Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2609 It's too much fun.

Chapter 2609 It's too much fun.


Fang Yi's faint voice also sounded.

Although the sound was soft, it sounded like a heavy shell when it landed in this silent hall.

The crowd looked at all this in horror, looking at the pale-faced Guardian Xuanyin, who was speechless for a long time, and Guardian Zhenyang also glanced at him, his eyes full of shock.

He has seen Fang Yi's dominance before, but it was unexpected that the 'Black Dragon' was so powerful.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel a little restless in his heart. Perhaps, with these two people, it might not be possible to really protect and destroy the temple.

It has to be said that before this, Protector Zhenyang still had a skeptical attitude, and the reason why he supported Fang Yi was naturally the land of rules.

But at this moment, a glimmer of hope rose in his heart.

"Impossible, you are nothing but wishful thinking!"

On the court, if it is said that the most difficult to accept all of this, it is undoubtedly the guardian of Xuanyin.

Thinking of him being dignified and returning to the one realm of the cave, he has never paid attention to the wish of the cave, but the facts in front of him...

The horror of the destruction of the real dragon completely overturned his cognition. In his opinion, it was impossible for a Dongtian Ruyi to unleash a blow.

But the facts were right in front of him, and he couldn't help but believe it.

"What? Are you still not convinced? If you are stubborn, then the king will beat you until you are convinced."

Fang Yi's eyes darkened, and two cold lights shot away, followed by a stampede on his feet.


Immediately, the whole hall trembled, and Fang Yi's figure seemed to be lifted up in an instant, like a giant of heaven and earth, surrounded by dragon shadows, oppressing all directions.

The crowd backed away in fright, their faces full of fear.

Even Xuanyin Protector was similar, his face turned completely white in a blink of an eye, and he couldn't help stepping back subconsciously.

The power of the real dragon has a suppressive effect on everything.

The Destroying True Dragon is full of endless destruction, which makes people dare not look directly at it, and the Xuanyin Guardian is no exception.

Boom! !

Seeing the True Destroyer Dragon condense again, hovering between the heaven and the earth, like the ruler of all things.

Protector Zhenyang's eyes changed drastically, and he stood up quickly, "Master Black Dragon is merciful, we are willing to regard Master Black Dragon as the new ruler of destruction."

"I've seen Lord Destroyer!"

The crowd was also so frightened that they bowed down one by one.

"What about you?" Fang Yi was overjoyed, but there was still no emotion on his face, and he couldn't help but look at Guardian Xuanyin with his sharp eyes.

At this moment, Xuanyin Protector's face was already pale, although his eyes were still full of unwillingness, but he had to bow his head and say: "I have seen you, Your Majesty!"

"Very good! Hahaha!!"

Fang Yi couldn't help laughing out loud as he watched the crowd submitting to destroy the high-rises of the temple.

"This king knows that you are unwilling, but it won't take long for you to be thankful for today's decision. Although this king is not talented, it is enough to make the strength of Destroy the Temple to a higher level."

"And you, as long as you sincerely surrender to this king, this king will also help you break through the holy state."


Hearing this, Protector Xuanyin was undoubtedly stunned, full of disbelief.

However, afterward, he saw Guardian Zhenyang nodding towards him, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.


"Tsk tsk! Dude, this... is it done? It's too childish!"

Heilong didn't know what happened in the hall. What he knew was that he was brought to an endless dark space by Fang Yi, and after that, Fang Yi came back and told him that everything was settled.

It made him feel so incredible and child's play.

Fang Yi didn't tell him about Chang Tian's mirror, not because he didn't trust him, but because it was unnecessary.

"Are you sure, those guys are really willing to let me be the ruler of destruction?"

Heilong was obviously worried, and confirmed again.

Fang Yi rolled his eyes at him, a little speechless, and said: "Of course there is no problem right now, but if your strength has not improved, then it may not be so."

Intentionally motivate the black dragon.

In fact, it is true, after all, strength is everything.

When I was here, the two guardians naturally couldn't make any big waves, but if I left one day, the black dragon had to rely on him.

"Strength? Dude, are you kidding me?"

"No matter how powerful this king is, those two great protectors are in the same realm. I..."

The black dragon was obviously a little weak.

Although Fang Yi can ignore the gap between Dongtian Ruyi and Dongtian Guiyi, in the eyes of the black dragon, it is no less than a sky, so...

"Look at how promising you are, have you forgotten the real dragon of destruction?"

Fang Yi glanced at the black dragon with contempt. The real dragon of destruction was naturally his masterpiece. The real dragon of destruction almost devoured all the energy of the monarch of destruction, and part of it was kept in the black dragon by Fang Yi. As long as the black dragon refines these Energy, comprehend those meanings of destruction, and it won't take long to break through to the unity of the cave and the sky.

Even, can really control some meaning of destruction.

Of course, more energy is in Fang Yi's body. In other words, once Fang Yi is refined, he will step into the cave and return to oneness soon.


Knowing all this, the black dragon was overjoyed, and immediately tried to refine it.

Fang Yi smiled and also closed his eyes.


"Zhenyang, what do you know? You actually believe him?"

It was still the original hall, but the difference was that everyone had withdrawn, leaving only two guardians. At this moment, Guardian Xuanyin was staring at Guardian Zhenyang quietly, with a questioning tone in his tone.

"Is it useful if you don't believe it? Are you his opponent?"

Protector Zhenyang looked blank, and asked back.

"You!" Guardian Xuanyin was impatient, but there was no way to refute, "Yes! I am indeed no match for him, but no matter how powerful he is, as long as you and I join forces, plus other people, even if he has the power to surpass the sky Can never be an opponent."

This is undoubtedly true.

Although Fang Yi is strong, he has not reached the Holy Realm after all, so it is impossible that there is no upper limit.

It is precisely because of this that he took the True Yang Protector as a breakthrough.

"And then? You will continue to lead the Temple of Destruction? Then the question I asked earlier, can you do it? If you are not even an opponent, how can you defeat the Night Demon King?"

It was still the same words, but the corners of Xuanyin Guardian's mouth couldn't help twitching.

"Could it be that he can do it?"

Immediately, Guardian Xuanyin shouted, and his face became extremely cold.

"I don't know!" Protector Zhenyang shook his head, "But there is one zodiac that can be sure, he may really allow us to break through to the Holy Realm."

"What did you say?"

Xuanyin Protector's pupils shrank sharply, and a flash of shock flashed across his face.

"There is no need to doubt, this seat is not a person who is greedy for life and fears death, and, with him alone, although this seat is invincible, it will not be too difficult to escape."

"Perhaps, this is an opportunity for the two of us."

Protector Zhenyang's eyes were bright, and his expression was full of longing.


(End of this chapter)

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