Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2606 Trading

Chapter 2606 Trading

"What do you all think, let's talk about it!"

In another hall, all the powerhouses of the Temple of Destruction gathered together.

The fall of the Destroyer Monarch was something that no one had expected. They were a little caught off guard and full of doubts, the death of the Destroyer Monarch, and the real dragon that condensed the meaning of destruction.

"What else is there to say, an outsider must never be allowed to become the monarch who destroys the temple."

"Yes! The origins of those two people are unknown, and their cultivation is not as good as the two Dharma Protectors. How they can become the destroying monarchs is simply wishful thinking."

"well said!"

The crowd was filled with righteous indignation, obviously extremely dissatisfied with the Black Dragon becoming the successor.

No wonder, the black dragon is just an outsider.

The two guardians had a panoramic view of everyone's expressions, and a hint of satisfaction flashed in the depths of their eyes.

"However, when your majesty was dying, he did leave the intention of destruction to him. Don't we want to disobey your majesty's intention?"

Among the crowd, there is also no shortage of people who are loyal to the Destroyer Monarch.

Although they were somewhat surprised by this result, since it was the choice to destroy the monarch, they seemed to have no intention of betraying.

In fact, for most people, it doesn't matter who is the ruler of destruction, and it has nothing to do with them, especially those ordinary disciples, who also obey orders.

However, those powerhouses are quite different.

"Bastard! Why do you say disobedience?"

"Why did your majesty ever say that you want him to inherit the position of the destroying monarch? As for the destroying true dragon, hmph, this matter is full of doubts. Why your majesty will fall may have a lot to do with it."

At this time, the guardian Xuanyin scolded.

What he said was not aimless, but he did have doubts. As a strong man who returned to the sky, although he failed to understand everything behind it, the fall of the Destroyer King did make him full of doubts.

You know, that is a strong man who manifests his holiness, how could he fall so easily.

Of course, the object of his suspicion is more the Night Demon King. After all, the black dragon is the only one who knows what to do, and he doesn't think the other party can play any tricks.

It's just that at this juncture, you can only push it on the opponent.

"Master Xuanyin is right. That person must have planned it long ago. In my opinion, it is better to take that person down and torture him."

"I agree!"

The supporters of Xuanyin Dharma echoed one after another.

Obviously, this is not so much a discussion about whether or not to let the black dragon become the new destroying monarch, it is better to say that these people want to use this opportunity to ascend to the throne themselves.

It's a pity that there are two guardians, but Xuanyin's guardian is not the one who has the final say.

"What about after taking it down? Who should inherit and destroy the monarch?"

Finally, someone asked the tricky question.

The hall fell into silence all of a sudden, the faces of Guardian Xuanyin and Guardian Zhenyang became a little strange, and no one spoke in a hurry.

Advocates of each have argued, however.

"Of course it is Xuanyin Dharma Protector. When Your Majesty is here, Master Xuanyin is in charge of almost all matters."

"You can't say that. The Zhenyang protector is as powerful as the sky. Who can be more qualified than him."


In the main hall, there was a noisy group, and it was impossible to leave.

Fang Yi couldn't help shaking his head in the dark. Sure enough, both the underworld and the spirit world are unavoidable. For the so-called rights, these people...

But that's okay, he has a chance if there are conflicts, otherwise, if these people are monolithic, it will be more troublesome.

"Okay! Why are you arguing? Your Majesty has just left, and you all want to rebel?"

At this time, Protector Zhenyang, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, his face was gloomy, like frost in the cold winter.

The huge hall suddenly fell silent.

"Master Zhenyang is right. There are still many guests who have not left. We will discuss this matter later, so as not to make people laugh at us."

Guardian Xuanyin also agreed.

Obviously, the two guardians knew that such an argument would lead to no conclusions, so they could only let it go for the time being.

Naturally, the crowd dared not talk too much, after all, it would never be their turn no matter what.

"It's all gone! Be careful, in case Night Demon Realm counterattacks again."


Everyone took orders and retreated one by one.

"Zhenyang, with your character, you probably don't have any thoughts about destroying the position of the monarch, why this time..."

There were only two guardians left in the hall, Guardian Xuanyin spoke first, with some doubts in his eyes.

As one of the two guardians, they must know each other well.

Protector Zhenyang has always paid more attention to cultivation, and seldom interferes with the destruction of the temple. As for the destruction of the monarch, Xuanyin believes that the other party must not have much interest.

But this time, the other party didn't make a statement.

"You really know me well!"

Protector Zhenyang glanced sideways at Protector Xuanyin, and said, "That's right! I have no interest, but Your Majesty is kind to me, so the Temple of Destruction cannot be wiped out."

"And you are not enough to protect the Temple of Destruction."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Guardian Xuanyin couldn't help sneering, and asked back, "Could it be you?"

"No! Neither can I!"

Unexpectedly, Guardian Zhenyang shook his head and said, "Neither you nor I can guarantee the safety of the Temple of Destruction. Although the King of Night Demons has been injured, he will make a comeback in a short time. Then, how can we resist?"

As soon as these words came out, Guardian Xuanyin's face couldn't help but become a little ugly.

Naturally, he didn't think about that day, he just thought about taking one step at a time, the big deal...

"Could it be, are you ready to surrender?"

There was a faint trace of questioning in the tone of Zhenyang Protector.

Protector Xuanyin's complexion suddenly changed, as if he was being seen through.

"If you really think so, this seat will never agree, and the disciples below will certainly not agree. At that time, the Temple of Destruction will definitely exist in name only."

Protector Zhenyang's firm attitude caused Fang Yi, who was in the dark, to look sideways.

I thought that the other party was also trying to destroy the position of the monarch, but I never thought... that he is a rare man of temperament.

"Let's get rid of the Night Demon King. Once the news of today spreads, other forces will also be ready to move. Next, the Temple of Destruction will face the biggest test. Are you sure you can do it?"

Protector Zhenyang asked again.

These words undoubtedly made Guardian Xuanyin at a loss as to how to answer, so he could only say: "Maybe I can't do it, but what about you? Can you do it? If neither of us can do it, who else can do it by destroying the temple?"

This time, it was the turn of Protector Zhenyang to be silent.

Because what Guardian Xuanyin said was undoubtedly the truth, besides the two of them, who else would destroy the temple?

"We may not be able to. As long as we get the meaning of destruction, we may be able to break through to the Supreme Manifestation. At that time, it will be enough to ensure the safety of the Temple of Destruction."

"If not, the meaning of destruction is entrusted to you, you can concentrate on comprehending it, and the temple of destruction is entrusted to me, and we will guard it together, how about it?"

Protector Xuanyin offered temptation and proposed some kind of deal.

It has to be said that these words made Protector Zhenyang a little moved, and his eyes could not help but light up slightly.

In fact, he had no better choice.

"You really believe what he says?"

However, just as he was about to agree, a strange voice suddenly sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness.


(End of this chapter)

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