Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2608 Strong Repression

Chapter 2608 Strong Repression

"What did you say? Let that kid inherit the position of the King of Destruction?"

It was still the same hall, and still the high-level members of the Temple of Destruction, but the attitude of the Zhenyang Dharma Protector was completely different.

"Zhenyang, what is your intention? You want a stranger to become the monarch who destroys the temple?"

Protector Xuanyin's face was gloomy, and he looked at Protector Zhenyang in disbelief. Maybe he never dreamed that the other party would make such a decision.

Obviously the other party didn't have such an attitude before, but in the blink of an eye...

The same goes for all the senior members of the Temple of Destruction. They all looked at the Zhenyang Guardian in astonishment, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

"This Dharma protector knows that it is difficult for everyone to accept, but everyone, don't forget, the decision made by the emperor when he was dying."

"Besides, this is the Temple of Destruction. Besides him, who else has understood the meaning of destruction?"

Protector Zhenyang asked back.

The reason why the Temple of Destruction is called the Temple of Destruction is precisely because of the meaning of destruction that destroys the monarch, and once this meaning of destruction is lost, the Temple of Destruction will undoubtedly not be worthy of the name.

"So what? Why Your Majesty made this decision is unknown, maybe it has something to do with him."

"With him as an outsider, how can he be able to convince the public?"

Guardian Xuanyin obviously did not agree.

And all his supporters naturally echoed.

In fact, it was difficult for anyone to accept this matter. After all, the black dragon was just an outsider, and now he was going to become the ruler of the Temple of Destruction. How could they agree.

"Whether he can convince the crowd will become clear in the future. The Night Demon Realm is his biggest test. Could it be that you can lead everyone to fight against the Night Demon Realm?"

Protector Zhenyang asked again.

As soon as these words came out, everyone choked up, not knowing how to answer.

Just kidding, the Night Demon Realm is so powerful that it was impossible to fight back when the Destroying Monarch was around, let alone now.

"Oh! I can't wait, do you think he can do it?"

Protector Xuanyin sneered again and again, his face full of sarcasm.

He had exchanged with Zhenyang Protector before, so he had a good understanding of Zhenyang Protector's thoughts, but the behavior of the other party really puzzled him.

"He understood the meaning of destruction, I believe him! Your Majesty also chose him, didn't he?"

Zhenyang Dharma protector said.

It's just that at the same time as he said this, a trace of uncertainty flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"Oh! It's a big joke. You are so wishful, but you..." Protector Xuanyin laughed back angrily, and looked at Protector Zhenyang full of sarcasm.

"Okay! Since you say you believe him, let me try him. If he can win me, I will recognize him as the destructive monarch."

The Xuanyin Guardian's eyes overflowed with a cold light, revealing his killing intent.

In this world where the weak prey on the strong, in the end, everything is still the fault of strength.


The crowd was also outraged.


However, at this moment, a cold voice sounded, and along with this voice, a ripple rippled in the air, and the figure of the black dragon stepped slowly from it.

The black dragon is still the same black dragon, but it gives people a feeling, but it seems a little different.

Even more indifferent, the breath is also more fierce.

Of course, because the black dragon at this moment is no longer the real black dragon, but Fang Yi transformed through the prisoner sky changing mirror.

Naturally, the Black Dragon is not the opponent of Xuanyin Guardian, even if Fang Yi left him a little bit of destruction, it is still not enough to defeat Xuanyin Guardian, but Fang Yi himself is more than enough, so...

"It's you! You dare to break into the temple of destruction, courting death!"

Xuanyin Guardian's eyes suddenly turned cold, like a poisonous snake.

All the senior members of the Temple of Destruction also looked at Fang Yi in shock, with anger, suspicion, and doubts, which were extremely complicated.

A look of astonishment also flashed in the eyes of Guardian Zhenyang.

He didn't doubt Fang Yi's strength, but for the black dragon..., now, the black dragon showed up so aboveboard, no doubt beyond his expectations.

It also made him full of curiosity.

"Do you also know that this is the most important place for the Temple of Destruction? Then do you know that this king is the new heir selected by the previous King of Destruction?"

Fang Yi's expression was indifferent, and he was unmoved at all, and his light voice sounded immediately.

Subduing the True Yang Protector and getting the support of the other party is equivalent to getting some kind of recognition. The next step is to show the absolute crushing strength in front of everyone.

Only in this way can the people below truly surrender.

"Presumptuous! Ignorant child, when did your majesty ever say that he wanted you to inherit the throne, it's just wishful thinking."

Xuanyin Dharma Protector was furious, and the aura around him also burst out.

Obviously, he couldn't wait to take Fang Yi down. If it wasn't for the ambiguous attitude of Zhenyang Protector, I'm afraid he wouldn't talk nonsense and directly suppressed it.

"It seems that you are not convinced! Forget it!"

Fang Yi glanced lightly at Protector Xuanyin, "Then I will beat you to death."

As he said that, Fang Yi's eyes turned cold, and a terrifying aura erupted from his body immediately, like an erupting volcano, rushing straight to the sky, the momentum was extremely powerful, and it was extremely shocking.

Obviously, this is what he did on purpose.

Because he not only wanted to win this battle, but also left an indelible impression on everyone.

Only in this way can these people truly surrender from their hearts.

Just like at this moment, everyone's horrified gazes, one by one, all showed inconceivable expressions, even the Xuanyin Guardian, their eyes were full of horror, as if they didn't expect that a mere Dongtian Ruyi could have such a frightening power.

However, this naturally did not scare him.

He only heard him snort coldly, "Hmph! Dongtian Ruyi is Dongtian Ruyi after all, in front of me, don't play tricks and lie down for me."

Accompanied by the stern voice, one of his giant palms has been thrust out violently, and the terrifying energy is like a mountain torrent, rushing for thousands of miles.

If this were replaced by ordinary Dongtian Ruyi, there is no doubt that it would be an extremely bleak end.

But unfortunately, he was facing Fang Yi.


Hearing a heaven-shattering dragon chant, Fang Yi's whole body, the terrifying intent of destruction instantly twisted into a real dragon of destruction, and tumbling towards the mountain torrent.

Even though the mountain torrent was tyrannical, before the Destroying True Dragon, it was like a piece of paper. It tore a hole in an instant, and the Destroying True Dragon followed this hole and shattered all the way away.

How can it be?

Xuanyin Protector's pupils changed drastically, because this strong sense of destruction was undoubtedly far beyond his imagination.

Any energy in front of it seems to become vulnerable.

What made him even more unacceptable was that this sense of destruction seemed to be stronger than the previous destroying monarch, but how could this be possible?

However, the facts were before his eyes, and he couldn't help but not believe it.

And the crowd was also stunned at this moment, their mouths became O-shaped, speechless in horror.

No wonder, because the real dragon of destruction couldn't help but shattered away with an incomparable aura. What's even more incredible is that in the eyes of everyone, Fang Yi didn't move from the beginning to the end, only relying on the aura around him to condense the real dragon.

And just like that, the attack of Xuanyin Guardian has been disintegrated.

Even in the end, it flew out directly.

At this moment, there was a sound of needles falling in the huge hall, and the surroundings seemed to fall into a deathly silence.


(End of this chapter)

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