Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2602

Chapter 2602

The night devil king obviously didn't notice this scene.

At this moment, he was ecstatic in his heart, because he seemed to have foreseen the end of destroying the monarch.

Everything in front of me shows that my plan has been successful, and the Destroyer Monarch was invaded by the heart demon. At this moment, he is just dying, so...

In his eyes, destroying the monarch is like a dead man.

Why should he be wary of a dead person?


Seeing that the bright sword shadow was about to fall, the Night Demon King had a cruel smile on his mouth, especially when he saw the fearful and desperate expression of the Destroying Monarch, the smile became even stronger.

And the crowd also looked anxious, and each of them looked tightly tied.

Even the black dragon is no exception.

Only Fang Yi, still with a faint smile on his mouth, looked at the Destroyer Monarch with more anticipation.

The sudden quietness of the Destroyer Dragon was naturally his masterpiece. The result he wanted was to hurt both sides. When the Night Devil King thought he was sure of winning, he gave the opponent a fatal blow.

This blow was naturally completed by the Destroyer Monarch.

And he can reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Of course, in fact, he was also a little nervous, because there was still an evil ghost hidden in the dark, and the other party hadn't made any movement since beheading Concubine Hua.

I hope that the other party only has an enmity with Concubine Hua.

"Destroy old man, you can't blame this king today, if you want to blame, blame you for not knowing how to flatter, die!"

The night devil king gave a final roar, and the radiant sword shadow burst out with light, tearing out towards the destroying monarch, and the entire space was torn apart and collapsed.

The surroundings seemed to have turned into an endless nothingness, and the figure of the Destroying Sovereign was swallowed by this terrifying aura.

"Your Majesty..."

All the disciples of the Temple of Destruction showed despair.

The two guardians were no exception, their faces were ashen.

"Hahaha!!" In contrast, the Night Demon King laughed wildly.

However, the next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly, because an extremely dangerous aura approached, and from the nothingness, there was an extremely overbearing, destructive sword light, like a heavenly sword, from the void. It fell from the sky.

The terrifying will of destruction wantonly wiped out everything in the world.

Everything is crushed into fine powder.

"How is it possible? Destroy old man, haven't you been invaded by demons? How could..."

The expression of the Night Devil King changed drastically, and the sudden rise of the Destroyer Monarch undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

In his mind, the Destroying Sovereign was already a fish on the chopping board at this moment, allowing him to slaughter, but who would have thought that the other party seemed to break free from the invasion of the demon in an instant.

Just, how is this possible?

Being invaded by a demon, even a tyrannical boss cannot break free so easily.

Because the inner demon is nothing else, and everyone's own demonic thoughts are well aware of the host's methods, so how can they get rid of it.

But the facts before us...

Heart demon?

Hearing the words, the Destroyer Monarch couldn't help but a look of suspicion flashed in his pupils, because it wasn't any demons that eroded his soul.

It's just that at this moment, he has no time to take care of these things, and taking down the opponent is the most important thing.

"Old thief Night Demon, is it surprising! Today is your death date."

brush! !

With this thunderous sound, the terrifying blade light became more and more vast, and all the energy in the world seemed to be exhausted by this blade.

The continuous group of palaces below also seemed to be drawn by some kind of energy, and the attention of bright energy spewed out again, converging towards the knife.

Suddenly, it seemed that there was only this knife left in the whole world.

This knife seems to have accumulated all the energy to destroy the monarch, as well as the remaining energy of that great formation.

One can imagine the power.

Rao is the king of night devils, his face is also pale at this moment, trying to avoid the knife.

But it's a pity that it's already too late, the Destroyer Monarch suddenly rises up, how can the other party easily escape such an excellent opportunity.

That knife has fallen.

Boom! ! !

The whole world exploded completely, with one knife and one sword, as if the end was coming.

The huge void has turned into an endless energy storm, making everything invisible and shattering the world.

The loud noise kept coming, and the crowd who were a little closer were swallowed up in it in an instant.

No bones left!

Everyone retreated in fright.

Not to mention the black dragon who was in the deep palace, his face was pale, and his whole body seemed to tremble slightly. If it weren't for a three-color light covering him, I'm afraid he would never be as relaxed as he is at this moment.

"Too...too scary, is this the strong man who manifests the Holy Spirit?"

"Who won?"

He said tremblingly, his eyes fixed on the energy storm, not daring to breathe.

The crowd was just like him, all stunned and even more nervous, because this directly related to their future.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long, and the two majestic figures flew backwards from the energy storm, like two fired shells.

"Your Majesty!"

"Master Night Demon!"

The crowd was in a hurry, because the situation of the two of them seemed to be extremely tragic at the moment.

The originally bright body also became dilapidated.

Especially the Destroyer Monarch, who was almost on the verge of collapse. Although he had a great advantage in the last strike, he had already suffered heavy injuries before.

And the night devil king, although better, but only so.

At this moment, there is a huge wound on his chest, and the terrifying meaning of destruction inside is slowly devouring his body and spreading to all directions.

This is the overbearing power of the meaning of destruction. Once it is stained, it is not that simple to get rid of it.

You must suppress it at all times, otherwise, the injury will become more and more serious.

What's more, it was such a domineering knife just now.

"Destroy the old man!"

The Night Demon King's eyes were about to split open at this moment, as if sparks were about to burst out of his pupils.

I was also extremely unwilling in my heart. I thought I had a chance to win, but who would have thought...

"Go to hell!" In the end, he still couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and with all his strength, he slashed his sword again, slashing at the Destroyer Monarch.

Compared with before, this sword is not inferior.

However, the situation of the Destroying Sovereign at this moment is extremely bad, his face is ashen, facing this sword, he is already unable to do what he wants.

However, knowing that the Night Demon King's situation was not much different from his, how could he back down.

Dang even gritted his teeth and greeted him.


"It's been a battle between dragons and tigers, it's our turn to play!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King was ready to move. In the situation before him, he was confident that he would defeat the two of them in one fell swoop. Although he would not be able to kill them, it would be easy to win this battle.

At the same time, he defeated the two great powerhouses, to be honest, he really wanted to try.

Unfortunately, the bloody figure stopped him.

"No hurry! That man hasn't made a move yet, don't you want to see what he is going to do?"

"Moreover, our purpose is only to destroy the temple, and has nothing to do with the Night Demon Realm. There is no point in enmity with them for the time being."

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King seemed a little upset when he heard this, but he didn't refute it. Although the Night Demon Realm was only similar to the Temple of Destruction, behind it was the Dark Realm, which made him a little bit afraid.

"Look! That man is finally about to make a move."

At this time, the bloody figure said anxiously.

Looking along his line of sight, I saw that the black dragon suddenly rose from the ground.


(End of this chapter)

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