Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2603

Chapter 2603

His grandma's, fight!

Facing the two powerful men who manifested their sages, Heilong naturally didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts, but at this moment, he couldn't help it.

Because of Fang Yi, Fang Yi directly threw him up.

Back in time, seeing the Night Demon King attacking the Destroying Monarch again, the two powerful men who showed their sages were already engaged in a life-and-death struggle.

But at this time, Fang Yi asked the black dragon to rescue and destroy the monarch.

Just kidding, the black dragon flinched naturally, isn't this clearly courting death?

He couldn't get a hand in the battle between the two great saints, but Fang Yi couldn't help but throw him to the two of them, so he could only bite the bullet.

He also complained to Fang Yi in his heart.

"Just die!"

The matter has come to this point, and he can't help backing down.

The black dragon turned his heart on its head, and quickly attacked the two of them, and couldn't help saying: "The king of night demons, if you dare to attack my brother, you will seek death!"

As he said that, he also slapped his palm fiercely.

Suddenly, a huge dragon palm flew across the sky.

The power of this palm is also extraordinary, but anyway, what he is facing is two powerful men who show their sages.


The night devil king's contemptuous eyes swept over the black dragon, and then he didn't even look at the black dragon.

With the power of the black dragon's palm, he might be crushed into powder by the energy storm rolled up by the two before he even got close to them, and he would be sent to death, so how could he care.

In contrast, the expression of the Destroying Sovereign is somewhat complicated.

Because of that dragon scale.

But at this moment, he has no time to take care of these. He has been seriously injured, far more serious than the night devil king, and he is in danger at this moment.

"Destroy the monarch, today is your death day! Take your life!"

The Night Demon King roared, with a ferocious smile on his lips.

Although everything today, especially the final change in the destruction of the monarch, was somewhat unexpected, but as long as the goal is achieved, it is worth paying some price.

Even though the price was not small, the injury on his chest seemed horrific.

"With you alone, the king of night devils, it's still unknown who will win the battle!"

The sudden silence of the True Dragon of Destruction undoubtedly gave the Monarch of Destruction great confidence. Moreover, this is the city of Destruction, and he has no way out.

Once retreated, the ruined city would not be able to keep.

Of course, the most important thing is that without the intervention of the Destroyer Dragon, he has the confidence to contend with the Night Demon King.

Therefore, he was naturally not to be outdone, and also went forward.

Immediately, the two great powerhouses and the black dragon were about to fight together.

But at this moment, Zhenjun Destroyer, who was originally extremely majestic, suddenly paused that domineering knife. Not only that, his expression also became extremely ugly, his face twitched, seemingly in extreme pain.

That's right!

The instigator of all this is naturally Fang Yi.

At this moment, the original silent Dragon of Destruction once again attacked the soul of the Destroyer Monarch.

The night devil king was extremely sensitive, and he noticed this almost instantly.

Although his heart was full of doubts, it was impossible for him to stop halfway through the invasion of inner demons, but in such a situation, he naturally had no time to take care of these, and the resplendent sword shadow became more and more domineering, like a heavenly knife.

So much so that he didn't even notice that the black dragon's palm was approaching.

Or maybe he didn't take that palm to heart at all.

ah ah! ! !

As if enduring great pain, the Destroyer Sovereign couldn't help but let out a scream while hugging his head.

But in such a situation, it was too late for him to make any response. He could only watch the sword fall slowly, and his pupils also dilated accordingly, full of unwillingness.

"Do not……"

He howled in despair, but then he was submerged in that energy storm.

As for the night devil king, the ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth also became stronger.

But at this moment, the huge black claws of the black dragon suddenly changed into golden light, like a scorching sun.

Nine days away, there are even more dragons roaring.

The power of that palm also suddenly increased many times, exuding an incomparable aura, everything that passed by was annihilated.

How can it be?

The pupils of the crowd changed greatly, full of inconceivable.

Even the black dragon was dumbfounded, completely unaware of why.

Of course he knows how much he weighs, but this palm...

There is no doubt that this palm naturally did not come from the black dragon, but from Fang Yi.

For this palm, Fang Yi has been brewing for a long time, waiting for a long time, and when the King of Night Demons completely defeats and destroys the monarch, when he thinks that he has the chance to win, he will give the opponent a thunderous blow.

And it was under the cover of the black dragon.

All this seems to be extremely slow, but in fact, everything happens between lightning and flint.

In the eyes of the night devil king, only the king of destruction can make him pay attention to the huge ruined city, and the others are not worth mentioning at all.

So, he completely ignored the others.

Especially when he saw the black dragon's palm, it was full of irony.

So much so that at this moment, that sudden change in the palm made him not even mentally prepared.

To be precise, his mind was completely on destroying the monarch, and the sudden change of this palm caught him off guard, and his face couldn't help but change drastically.

It's fine if you come as usual.

Although this palm was impressive, with his strength, even if he was defenseless, it would be nothing.

But at this moment, he was severely injured, and the huge wound on his chest was still expanding.

The situation can be imagined.

"Bastard!" He roared, but then, his roar was drowned in the endless air waves.

The scene was also completely turned into a mass of energy, and everything became invisible.

Only the bursts of thunder sounded like the sky was turned upside down.


"Master Night Demon!"

The expressions of the crowd all changed drastically, and they looked at the energy group and the black dragon in horror.

At this moment, the black dragon slapped out with a palm, and its body was also hit by a huge counter-shock force, blasting out like a cannonball.

Immediately afterwards, there were two loud noises from that energy group, and two majestic figures flew upside down from it, like a kite with a broken thread.

Especially the Destroyer Monarch, who fell straight down, his body collapsing inch by inch.

The Night Demon King was relatively better, but his entire face was pale and he was trembling all over.


Everyone in the Temple of Destruction was ashamed.

"You, you..." The Destroying Monarch's eyes were full of unwillingness, and he pointed at the black dragon and Fang Yi beside the black dragon. Finally, a dragon chant came from his body.

His face was grim, and he seemed to be in extreme pain.

The originally broken body also changed at a speed visible to the naked eye, turning into a huge dragon of destruction.

groan! !

The Destroyer Dragon let out a roar, and finally came towards the black dragon, and went straight into the black dragon's body.

"Is it the true dragon of destruction, the monarch of destruction has fallen? He left the meaning of destruction to the black dragon?"

The crowd all stared wide-eyed at this moment, watching this scene in disbelief.

The same is true of the Night Demon King. Everything today undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations. His sharp eyes, like two sharp knives, stabbed fiercely at the black dragon and Fang Yi beside the black dragon.

At this moment, he naturally knew who it was.

"Okay! Very good! This king remembers you, let's go!"

Immediately, with a shout, he turned into a streak of light and flew away quickly.


(End of this chapter)

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