Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2613 Blood Princess

Chapter 2613 Blood Princess

"Young master, it's not far ahead!"

Within the endless sea of ​​yellow springs, two figures galloped towards, and the Guardian Xuanyin pointed to a certain place ahead and said.

This is the foothold of an evil ghost path discovered by the disciples of the Temple of Destruction.

"Hmm! Go and see!"

Fang Yi nodded. The situation in the Night Demon Territory is complicated now. Facing those powerful men who showed their sages, even Fang Yi did not dare to be too ostentatious.

Everything has to be clarified first, so he came here.

"My lord, that's the way of evil ghosts, if..."

Hearing this, Guardian Xuanyin seemed a little worried, he hesitated to speak.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Fang Yi glanced at him slightly. He naturally understood what the other party meant.

It is unwise to offend someone with such strength.

"Back to you, my subordinates are just worried. In addition to several great ghost kings, there are ghost ghost mothers in the Evil Ghost Dao. The ghost ghost mothers are the top existences in the entire Huangquanhai."

"It is said that she is one step away from stepping into the Immortal Realm, so you need to think twice."

Guardian Xuanyin said truthfully.

Facing a character like Ghost Mother, it would be a lie to say that he is not afraid.

Of course, it is impossible for a person like this to come to his door for such trivial matters, but it is undoubtedly the most sensible to avoid provocation as much as possible.

None of the former rulers of destruction dared to touch the bad luck of evil ghosts, so he spoke out to remind them.


However, Fang Yi didn't take it seriously.

One step away from stepping into the Immortal Realm, it must be similar to Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King. It is not that he has never experienced these two strong men.

Of course, he wouldn't be so stupid as to intentionally find himself uncomfortable, and there was absolutely no need for that.

So, he came alone.


"Master Chi Yan has an order, temporarily hold back the troops and wait and see the changes."

In a certain sea area, a middle-aged man exuding a cold aura shouted to a group of disciples in a deep voice.

"Remember, pay close attention to the movements of the disciples of the two major forces, the Dream Demon King and the Dark Demon King."


The disciples did not dare to neglect, and immediately retreated.


At this moment, the eyes of the middle-aged man suddenly turned cold, as if he had discovered something, his sharp eyes turned directly to somewhere in the void.

There, a ripple slowly opened, and two figures appeared following it.

Needless to say, the figures were Fang Yi and Guardian Xuanyin.

It's just that the two of them at this moment are covered in thick fog, making it hard to see clearly.

"Bold! Who are you? Dare to spy on the whereabouts of my evil ghost, and you will die!"

The middle-aged man's face darkened, and a hint of anger emerged.

However, behind this anger, a trace of fear flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he could quietly appear beside him, so he knew the strength of the visitor without even thinking about it.

Immediately, his eyes drifted away, as if he wanted to inform his companions.

But it's a pity that Guardian Xuanyin saw his motives at a glance, and said in his mouth: "Don't waste your energy, these four weeks have been blocked, since you are a newcomer to the cave, hmph..."

There was a hint of disdain in Xuanyin's protector's tone.

This is the contempt of the strong for the weak.

At any rate, it is a cave return to one, and it is still as easy as pie to imprison a newcomer to the cave.

"You...what on earth do you want to do?"

When the middle-aged man heard this, his expression couldn't help changing. He had obviously noticed the change in the surrounding space, and he couldn't help showing a panic on his face.

But he still said in his mouth: "I am an evil ghost general, if you dare to attack me, you are an enemy of the evil ghost, Lord Chi Yan and Ghost Mother will not let you go."

"The Scarlet Flame Ghost King?"

Protector Xuanyin murmured softly, "Are you from the Scarlet Flame Ghost King?"

The middle-aged man seemed to realize that he had slipped his tongue, but it was not a secret, and immediately admitted generously: "That's right! The Scarlet Flame Ghost King is in the Night Demon Realm at this moment, if you are sensible, just leave here, I will treat you like nothing. Happened, otherwise..."

Perhaps Xuanyin's reaction gave the middle-aged man confidence and made him become more domineering when he spoke.

"Bastard! So what about the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, I'll kill you, let's see who knows."

Xuanyin Protector's breath suddenly became cold.

Just kidding, he is also a cave-heaven returning to one realm, although he is full of fear of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, how can he bear it when a newcomer to the cave-heaven realm actually threatens him.

What's more, Fang Yi is still standing aside!

Seeing this, the middle-aged man obviously realized that he had made a slip of the tongue and was about to say something.

But at this time, Fang Yi was the first to speak, "So, it is the Scarlet Flame Ghost King who wants to attack the Night Demon King? Why?"

Fang Yi's voice was indifferent, but there was an undeniable taste.

The middle-aged man's eyes couldn't help flashing a touch of fear, and he seemed to be a little awkward when he spoke, "You... who are you, why should I tell you?"

The voice has not yet fallen, but a giant palm has already reached out first.

The middle-aged man hardly had time to react before he was grabbed by the giant palm and stuck on his neck.

"I won't ask my question a second time. If you die, there will still be many people queuing up outside waiting to answer." The indifferent voice sounded again, as if there was no trace of emotion.

Fang Yi has no time to waste with the other party.

However, Guardian Xuanyin's expression couldn't help changing when he saw this scene, as if he wanted to dissuade him, but in the end he didn't speak.

As for the middle-aged man, his entire face instantly turned pale, full of fear.

"I said I said it!"

Just listen to him hastily said.

"Yes! It's the Scarlet Flame Ghost King. The Red Flame Ghost King suddenly ordered us to enter the Night Demon Realm and be on standby at any time. As for why, I'm not very clear."


Fang Yi's voice remained unchanged, but his five fingers exerted a slight force.

"No!" The middle-aged man's expression changed drastically in fright, and he said anxiously, "I! I really don't know, but I guess it might have something to do with Concubine Xue."

Blood Princess?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help moving, and he asked, "Who is that person? The cause and effect of your trip are all explained."

"Yes, yes!" The middle-aged man responded quickly, not daring to be slighted.

"The reason why Lord Chi Yan led us to leave the evil ghost way this time was originally to attack the Temple of Destruction, but for some reason, Lord Chi Yan suddenly changed his mind and wanted to attack the Night Demon Realm."


Hearing this, Fang Yi didn't have much reaction, because he had expected it.

When it came to Guardian Xuanyin, his complexion couldn't help changing, and he asked, "Why did you take action against the Temple of Destruction?"

"Specifically, me! I don't know. I only know that all of this is related to the blood concubine. It should be that the blood concubine and Lord Chi Yan have reached a certain deal. It is the blood concubine who wants to destroy the temple, so..."

The middle-aged man replied.

"Then what did you all do to destroy the temple? Why did you give up afterwards?"

Guardian Xuanyin asked again.

"No...didn't do anything, just killed Concubine Hua, why did she give up afterwards, most likely it has something to do with Concubine Xue, but I really don't know how."

The middle-aged man begged, and it could be seen that he probably knew that much.

"That's right! Who is the blood concubine?"

Fang Yi asked sharply.


(End of this chapter)

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