Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2614 Night Demon Castle

Chapter 2614 Night Demon Castle

"Concubine Xue! She...I don't know about her."

The middle-aged man was terrified, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would kill him in a fit of anger, and he hurriedly said: "I don't know when the blood concubine suddenly appeared in the evil ghost's way, no one knows her origin, she When she appeared in front of people, her whole body was covered with blood, and she called herself the blood concubine."

"It is said that she is extremely favored by the ghost mother, so she did not dare to inquire about her origin. Even if Master Chi Yan wanted her, he had no choice but to cooperate with him."

"This time, she originally planned to attack the Temple of Destruction, but for some reason, she suddenly changed her mind without any warning."

The middle-aged man knew everything, and under the threat of death, he poured out everything he knew and didn't know.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frown, and looked at Guardian Xuanyin questioningly.

Protector Xuanyin understood, and immediately said: "Master Hui, I have never heard of Concubine Xue."

"Furthermore, if you call yourself the Blood Concubine, there must be a 'Blood Emperor'. But, as far as I know, there are only a few ghost kings in the Evil Ghost Dao except for the Ghost Mother, and there is no such person."

"Me! I really didn't lie to you. Concubine Xue has a mysterious origin. No one knows who she is, maybe Lord Chi Yan knows."

The middle-aged man heard this and quickly defended himself.

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't need to dwell on this issue.

And he believed that it was impossible for the other party to fabricate a person for no reason and push all the causes and effects to that person.

Because there is no need, and in such a situation, I am afraid that the other party will not think of it.

What's more, these are not what he cares about, he just asked casually, what he cares most about is always the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples.

"I'll ask you again, do you know the Kyushu disciples?"

Disciple of Kyushu?

The middle-aged man's expression was obviously stunned. This change was undoubtedly too fast, which made him a little unable to react in time.

However, after a short pause, he seemed to think of something, and said, "Is that group of ghosts who suddenly appeared, suspected to be from the spirit world?"

"Yes! That's them! Where are they now?"

Fang Yi's eyes suddenly became sharp.

The middle-aged man couldn't help shivering, and said quickly: "This! They disappeared a long time ago, and I don't know where they went."

"You do not know?"

Fang Yi's face turned cold, "Then why did I hear that it was you evil ghosts who chased them last, and even, you blocked other people back."

"Yes! There is such a thing, but I was only responsible for blocking other people at the beginning, but I have no way of knowing where they went after that."

"I asked about it afterward, but Lord Chiyan told us to just obey orders and didn't say anything else."

The middle-aged man definitely replied.

These words undoubtedly disappointed Fang Yi, but at the same time, he was also a little surprised.

It stands to reason that the Kyushu disciples are just a group of ordinary ghosts. Even if the major forces are a little curious about their origins, they will not make it so mysterious.

Could it be that there is something hidden in this that I don't know?

Or, they have really entered the realm of reincarnation, if so...

no!You have to ask the Red Flame Ghost King, if it's something else, it's all about Kyushu disciples, Fang Yi will never let it go.

Even if the Scarlet Flame Ghost King is a powerful man.


"Young Master, the future is long, why not wait for me to break through to the Holy Realm..."

Protector Xuanyin observed Fang Yi's determination, but he still tried a word.

Just kidding, that's a strong man who manifested his sage, even if he thinks he is very powerful, he dare not be so presumptuous.

Because in his opinion, it was tantamount to courting death.

If it is not as good as it is, I will bear it for the time being, and wait until I break through the holy realm.

Of course, deep down in his heart, he was actually full of longing for the power of rules. How could Fang Yi not know it, so he glanced at him slightly and said, "What? Are you scared?"

"My lord is serious. Right now is really not the time. With our strength, it is like hitting a stone with an egg."

Guardian Xuanyin replied.


Fang Yi flatly denied, "Now is the right time. If it were normal, we might really have nothing to do, but now that the night demon realm is turbulent, the three major demon kings, together with the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters."

"Don't worry! Since I said that I will help you break through to the Holy Realm, I will definitely do it, as long as you do things for me."


Although Protector Xuanyin had a different opinion, his eyes lit up when he heard the Holy Realm.

"Okay! Next, let's go to Night Demon Valley!"


Night Demon Valley!

It is said to be a valley, but it is actually a huge undersea mountain range, where the night magic castle is located.

Near these surroundings, there is darkness, like an endless dark void, giving people a feeling of loneliness and coldness.

There are only one or two sharp screams from time to time, which makes people's hair stand on end.

And the huge ancient castle in the distance, standing in the darkness, like a city of hell.

"Strange! How can it be so dark here?"

In the darkness, two figures slowly descended.

It was Fang Yi who spoke. He was curiously feeling everything around him, and everything seemed a little weird.

"My lord doesn't know. It is rumored that the Dark Demon Realm is favored by the Dark Emperor. It is always dark here. It is said that in this area, it is much easier to comprehend the rules of the Dark Element than in other places."

Protector Xuanyin replied, with a faint look of longing in his eyes.

Is there such a thing?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but brighten up, and he sensed it seriously.

Regrettably, he didn't notice anything unusual, perhaps because his cultivation base was too low, after all, he was only wishful in the cave, and there was always a thin line between him and the cave.

"This gentleman asks you, if the injury of the Night Demon King is not as serious as imagined, do you believe it or not?"

Withdrawing his thoughts, Fang Yi couldn't help turning his eyes to the ancient castle in the distance, and asked.


Guardian Xuanyin seemed a little unsure, and said: "Probably not, if he is not seriously injured, there is no need to leave in a hurry, could it be..."

While pondering, he seemed to think of something, and suddenly said: "You mean, he noticed the existence of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, so he retreated in a hurry?"

"Not bad!"

Fang Yi nodded, he had been unable to figure out this question before.

But after learning that the Scarlet Flame Ghost King has been staring at everything that destroyed the temple in the dark, the behavior of the Night Devil King is not surprising.

Although at that time, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King might not be ready to take action against the Night Demon King, but a strong man like that would never put himself in danger, so...

"It is very possible that the five great demon kings of the Dark Demon Realm are all extremely extraordinary."

There was a look of solemnity and fear on the face of Guardian Xuanyin.

I just heard him continue: "The king of the night devil, it is said that what he comprehends is the way of the heart demon. He is extremely cunning, maybe he has been waiting for today."

"If that's the case, then Night Demon Realm will really have a good show to watch."

As he said that, there was still a look of anticipation faintly in Xuanyin's eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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