Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2617 2 Great Demon Kings

Chapter 2617 Two Demon Kings

"Kill kill kill!!"

Outside Night Devil Fort, shouts of killing soared into the sky like a tide.

The King of Nightmare, the King of Darkness, and a group of disciples have already surrounded the entire Night Devil Fortress. If the entire fortress was not enveloped by a strange black light, they might have already entered.

But even so, there are still many disciples attacking the black light, and the majestic attacks collided with the black light, like blossoming fireworks.

And the black light trembled slightly, as if it couldn't hold on for too long.

Is Nightfall really over?

Watching this scene, Protector Xuanyin felt a little dazed. The former ruler of destruction and the king of night demons was so powerful, but in a blink of an eye, one died and one was injured, the temple of destruction changed hands, and the night demon realm was already in jeopardy.

All of this made him feel extremely unreal, as if there was a big hand manipulating everything.

It also made him feel a little awe.

"Yemo, hurry up and get out, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The loud voice resounded throughout the space, like rolling thunder, and the huge crowd fell silent for a moment, looking up at the source of the voice.

There, a figure like an abyss stood tall in the void.

The figure was extremely terrifying, and the whole person stood there like a huge black hole. The endless energy around him, including the space, seemed to be venting towards him desperately, as if he was the center of this world, devouring everything.

"The Dark Lord!!"

There was a burst of cheers from the crowd, and it turned out that this person was the Dark Lord.

Protector Xuanyin's pupils shrank sharply, and a paleness flashed across his face. He didn't care about the others, as his strength was enough to deal with them.

However, the King of Dark Demons is a powerful man who manifests his holiness, no less than the existence of the King of Destroyers and the King of Night Demons. How can he not be afraid.

More importantly, since the Dark Lord had already appeared, the Nightmare King must have arrived as well. The two demon kings came in person. If he was an outsider, if he was discovered by these two, the consequences could be imagined.

If it was normal, he would have already fled.

But it can't work now, Fang Yi has a life first, for that ruled land, he has to fight hard, and he doesn't even dare to show his air.

In fact, his worries were a little unnecessary. Fang Yi had already set up the Heaven-Suppressing Sword Formation around here, and it was not so easy to find out even the powerful ones.

Just kidding, Fang Yi is trying to refine those energies and break through to the realm of Dongtianguiyi, how can Fang Yi be unprepared.

"Hei Mo, you really are still so impatient!"

In the silent sky, another gloomy voice came, erratic.

The entire space also rippled.

A figure just floated out of thin air, and slowly condensed, appearing extremely unreal, like a dream.

really!King of Dream Demons!

Protector Xuanyin's heart sank again, his face turned pale.

"Heh! Aren't you the same?" The Dark Demon King's eyes were bright like torches, and he glanced at the Dream Demon King with a sneer, "Dream Demon, I advise you, don't fight with me. It has already been pierced."

"Hmph! You're not ashamed to say anything, so why not try it."

The eyes of the Dream Demon King suddenly turned cold, and the whirlpool-like pupils also shrank slightly, faintly, as if there were countless regular thin lines stretching out.

Immediately, the affected crowd, one by one, became dazed and dull, as if they had fallen into some kind of illusion.

Do not!Strictly speaking, it's a dream.

The king of dream demons, who understands the rules of dreams, can easily invade other people's dreams, and make people fall into dreams anytime and anywhere, which can be said to kill people invisible.

In the past, Guardian Xuanyin only heard about it, but never personally experienced it.

But at this moment, seeing the sluggish expressions of everyone, he was already convinced. What was even more incredible was that the other party did not move at all from the beginning to the end. Only those eyes seemed to be the entrance of a dream. Can't escape the control of dreams.

Protector Xuanyin only felt a chill down his back, and his forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

"Small tricks, succubus, do you think you can deal with this king with this, it's too far-fetched."

The Dark Demon King scolded angrily, and similarly, countless regular thin lines gushed out from his body, and endless darkness swept in, like the mouth of a giant beast, devouring the sky and the earth, giving a sense of loneliness and despair.

Let people fall into the abyss!

The two regular thin threads were entangled in everything, and the entire sky collapsed inch by inch.

The crowd all backed away in fright, and those who reacted a little slower turned into flying ash in an instant, disappearing invisible.

"This is your dark rule! That's all!"

After the blow, the Nightmare King spoke first, with a sneer on his face.

However, despite what he said, his expression became a little dignified. Just now, the two were evenly divided, and neither of them could do anything to win the other.

"Don't be crazy, try again!"

The Dark Lord was furious. It could be seen that he had a rather tyrannical personality, and he was very upset that he failed to take down his opponent with one blow.

While speaking, a giant palm was raised.

"Brave man, I want to compete with you, and I'm waiting for you at any time, but right now, I haven't seen anything. Are you in a hurry?"

The Dream Demon King sneered again and again.

Although the Dark Demon King has a tyrannical temperament, he still distinguishes the serious from the serious. The purpose of this trip is not to fight against the opponent. If the fight continues, the happiest person will undoubtedly be the Night Demon King. In that case...

However, he still said in his mouth: "Hmph! I will let you off for the time being. When I get the things, I will see how many catties you have."

"That's right! Let's see who is more skilled."

The corner of the Nightmare King's mouth curled up in a sarcasm, and he turned to look at the Night Demon Castle below.

"Night Demon, come out! You know you can't hide, why waste time."

"Yes! Hurry up and get out, for the sake of belonging to the Dark Demon Realm, as long as you hand over the things, this king will give you a way to survive."

The resounding voices of the two great demon kings exploded over the entire Night Demon Castle.

In the night devil castle, all the night devil disciples were already pale with fright. No one knew how the night devil king was doing. Now that the two big devil kings were approaching the city, how could they not be afraid.

Contrary to them, in that great hall, the Night Demon King sneered endlessly.

"You two fools, just because you want to peek at my king's dragon scales, you are beyond your control!"

"Nightingale, it's up to you!"

Below the main hall, Nightingale bowed and saluted, "Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate will definitely live up to your expectations."

Saying that, her figure disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, a ripple rippled out on the black ray of light that enveloped Night Demon Castle, and Nightingale's figure slowly stepped out of the ripple.

"And Nightingale, the most trusted person of the Night Demon King."

Someone in the crowd revealed Nightingale's identity straight away. As a trusted confidant of the King of Night Demons, her own strength has also reached the level of Heaven and Earth. Naturally, there are not a few people who know her.

"It's you? The night devil king made a turtle himself, and let you come out to die, heh!"

The Dream Demon King sneered, his eyebrows full of sarcasm.

The same is true for the Dark Lord, who yelled: "Night Demon, if you still don't get out, do you really think I dare not destroy your Night Demon Castle!"

"You two adults, why be impatient, since Nightingale has come out, she naturally has what you want."

Neither humble nor overbearing, Nightingale said slowly.


Hearing this, the eyes of the two demon kings brightened, and they all looked at Nightingale.


(End of this chapter)

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