Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2618

Chapter 2618

"Do you know what you're talking about?"

The dream demon king spoke first, his eyes were like pillars of light, what the five dragon scales meant, only the five demon kings knew.

Moreover, he also believes that other demon kings will definitely not spread this matter to the outside world. After all, this is the inheritance left by the dark emperor to the five major demon kings.

Of course, with the strength of the Dark Demon Realm, naturally not too many people dare to covet it.

But no matter what, the less people know about such secrets, the better.

Therefore, he was skeptical about what Nightingale said.

The Dark Lord is similar. Although he has a violent personality, he is also very cautious. Just kidding, if it weren't for this, how could he become one of the five great devil kings.

"The two adults don't need to doubt, the reason, I think the two adults already understand, don't they?"

"If not, why would you come to my Night Demon Castle in person at this time?"

There seemed to be some resentment and sarcasm in Nightingale's words.

But the more so, the two big demon kings undoubtedly believed a little more. They came here precisely because the Night Demon King suffered heavy injuries. Now it seems that the situation of the Night Demon King is worse than they imagined. , otherwise, he would never be willing to hand over things.

Even let others do it for you.

What does it mean?

There seems to be only one explanation, and that is that the night king's situation is so bad that it is inconvenient to appear directly in front of people.

First, most of them are afraid of having a bad influence on the people below, and lose all confidence.

Secondly, he also lost his own face, which is tantamount to bowing his head to the two great demon kings.

But it was different if Nightingale did it for him. It was Nightingale who bowed his head, which had no influence on the prestige of the Night Demon King. Moreover, the crowd didn't even know the existence and significance of those five dragon scales.

Night Demon Realm will still be Night Demon Realm in the future, and will not be affected in the slightest.

After figuring this joint out, the two demon kings couldn't help but become more convinced.

Of course, all of this must be established before seeing something, otherwise, it is just empty talk.

"Since that's the case, hand over that thing! As long as everything is correct, I guarantee that there will be no damage to the Night Demon Realm."

The five great demon kings, no matter who eventually became the Dark Emperor, the Night Demon Realm is a part of the Dark Dark Realm to them, and the Night Demon King who loses the dragon scale is equal to losing the qualification to compete for the Dark Emperor. Will be pursuing.

Therefore, these words are worth believing.

A trace of irony and hesitation flashed through the depths of Nightingale's eyes.

She was hesitating about what to do and how to say it so that the two great demon kings could fight.

But just for a moment, seeing the expressions of the two demon kings, she suddenly understood that she didn't need to do anything, needless to say, it was the best way.

Immediately, she stretched out her palm, and a black dragon scale appeared in her hand.

This is? ?

Destroy the dragon scale?

Xuanyin Guardian's eyes were filled with disbelief. The previous conversation between the two demon kings made him understand that the two had a plan, but he never thought that their plan was to destroy the dragon scale.

What he didn't expect was that almost instantly, the two great demon kings rushed towards the dragon scale like two bolts of lightning.

At this moment, their eyes were burning like wolves.

Nightingale was also obviously startled, and hastily threw out the dragon scale, jokingly, under the pincer attack of the two demon kings, this was the only way for her to save her life, otherwise, it would be impossible to escape with her wings.

Boom! ! !

Immediately, two terrifying energies converged, causing the world to tremble.

Together with the black light covering Night Demon Castle, it trembled violently, as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Hei Mo, you dare to fight with this king! Court death!"

The pupil vortex of the Dream Demon King enlarged sharply, and countless regular thin lines rushed out.

Almost at the moment that dragon scale appeared, he had already sensed the aura on the dragon scale very clearly, it was absolutely true, it was indeed one of the five dragon scales left by the Dark Emperor, and the one on his body , the breath is exactly the same.

And this also shows that the situation of the Night Demon King is in dire straits.

However, this is no longer what he needs to care about. Right now, the only thing he needs to care about is the dragon scale and the black demon.

"You are the one who is looking for death. This king has long said that he wants to see how much you weigh. Dream Demon, if you are sensible, go back immediately. This king can still pretend that nothing happened, otherwise, today is your day of death."

The words of the Dark Demon King were extremely domineering, and endless darkness surged around him, devouring everything around him.

And he, like the only ruler in this darkness, is extremely terrifying.

"It's up to you to speak up without shame!"

Thunderclap, the king of dream demons, was furious, and the two great demon kings clashed instantly, and the dragon scales, and the space around them were completely reduced to nothingness.

kill kill kill! !

At the same time, the Dream Demon disciple and the Black Demon disciple also fought together in an instant.

The whole world is like a Shura hell.

Be nice! !

Protector Xuanyin only felt sweaty palms, afraid of being affected by this battle, but Fang Yi didn't wake up for a long time, which made him feel anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Compared to him, in the great hall of Night Devil Castle, the smile on the corner of Night Devil King's mouth became stronger.

The gaze towards the sky was also full of playfulness, a look of complete control stretched from his face, extremely proud.


"Interesting, the two great demon kings came here for this dragon scale. What is the origin of this dragon scale?"

In another unknown space, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King was watching this scene with interest, his eyes slightly suspicious.

"Destroy the dragon scale?"

He murmured, but then shook his head again.

Beside him, the blood-colored figure was suddenly there, but at the moment, the eyes of that blood-colored figure were wandering, as if looking for something, not paying attention to other things at all.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help but glanced at her, and said, "What? Did you find anything?"


The bloody figure replied, "You should still care about the Night Demon King! He hasn't appeared all this time, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?" Scarlet Flame Ghost King sneered, "He suffered heavy injuries, you and I saw it with our own eyes, but it's a pity that he ran too fast, otherwise, this king would have taken him down long ago."

A stern look flashed in the eyes of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, and he said again: "It's you! This king warns you, if you dare to play tricks with this king again, don't blame this king for being cruel."

"Really! Let's talk about it after you take down the Night Demon King first!"

The bloody figure was obviously absent-minded.

However, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King was full of confidence, and said: "I deliberately lost to them, just to make them mistakenly think that I have retreated. Now, these two great demon kings are killing each other. When they are both defeated, I will come again!" Clean up the mess, what do you think?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King seemed to be winning.

For this trip, it can be said that he has paid a lot, and it is difficult to be able to hide and not be discovered by the two big demon kings.

But as long as the trip can be successful, everything is worth it.

Boom! !

And at this time, the battle between the two great demon kings has come to the final juncture. Countless rules and thin lines completely cover the surrounding world, and the world also collapses inch by inch, as if the end is approaching.

The whole world seemed to return to chaos, and it was extremely shocking.

It's time for results!

At this moment, countless eyes looked into the void.


(End of this chapter)

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