Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2599 Plan

Chapter 2599 Plan

"Come on! Good brother, let's have a few drinks with big brother!"

I don't know if it's just for show, or because I'm really happy, the Destroyer Monarch put his hands on the black dragon's shoulders, looking extremely intimate and important.

They even called each other brothers in front of everyone.

He also warned his subordinates that from now on, the black dragon will be a part of the Temple of Destruction.

Seeing the black dragon is like seeing him.

Of course, this is just a scene, and those ordinary disciples of the Temple of Destruction are nothing more than that. After all, the black dragon also has the cultivation base of heaven and earth.

However, people such as Xuanyin Protector will naturally not really surrender to the black dragon.

"Congratulations to Destroyer, you not only got the treasure, but also recognized a good brother. It's really enviable."

"Yes! It's such a blessing, it's worth a toast."

The crowd also joined in.

At such a moment, no one would say anything unpleasant at this moment.

"Well said! Everyone, let's have a toast to my virtuous younger brother." The Destroying Monarch laughed heartily, raised his glass and drank it to everyone.

The black dragon also became the focus of everyone's attention for a while.

Envious, jealous, and ironic, nothing less.

Fang Yi watched this scene indifferently, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a playful smile.

A birthday banquet also came to an end in this warm atmosphere.


"Master Black Dragon, rest here and have a good rest! If you need anything, just give me an order at any time."

There was a luxurious palace in front of him, the black dragon looked at all this, his eyes shone brightly, but he quickly settled down and said: "Understood, you step back!"


The man backed away, and the black dragon couldn't help laughing wildly.

"Hahaha! It's so interesting, this king is now the guest of the Destroyer Monarch, brother?"

The black dragon still seemed to have an unreal feeling, and the corner of his mouth was full of playful smiles.

"What? Is this enough?"

Fang Yi smiled, and gave him a look of contempt, "Look at you, you are just a guest, and, besides, do you really think he regards you as a brother?"

"He just had to put on a show because of the public."

When Heilong heard the words, he immediately turned his back, seemed a little dissatisfied, and said: "You think I'm stupid! I naturally understand such a simple truth, but the play has already started, and he has to continue."

"At least, our future actions will be much easier."

You have some knowledge!

Fang Yi nodded, "Maybe it won't be necessary, but everything can be done tonight."

"Tonight?" Black Dragon's eyes narrowed.

"Not bad!" Fang Yi replied, "If you are the destroying monarch, what will happen after you get the destroying dragon scale? I'm afraid you can't wait to refine it?"

"Even if he has doubts again, the inspection is almost done at this moment, and it's time to refine."

As Fang Yi said, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

"Then what should we do? Are we going to make a move? But, the King of Destroyer is a strong man who manifests his holy power, plus the other people in the Temple of Destruction..."

Heilong was obviously worried.

"No! Of course it's not us. It's the Night Demon King. I'm afraid he can't hold back anymore."

"As for us, especially you..."

Speaking of this, Fang Yi couldn't help but stop, glanced at the black dragon, a strange look appeared on his face, and asked, "How about letting you be the king of destruction?"


The black dragon was obviously taken aback, and looked at Fang Yi incredulously, "'re not joking, are you? Let me be the destroying monarch? What about the real destroying monarch?"

Heilong has always been skeptical about Fang Yi's ability to kill and destroy the monarch.

It's no wonder that Destroying the Sovereign is at least a powerful man. Although Fang Yi's strength is astonishing, this is obviously still impossible.

In fact, this is indeed the case, Fang Yi is naturally not sure about dealing with the strong man.

But this time is different, once the ruler of destruction refines the dragon scale, his true intention of destruction can take the opportunity to severely injure the opponent.

Coupled with the Night Demon King who had been prepared for a long time, maybe...

"Also, even if the Destroyer Monarch is really taken down, the two guardians are unlikely to submit."

Heilong then added another sentence.

"That's up to them. If they submit, they are still Dharma protectors. If they don't submit, I don't mind ending them."

Fang Yi said coldly, a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

"You are now the brother of the Destroyer Monarch. Seeing you is like seeing him. This is what he said himself, so..."

In this turbulent Yellow Spring Sea, there is a powerful force, which doesn't seem to be a bad thing.

At the very least, it is conducive to finding the whereabouts of Kyushu disciples.

Therefore, controlling the Temple of Destruction seems to be a better choice.

At this moment, Fang Yi decided to change his plan a little bit, and was not in a hurry to completely annihilate the Temple of Destruction.

Maybe the Destroying Monarch never dreamed that at this moment, someone would actually want to take control of the Temple of Destruction and replace him.

Do not!He should have thought of it, but he didn't expect that this person would be the black dragon who offered the dragon scale of destruction.

Although he is also full of doubts about the black dragon.

He was also wary of the Destroying Dragon Scale in front of him, but the facts told him that this Destroying Dragon Scale was real, and the strong meaning of destruction could not be faked at all.

"It's really destroying the dragon scales, God help me too!"

The Destroying Sovereign was ecstatic, and his whole body trembled slightly from excitement.

After trying his best to suppress the impulse in his heart and calm down his mood, he finally grabbed the dragon chant, and his divine sense also penetrated into it.

As expected, the meaning of vast destruction appeared in his perception.


"Are you sure the night devil king will make a move tonight?"

Outside the ruined city, the bloody figure and the Scarlet Flame Ghost King reappeared.

"Not sure! But, I have an indescribable premonition." The bloody figure replied, he seemed a little contradictory.

"Do you still remember what I said before, the man named Black Dragon seems to know what the night demon king's congratulatory gift is. Could the person who made the move that night have something to do with him? Could the person who transferred the package be him?"

"If it's really him, what about the original gift from the Night Demon King?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help nodding his head when he heard this, and said, "This possibility is not ruled out, but this doesn't mean anything, and the gift from the Night Demon King is even less important."

"Besides, given the relationship between Night Demon Realm and the Temple of Destruction, it is estimated that there will be nothing to send."

Obviously, most people think this way.

But the bloody figure shook his head, and said, "Do you still remember what the disciple of the Night Devil King said? This is clearly a gesture of favor, even if it is hypocritical, but acting in a full set, the congratulatory gift is definitely not simple."

"I even suspect that the Destroying Dragon Scale is a gift from the Night Demon King."

what did you say?

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King's pupils shrank, but he immediately denied it, "Impossible! This king is very clear about what kind of person the Night Demon King is. It is impossible for him to hand over the Destroyer Dragon Scale."

"Yes! It's impossible!"

The bloody figure nodded, "Actually, it's impossible to replace it with anyone, so... that Destroyer Dragon Scale is definitely weird."

"And after the Destroying Monarch obtains this dragon scale, he will definitely try it impatiently. Maybe at that time... That's why I said that the night demon king may do it tonight."

This! !

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help but frown. Although this is a bit unbelievable, this possibility does exist.


At this moment, in the distance, in the city of destruction, a terrifying energy erupted away.


(End of this chapter)

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