Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2601 Waiting for the Opportunity

Chapter 2601 Waiting for the Opportunity

"It's really shot! Is your speculation true?"

Somewhere in an unknown space, two figures were overlooking everything in the ruined city, and it was the Red Flame Ghost King who spoke.

At this moment, he looked surprised, obviously a little unbelievable.

"And that Destroyer Dragon Scale, is it really the masterpiece of the Night Demon King? Is it really weird?"


The blood-colored figure definitely replied, "If he wasn't there, the Destroyer Monarch would have made a move long ago. How could there be no movement until now? At this moment, he is probably still trapped in that dragon scale. What a good way!"

No, he used the scale of the destroying dragon to lure the ruler of destruction into the bait.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King also nodded subconsciously.

"So, the Temple of Destruction is over this time?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King seems unbelievable. Anyway, the Temple of Destroyer is considered a good side. Although it is not top-notch, it is definitely not easy to stand in Huangquanhai for so many years.

But now, it seems to be dying out.

It really made him feel a little unbelievable, and a little hard to accept.

"not necessarily!"

However, contrary to his expectations, the bloody figure shook his head, "Did you forget about the switcher? He hasn't moved yet. Who can tell what happened?"

There was playfulness and deep curiosity in his voice.



Boom! !

Seeing that the mighty hand was about to fall, but the Destroyer Monarch was still indifferent, the corner of Night Demon King's mouth could not help but evoke a cruel smile.

"My lord!!"

All the disciples of the Temple of Destruction were in a hurry, screaming with all their strength.

As if hearing their call, the Destroyer Sovereign finally opened his eyes, but his expression looked extremely painful, as if his soul was suffering some kind of torment.

"Old night devil thief, you are courting death!"

He roared as hard as he could, and the aura of destruction permeated his entire body, heading towards the Night Demon King.

It's just a pity that the aura is messy, tyrannical and unrefined, obviously something is wrong with his mind, just kidding, he wants to resist the Destroyer Dragon while dealing with the Night Demon King at the same time, how can he not be distracted.

The power is also weaker.

"Hahaha!! Destroy the old man, is this your method?"

The night demon king laughed wildly, with strong sarcasm in his eyes, and shouted: "If this is the case, then today is your death day, take your life!"

Saying that, the big hand became more and more terrifying.

The majestic energy in his body poured out like a torrent.

Apparently, he didn't want to give the monarch a chance to destroy him, and take advantage of his illness to kill him. How could he let go of this excellent opportunity and spare no effort in his actions.

Boom! !

The heaven and the earth collapsed inch by inch, and the strong man who manifested his sage made a move with all his strength, and the result can be imagined.

And this is only on the surface, the sights that everyone can see, those invisible rules and thin lines, are also rolling towards the King of Destruction at this moment like a mess.

To destroy the monarch is like being in a world of demons.

Countless phantoms tried to invade his soul.

Fortunately, his whole body was also filled with a terrifying sense of destruction, which prevented him from collapsing completely all at once.

However, when the giant palm fell, his huge figure still flew out backwards.

How can it be?

The crowd was dumbfounded watching this scene.

In their cognition, the King of Destroyer and the King of Night Demons are similar in strength. If not, the King of Night Demons would not have waited until today, but the facts in front of them are completely different.

The King of Destruction seems to be completely different from the King of Night Demons.


After a successful blow, the Night Demon King laughed wildly, the corners of his mouth were full of ferocious pleasure, as if he had already harvested the fruits of victory in advance.

On the contrary, the Destroying Sovereign's face was pale.

"Old thief Night Demon, do you really think you can succeed? This is my city of destruction, die!"

The eyes of the Destroyer Monarch protruded, as if about to spew out sparks.

As he said that, seeing his ten finger seals, the huge palace seemed to sense something, and bright beams of light shot up into the sky, intersected with each other, and turned into an incomparably mysterious formation.

"Hmph! Destroy old man, thanks to your practice for so many years, you must know that your own strength is the foundation."

"How can a mere formation be able to stop this king?"

The night devil king was full of sarcasm, and the terrifying attack poured towards the destroying monarch like a violent storm.

Maybe what he said is not entirely true, the way of the formation has the mystery of the way of the formation, but it is always the person who maintains the formation, and it is conceivable to destroy the monarch in the current state...

That violent bombardment immediately caused the Destroyer Sovereign to retreat steadily.

The brilliant formation is also on the verge of collapse.

Too strong!

Heilong was stunned at the moment, watching the battle in the sky, his mouth was wide open and he didn't know what to say.

Fang Yi's eyes were also deep. It was not the first time he had experienced the power of a powerful man. Even, compared to Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King, the two in front of him were much worse.

However, the battle in front of him gave him a deeper understanding.

Because when he fought against the Undying Corpse King, the opponent was not in its heyday, and he also relied on the guardian stone man.

Like Jun Jiuyou, the other party is also in a certain unknown state, otherwise, with his strength, he can only wait for death.

The battle in front of him was different, which gave him a deeper understanding of the dominance of the powerful man.

"The King of Destroyer can't hold on any longer. If this continues, won't the Temple of Destruction fall into the hands of the Night Demon King?" The black dragon looked at Fang Yi with a hint of worry at this moment.

Because he was not sure what Fang Yi's plans were.

Although the purpose of the two of them here is to deal with the destruction of the temple, Fang Yi's plan has changed, and if this continues, it will undoubtedly go against his plan.

"Not urgent!"

However, Fang Yi was quite calm.

The Temple of Destruction fell into the hands of the Night Demon King, so he was naturally not willing to see it.

However, in the face of the two powerful men who manifested their sages, it is obviously not that simple for him to make a profit. He can only wait patiently and wait for the best time.

boom! !

There was another loud bang, and the resplendent formation finally couldn't hold on and was completely shattered.

The figure of the Destroying Sovereign also blasted out like a cannonball.

Moreover, on his body, a huge wound almost tore his chest and extended to his abdomen. The situation seemed extremely bad.

"My lord!!"

All the disciples of the Temple of Destruction were ashamed.

With the emergence of the night devil king, their only hope is to destroy the monarch, but now...

So what awaits them?How can they not panic, how can they not be afraid.

"King of Night Demons,"

The Destroying Monarch's eyes were tearing apart at this moment, and he was filled with remorse. He regretted that he should not have comprehended the Destruction Dragon Scale at this time. If not, there would be no such thing as today.

And the True Dragon of Destruction...

Do not!Suddenly, he seemed to realize why there was a real dragon of destruction in that dragon scale.

Also, the night devil king is a coincidence, attacking at this time, could it be...

"It's you?"

After thinking through this joint, his whole body trembled with anger, and his teeth rattled.

"I just understand now? Heh! It seems that this king thought highly of you in the past." The night devil king sneered, revealing a strong sense of irony.


As soon as the words fell, a light flashed in his hand, and a sharp sword appeared out of thin air, directly slashing towards the Destroying Monarch.

The Destroyer Lord bared his teeth. In his current state, he was the opponent of the Night Demon King and was about to escape. But at this moment, the Destroyer Dragon that was devouring wantonly in the depths of his soul suddenly fell silent.

what happened?


The Destroying Sovereign was stunned, but at this moment, he naturally had no time to figure out the reason, and the sinister look in his eyes flashed away.

(End of this chapter)

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