Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2619

Chapter 2619

Boom! !

There was only a loud noise, and in the chaos, two majestic figures flew away.

This blow is still evenly matched.

It's just that both of them seem to be in a bit of a mess at the moment, and their bodies also look a little dilapidated. During the entanglement of countless rules and thin threads, they almost seem to be torn apart.

Fortunately, the strength of the two demon kings is tyrannical, and they both tried their best to stabilize their figures, but it seems...

"Dream Demon, is this your method! But Er Er, this king will kill you today!"

The Dark Demon King roared, but the ferocious look at the corner of his mouth could not conceal the pain caused by his body, and his face became extremely pale.

Naturally, the Nightmare King is similar, even more so, his long and narrow eyes are full of pain and anger.

"It's up to you, Black Demon, you're not afraid to flash your tongue." The Dream Demon King endured the pain and sneered again and again.

And at this time, the dragon scale also slowly fell down.

not good!

Seeing this dragon scale, the two demon kings seemed to forget the pain all over their bodies, and their sharp eyes swept over it again.

At the same time, in the dark, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King also looked at the dragon scale curiously, his eyes full of doubts, the reactions of the two demon kings, and their desire for the dragon scale undoubtedly aroused his interest. It also made him want to find out.

And right now, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

"Girl, remember what you said, I will go!"

Throwing a word, the figure of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King disappeared out of thin air, leaving only wisps of green smoke.

On the battlefield, the two great demon kings also rushed towards the dragon scale again, like two fierce tigers.

Seeing that the dragon scale was about to fall into the hands of the two, suddenly, a strange flame ignited from the endless darkness, emitting a weak but extremely firm light, and the entire darkness and void seemed to be illuminated against it.

what happened?

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, and the two demon kings caught something in an instant, and their expressions changed drastically.

"The Scarlet Flame Ghost King! It's you!" The Dark Demon King's pupils shrank and his anger surged to the sky.


As if in response to the two demon kings, a maniacal laughter came immediately, and the faint light also flourished, turning into the figure of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

And one of his hands was also grabbing that dragon scale.

"You bastard! This is something from my Dark Demon Realm, how dare you!" The Dream Demon King snarled, his breath surged, and he shot at the dragon scale like lightning, and the Dark Demon King did the same.

But it's a pity that the two of them suffered heavy injuries, and they were one step behind the Scarlet Flame Ghost King after all.

Moreover, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King has waited for a long time, and he is not absolutely sure, so how could he easily make a move.

"So what? The Dark Demon Territory can scare others, but not me, the evil ghost said. I want to see it." The Scarlet Flame Ghost King smiled ferociously, and the nervous expressions of the two demon kings undoubtedly made him even more eager for that dragon scale.

In the shot, it was as fast as thunder.

Seeing that the dragon scale was about to fall into his hands, suddenly, something happened again.

That dragon scale actually moved towards an inconceivable direction, as if it was being pulled by some kind of force. There, a terrifying black giant claw was waiting for it at some point.

It's as if it's always been there, but unnoticed.


At this moment, not only the faces of the two demon kings changed drastically, but also the pupils of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King shrank suddenly, which was inconceivable.

However, it was too late, the giant claw lightly grasped, and the dragon scale fell into it.

At the same time, a stalwart figure also appeared, with huge black wings covering almost the entire world, like a dark cloud covering the top, making the crowd breathless.

And that figure was suddenly the night devil king.

"how is this possible?"

Looking at this scene, Guardian Xuanyin's eyes were full of horror, not because of the sudden appearance of the Night Demon King, this is the Night Demon Realm, and it is not surprising that the Night Demon King appeared. His feelings are completely different.

That terrifying aura was much stronger than it was a few days ago.

Just, how is this possible?

The other party was clearly injured a few days ago, but in the blink of an eye...

Also unbelievable, there is no doubt the Scarlet Flame Ghost King and the two Great Demon Kings, all three of them looked terrified, as if they had seen a ghost.

"You, you..., this is impossible, you were clearly injured before, how could you..."

The Red Flame Ghost King's pupils shrank sharply, and the flames inside were steaming, full of disbelief.

In the battle that day, he witnessed with his own eyes that the strength of the Night Demon King was similar to him. Under such an attack, he asked himself, even if he couldn't do better than the opponent.

In fact, the night devil king's trauma can't be faked at all. Although it won't be fatal, a period of cultivation is essential.

But now?

Not only was the other party safe, but his strength had improved by an unknown amount. This was simply unbelievable, how dare he believe it.

Naturally, the two great demon kings are similar. Although they did not witness it with their own eyes, the night demon king even took out the dragon scales. Of course, it cannot be faked. Otherwise, they would not be able to believe that the other party would take out the dragon scales. bait, unless...

Suddenly, they seemed to think of something, and combined with the strength displayed by the other party at the moment.

" control that dragon scale?"

The Dream Demon King blurted out, eyes full of horror.

The Dark Demon King also looked ashen, looking at the Night Demon King with a hint of fear.

"Hahaha!! Surprised?" The Night Demon King looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "Speaking of which, this king also wants to thank that old thief who destroyed the monarch."

These words are undoubtedly tantamount to acknowledging the conjectures of the two demon kings, and it also made the faces of the two demon kings extremely ugly.

Although the Scarlet Flame Ghost King didn't know why, he was obviously aware of the seriousness of the situation.

However, relying on his own strength, he is not afraid.

"Dream Demon and Black Demon, since the five great demon kings come from the same lineage, I will give you a chance, and it depends on whether you are willing to seize it." The night demon king came to the world with a domineering demeanor, like a high-ranking king.

Why the two demon kings didn't understand the meaning of these words, why the two came here, and the purpose of the other party is undoubtedly here.

However, how could it be possible for them to hand over the dragon scales willingly.

However, in the situation in front of us, even if the two can escape the first day of junior high school, they will not be able to escape the fifteenth day, unless...

The Night Demon King saw the expressions of the two of them in his eyes, and he was not in a hurry to make a move. After all, even if he becomes the Dark Emperor in the future, he still needs someone to obey his orders.

Therefore, he set his sights on the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

"Ghost King Red Flame, this king and you evil ghosts have always been in harmony with each other. This time you invaded the Night Demon Realm, should you give me an explanation?"

The killing intent in the eyes of the night devil king was awe-inspiring, and the aura in his body was also agitated, completely covering the surrounding space.

"Confession? What do you want to explain?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King sneered, "I act in the way of evil ghosts, and I never need to explain to anyone, including you, the Dark Demon Realm."

"You are presumptuous!"

The night devil king was furious, and at this moment he looked like a dark emperor, condescending.

"In the Temple of Destroyer, you evil ghost deliberately provoked trouble, and now you want to cause trouble in our Night Demon Realm. I am really afraid that you will fail? Take your life!" He came out and grabbed the Scarlet Flame Ghost King directly.

The terrifying clutches were like the sky falling, exuding an aura of despair.


(End of this chapter)

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