Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2605 Li Wei

Chapter 2605 Li Wei


Facing everyone's eyes, Heilong only felt a little drumming in his heart.

Although Fang Yi had already explained that he would become the new ruler of destruction, he didn't take it seriously at all, because it seemed impossible to him.

But at this moment, looking at the incomparably hot and complicated gazes of everyone, he couldn't help but feel guilty for a while.

"No! Impossible, how could he be a ruined monarch as an outsider."

At this time, someone came out to object.

Although the black dragon has obtained the intention of destroying the monarch, it is not the one who destroys the temple after all, so how can it be convincing.

Especially those who are strong, such as the two guardians.

However, the two guardians didn't say anything at the moment, their brows were deeply furrowed.

The one who opened the mouth was a middle-aged man with a gloomy face, his cultivation base had also reached the sky-like wish, and he was the existence of the Temple of Destruction, second only to the Destruction Monarch and the two guardians.

"No matter who you are, if you hand over your intention of destruction, I will spare you, otherwise!"

The pupils of the cold middle-aged man shrank, revealing his killing intent.

"What are you still doing in a daze, and why don't you take the opportunity to show your power?" Heilong looked dazed, obviously not yet recovered, until Fang Yi's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, he just woke up like a dream.

Liwei?Just by yourself?

Glancing at Fang Yi, the black dragon felt a little faint.

It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, but because the person on the other side should not be underestimated, and his strength may be stronger than him.

What's more, this is the Temple of Destruction, once these people, the consequences...

"Presumptuous! If you dare to ignore my words, you will die!"

The gloomy middle-aged man's eyes froze, as if he couldn't wait any longer, and as soon as he moved, he quickly attacked the black dragon, obviously wanting to strike first.

As for the purpose, it is naturally the meaning of destruction.


The black dragon is not a good stubble either, after a short period of distraction, he reacted instantly, and a huge dragon claw also rushed up instantly, shouting in his mouth: "You bastard! It's up to you, this is my brother's for me, everyone Seeing it with your own eyes, could it be that you want to rebel."

Heilong is not stupid. At such a moment, he naturally has to stand on the moral high ground.

And there is Fang Yi, a huge backer behind him, which also gave him a lot of confidence and majestic momentum.

When that palm was struck, it was immediately crushed away with endless energy.

What he didn't expect was that there was a terrifying sense of destruction in that palm.

How can it be?

The crowd was also dumbfounded, because according to the black dragon's inheritance of the meaning of destruction, it was only a moment before and after, but in this short period of time, the black dragon was able to display the meaning of destruction, how could they not be surprised.

The cold middle-aged man's face also changed drastically, as if he had seen a ghost.

The two guardians also shrank their pupils sharply, full of shock.

Boom! !

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and two majestic energies collided, causing the world to tremble.

The energy contained in this blow seemed to be evenly divided, but the terrifying intent of destruction was like a dragon rampaging, tearing apart the cold middle-aged attack, and directly crashed into it.

Suddenly, the cold middle-aged man flew out like a kite with a broken string as if struck by lightning.

A huge wound on the abdomen seemed to be swallowed by a giant beast, and it was still spreading rapidly.

The cold middle-aged man couldn't help but let out a scream.

The crowd was completely stunned, one by one, like stone sculptures, watching this scene in disbelief.

"No! How could this be? You can't control the meaning of destruction so quickly."

The cold middle-aged man's face was ashen, his pupils were full of fear, and his face was pale. The blow just now had already caused him great trauma.

Just kidding, the meaning of destruction is no child's play, and how can ordinary people be able to bear it.

"Trash! It's a surprise! How can you understand that this king has to destroy the master's personal inheritance?"

Heilong pretended to be calm, but in fact he was even more shocked than a cold middle-aged man. However, he was more ecstatic than shocked, and his demeanor became extremely domineering.

"Dare to offend this king, you deserve to die!"

As he said that, his pupils shrank suddenly, and a killing intent emerged.

The cold middle-aged man suddenly turned pale with fright.

Fortunately, at this time, the two guardians who had not spoken all this time finally spoke, "Lord Black Dragon, please calm down, this is just a misunderstanding, please be merciful."

The one who spoke was Protector Xuanyin, with a complicated look on his face, looking at the black dragon strangely.

But on the surface it looks quite polite, but inside...

"Forget it! Let them discuss first."

Facing the cold middle age, Heilong still had some confidence, but facing the two guardians, he really didn't know what to do. Fortunately, Fang Yi's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness at the right time.

Immediately, he nodded, pretending to say: "I don't care about the face of the Dharma protector."

"Thank you, Lord Black Dragon!"

Protector Xuanyin's expression fluctuated, as if he couldn't handle the black dragon.

And now is not the best time, no matter what, the Destroying Sovereign has indeed conveyed the intention of destruction to the opponent, so, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he can't make a move, and it's not easy to make a move.

It would be fine if it was just him alone, but there is also a Zhenyang protector, so...

"Okay! Let's go back first!"


The two guardians are responsible for cleaning up the battlefield, or they may be discussing other matters.

Fang Yi and Heilong had already arrived at another intact hall.

"Scared... Scared this king to death, my dear! It's so dangerous!"

Without outsiders, Heilong breathed a sigh of relief immediately, with a look of undecided shock, but behind this, there was still a trace of excitement, and his eyes were bright.

"How is it? My buddy didn't embarrass you, did he?"

He looked at Fang Yi and asked.

Fang Yi couldn't help giving him a blank look, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The black dragon's performance was indeed good, allowing the plan to be successfully implemented.

Needless to say, it was Fang Yi's masterpiece that the Destroying Monarch finally turned into a Destroying True Dragon.

And the black dragon can display the meaning of destruction, as well.

In fact, the Destroying True Dragon already contained all the energy of the Destroying Sovereign. In the eyes of outsiders, the True Destroying Dragon ended up in the Black Dragon's body, but in fact, more of it was in Fang Yi's body.

There is only a little in the black dragon's body.

With this little, Fang Yi can easily use the black dragon's hand to display the meaning of destruction, giving everyone the illusion that the black dragon has controlled the meaning of destruction.

Make full preparations for the next Black Dragon to officially take over the Temple of Destruction.

"Look at how promising you are, whether you will be ashamed or not depends on how you destroy the monarch next."

Fang Yi made a joke, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

To be able to complete the plan so smoothly, eradicate and destroy the monarch in one fell swoop, and at the same time severely injure the night devil king, even he finds it a bit inconceivable.

However, in addition to this, he also has some doubts, that is the way of evil ghosts.

Evil Guidao didn't take any action, which really surprised him. Could it be that Eguidao just had a grudge with that woman as he had guessed?

There is also the Night Demon King, although this time he has severely injured the other party, it is tantamount to forming a life-and-death grudge with the other party.

I'm afraid in the future...

"Destroy the monarch? Dude, do you really want me to be the destroying monarch? Although the two guardians didn't say anything on the surface, they definitely wouldn't agree, and they might do something behind their backs."

When Heilong heard this, his expression was extremely solemn, but behind this solemnity, a pair of eyes shone slightly.

"No! They won't have the chance."

Fang Yi's mouth curled up with a hint of coldness, and he replied.


(End of this chapter)

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