Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2610 Whereabouts of Disciples from Nine States

Chapter 2610 Whereabouts of Kyushu Disciples

Time is like water, and in the next few days, everything went smoothly, and the black dragon successfully became the new monarch of the Temple of Destruction.

The two guardians surrendered, so the others naturally didn't dare to say much.

When it comes to the black dragon himself, it's like being in a dream, which is incredible.

Fortunately, he was once regarded as the master of a domain, and with Fang Yi as a powerful backer, he quickly adapted to his new identity.

However, because of this, he has become more and more motivated these days, practicing desperately.

Most of them realized that their cultivation was too low.

Fang Yi is the same, almost all the energy that destroys the monarch has been swallowed up by him, and he has not yet come to refine it. Once refined, he will be able to successfully step into the realm of the cave and heaven, and he can't wait for a long time.

However, there are more important things right now.

"A Kyushu disciple?"

Protector Zhenyang frowned deeply, as if lost in deep thought.

For Fang Yi's sudden question, he was obviously unprepared, for a while...

"Master Hui, it seems familiar, but..." Protector Zhenyang glanced at Fang Yi slightly, observing his words, as if trying to figure out why Fang Yi asked about this matter.


However, Fang Yi's face darkened, but he didn't give him the slightest chance.

"Yes!" Seeing this, Protector Zhenyang had no choice but to respond, "Young Master Hui, I don't know the exact subordinates. I only know that hundreds of years ago, there was a group of people who claimed to be disciples of Kyushu. They seemed to suddenly appear in Huangquanhai. Before that, no one has seen them, and they are not weak, and then there is news that they come from the spirit world."

"As soon as the news came out, it caused a great commotion in Huangquanhai. Young Master also knows that there are barriers in the three realms, and only those who are strong in the immortal realm can break through the barriers and enter other realms."

"Although these people are not weak in strength, they are obviously far from the Immortal Realm. Therefore, strong people from all walks of life want to find out their origins."

Protector Zhenyang didn't dare to hide it, so he came up with a ten-fifth way.

"Does this include you?"

Fang Yi asked with a gloomy face.

Protector Zhenyang looked at Fang Yi in fear, obviously aware of Fang Yi's strangeness, but he didn't dare to hide anything, and hurriedly said: "My lord, the previous monarch tried to find out their origins, but the subordinates have always Pay little attention to the affairs of the sect, so I did not participate."

"However, I heard afterwards that the two parties did not have much contact at all, because there are too many strong people from all walks of life, and they restrain each other, so..."

"Is that so? Then why did I hear that the destruction of the temple has the most entanglements with them?"

Fang Yi's face darkened. At the beginning, Gu Feng only mentioned the destruction of the temple, but did not mention other forces. Obviously, the destruction of the temple must play a very important role in this. If not, Gu Feng should not have mentioned the destruction of the temple alone.

Of course, it is not ruled out that before Fang Yi asked, several people happened to talk about destroying the temple.


Protector Zhenyang was obviously taken aback, and immediately said: "Young Master Hui, it may be related to their appearance. It is rumored that they first appeared in the area ruled by the Temple of Destruction, but after they were discovered, they left the Temple of Destruction and lived in various places. Under the pursuit of the forces, he fled all the way."

Hearing this, Fang Yi's face darkened again.

But he still suppressed his anger and asked, "Where did they go after that?"

"This, my subordinates are not very clear about it. There are rumors that they fled all the way into the deepest reincarnation domain of Huangquanhai."

Reincarnation domain?

Fang Yi frowned. He had heard Heilong mention this place.

Legend has it that the realm of reincarnation is the foundation of the entire Huangquanhai and even the underworld. No one can control it, and there is chaos there. There is one of the highest artifacts in the legend of the underworld, the gate of reincarnation, which controls the path of reincarnation of all creatures in the three realms.

Once you step into it, it is possible to re-enter reincarnation.

Re-entering reincarnation is naturally not that simple, everything will start from scratch, and everything will be completely wiped out without leaving any traces.

Therefore, no one dared to step into it.

Even if there are, they are some desperate people.

If the Kyushu disciples really entered it, it is very likely that they will no longer exist.

"you sure?"

Fang Yi obviously couldn't accept it, and asked.

The sharp eyes made even Guardian Zhenyang shudder, and said hastily: "Young Master Hui, this is just a rumor, and my subordinates are not sure what it is."

"However, not long after this incident came out, there was no news soon, as if they disappeared overnight."

Protector Zhenyang didn't dare to be negligent, and told the whole story.

Fang Yi's brows could not help but wrinkle even tighter.

Because according to what Guardian Zhenyang said, the Kyushu disciples were only a flash in the pan in Huangquanhai, and there was no way to find out.

However, no matter how difficult it is to check, he can't give up.

"My lord, is it possible that these people really come from the spirit world and know how to pass through the barriers of the three realms?" Protector Zhenyang seemed to be a little curious, and asked tentatively.

"You don't need to know these things. Your task is to start today and find out everything about the disciples of the Kyushu. From their appearance to their disappearance, I must know everything."

For Fang Yi's domineering, Guardian Zhenyang was obviously not used to it.

However, sensing Fang Yi's sharp gaze, he didn't dare to say any more, so he could only respond: "Yes! It's just..."

"Just what?"

Fang Yi glanced at him, and then said coldly: "Is that a land of rules? I always say the same thing, as long as you work hard for me, I will naturally help you break through the holy realm."


Received the answer, Guardian Zhenyang was overjoyed immediately, and immediately wanted to leave.

"Wait, I ask you, what is the relationship between the destruction of the temple and the way of evil ghosts? What kind of grievances are there?"

After the evil ghost killed Concubine Hua, he didn't do anything again. Fang Yi was always moved by this incident. It stands to reason that the other party did not hesitate to sneak into the Temple of Destruction. It should be more than that simple.

But in fact, the other party really didn't make any moves, which made Fang Yi curious.

At the same time, there is also a little more vigilance.

However, to his disappointment, Guardian Zhenyang shook his head and said, "Master Hui, as far as I know, there is no grudge against destroying the temple and the evil ghosts."

"It's the Kyushu disciples that the young master inquired about. I heard that the ghost mother was very interested in them back then. When the previous monarch pursued the Kyushu disciples, he was stopped by the evil ghosts. In view of the strength of the evil ghosts. , the previous monarch had to give up in the end.”

"If you really want to inquire about the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples, the evil ghost may know more."

Oh?Evil ghost said!

Fang Yi's eyes sank slightly, "In addition to the Kyushu disciples, I also pay close attention to every move of the evil ghosts. I want to know their whereabouts."

"Also, I will always keep an eye on the movements of the Night Demon Realm."

The King of Night Demons suffered a serious injury, so naturally he would not let it go, Fang Yi had to guard against it, after all, he was a powerful man.

Before he breaks through, he still has no chance of winning against the strong man.


Protector Zhenyang didn't dare to be negligent, and retreated out after saying yes.


(End of this chapter)

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