Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2612 Night Demon Realm

Chapter 2612 Night Demon Realm

"Who are you? Give me a way out? It's a big joke!"

Although Ye Xingchen has been imprisoned, he still seems to have the arrogance of a general powerful disciple.

Or maybe, in his opinion, Fang Yi can't be the master at all. After all, this is the base camp of the Temple of Destruction, and Fang Yi is at best one of the many guests.

"act recklessly!"

Fang Yi snorted coldly, obviously losing his patience, he reached out with his giant palm and directly grabbed Ye Xingchen's head.

"You! What do you want to do? My son is the disciple of the night devil king. Even the king of destruction dare not kill me. How dare you touch me?"

Ye Xingchen was visibly panicked, even though his mouth was still stiff, his expression of fear had already betrayed him.

"The night devil king?"

"Hmph! Didn't you hear what I just said, he is in danger now."

Fang Yi said coldly.

The reason why he came to meet Ye Xingchen was to learn about the situation of the Night Demon Realm from the other party, and to see if he could find any useful information.

After all, when he went to the Night Demon Realm this time, what he would face might be several strong men who manifested their holiness, so he couldn't afford to be negligent, so he didn't act in a hurry.

"No! Impossible! You are lying, Master is so powerful that it is absolutely impossible to be hurt."

Ye Xingchen obviously couldn't accept Fang Yi's words, and shook his head desperately.

"Don't you believe me? Then I will let you have a look!"

As Fang Yi said, he pinched his five fingers, and a huge image appeared in front of Ye Xingchen's eyes. It was the scene of the battle that day.

Ye Xingchen's pupils were wide open, filled with inconceivable colors.

Especially when he saw that the Night Demon King was defeated, his whole face turned extremely pale.

"How? I believe it now! I can also tell you that the Nightmare King and the Dark Lord have entered the Night Demon Realm with the intention of annexing them."

what! !

Hearing this, Ye Xingchen's face became even more ugly and bloodless.

At the same time, the way he looked at Fang Yi became a little different, because everything on the video not only confirmed Fang Yi's words, but also made him understand one thing.

"It's you! You put the head in."

"Not too stupid!"

Fang Yi glanced at him and admitted generously.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" Ye Xingchen gritted his teeth, as if he wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces, but unfortunately...

"You don't need to know, I am not interested in telling you these things. Now I will give you a way to survive. I will tell you everything you know about the Night Demon Realm, the King of Night Demon Realm, and the Dark Demon Realm. I may I can give you a way to survive, otherwise..."

Fang Yi said, his eyes turned cold, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The so-called know yourself, know your enemy, and win a hundred battles. He has to be extra careful in the face of countless powerful men.

Even though Ye Xingchen's strength is still very low, and he may not have contact with many things, but no matter what, he is also a member of the Night Demon Realm, and even a disciple of the Night Demon King.

However, contrary to Fang Yi's expectations, Ye Xingchen laughed out loud.

Asked back: "Will you really let me go?"

Fang Yi couldn't help being taken aback by these words.


From the beginning to the end, Fang Yi never thought about letting the other party go. Although Ye Xingchen was not worth mentioning in his eyes, the Temple of Destruction had just stabilized, so he didn't want to cause trouble.

"You clearly planned it long ago. You probably won't let me go if you provoked the war between the Night Demon Realm and the Temple of Destruction. However, I really want to remind you of one thing. One, it's not that simple."

"He will definitely ask you to settle this account! Hahaha!!"


Ye Xingchen died because he didn't know how to praise. Fang Yi was not a bloodthirsty person, but he was also not a soft-hearted person either.

However, he didn't gain nothing from the opponent.

At the very least, it made him a little more vigilant against the Night Demon King.

In fact, there was another reason why Fang Yi came to see Ye Xingchen, and that was why the Night Demon King was defeated in the first place.

Although that blow did severely wound the Night Demon King, coupled with the attack of the Destroying Monarch, I believe the Night Demon King must be uncomfortable.

However, no matter how uncomfortable it is, the Destroyer Monarch has already fallen.

Under such circumstances, the opponent shouldn't retreat immediately. Although his palm is domineering, it doesn't have the power of rules.

It's not enough to scare the opponent away.

But in fact, the Night Demon King withdrew without much hesitation, so Fang Yi had doubts.

And Ye Xingchen's words undoubtedly tended to this.

It can be regarded as confirming Fang Yi's guess from the side, and made him more wary.


Night Demon Realm!

Located on the west side of the Temple of Destruction, at the junction of the two major forces, at this moment, there are a group of disciples of the Temple of Destruction.

"I've met Mr. Fang, I've met Lord Xuanyin!"

Facing the group of disciples, Fang Yi was looking towards the direction of the Night Demon Realm, while Guardian Xuanyin also stood quietly aside.


I saw him nodding his head, turned to look at the crowd and asked, "Have you ever found out where the evil ghost is now?"

"Master Hui Xuanyin, the subordinates are ordered not to get too close. However, they still found some traces of Evil Ghost Dao disciples. Judging from the situation, there are not a few strong Evil Ghost Dao who have entered the Night Demon Realm this time."

Immediately, a disciple hurriedly reported everything he had found out.


Protector Xuanyin was a little surprised, "Have you ever figured out their intentions?"

"Master Hui Xuanyin, I don't know yet. So far, the Evil Ghost Dao has no intention of making a move. It cannot be ruled out that it is because of the intervention of the Dream Demon King and the Dark Demon King."

The disciple continued.

According to what he said, at this moment, the Night Demon Territory is surging, and everything is normal on the surface, and none of the four major forces have made a move.

But behind the scenes, it is not something they can easily find out.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think?"

Knowing all this, Guardian Xuanyin couldn't help looking at Fang Yi, and asked carefully.

Judging by his expression, it was obvious that Fang Yi had already gained a certain understanding of his strength, not surprising, he must have learned everything from the mouth of Zhenyang Protector.

Even the matter of the power of the rules, so Fang Yi dared not disrespect him.

"Everyone else stay here! You go with me."

Fang Yi withdrew his gaze, glanced at Guardian Xuanyin, and said calmly.

This trip is to find out the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples, not to deal with the Night Demon Realm, obviously there is no need to make a big fuss, and the current Temple of Destruction is not suitable for a big fanfare.


Although Guardian Xuanyin had some doubts, he still didn't dare to neglect.


At the same time, at the Temple of Destruction, a bloody figure descended at unknown times, and in her hands, a disciple of the Temple of Destruction was trembling.

"I... I don't know, everyone calls him Mr. Fang."

"Really him?"

The bloody figure trembled slightly, and asked again: "Then where is he now?"

"He...he went to Night Demon Realm!"


(End of this chapter)

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