the Night Demon King?" Red Flame Ghost King's eyes lit up, and he nodded immediately, "That's right! Destroy the monarch to get the Destroy Dragon Scale, I'm afraid the most urgent one is the Night Demon King."

"Then, let's sit back and watch the show!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King smiled strangely.


(End of this chapter)

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