Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2622 The Way of Destruction

Chapter 2622 The Way of Destruction

It was an indifferent voice, but it was no less than a thunderclap to the ears of the crowd.

If it was before, the crowd might not have had much reaction when they heard this, and they didn't have much idea.

However, after experiencing the Red Flame Ghost King, in the hearts of the crowd, the Night Demon King already exists like a heavenly being. Fang Yi's wild words undoubtedly left them dumbfounded.

What's more, the face is full of contempt.

Protector Xuanyin was no exception, his mouth could not be closed from ear to ear in astonishment, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

If it is said that other people Fang Yi's strength is not clear to him, then he is undoubtedly the one who knows best.

A moment ago, the other party was no more than a wishful cave, and now he has just broken through to the unity of the cave, and there is still a distance of one hundred and eight thousand miles from the holy realm.

At least that's what he thought. As for the power of the space rules just now, it was obviously beyond his cognition.

He was also directly ignored.

Or maybe, deep down in his heart, he didn't believe that it had anything to do with Fang Yi.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King also looked at Fang Yi as if he had seen a ghost. Maybe he never dreamed that this junior, who had never been able to get into his eyes, would be so rampant at this moment.

In the Temple of Destruction, although he noticed Fang Yi, it was just that, because Fang Yi's cultivation base was too low, no matter how tyrannical he was, he was still not worth mentioning in front of the strong man.

Although the night devil king was injured because of this, the biggest factor was undoubtedly the destruction of the monarch.

So much so that he didn't pay attention to the person in front of him at all, whether it was Dongtian Ruyi or Dongtian Guiyi at that time.


The night devil king laughed wildly again, the laughter was extremely presumptuous at first, but after that, it became creepy, like the singing of the god of death.


He looked at Fang Yi coldly, and the ferocious look on his mouth was like a ghost, "Only you? If it weren't for destroying the monarch, I would be able to suppress you with one finger. However, speaking of this, I would like to thank you , if it wasn’t so, how could this king be able to see the secrets in it.”

The reason why the Night Demon King's strength has improved by leaps and bounds is all because of that battle.

The terrifying meaning of destruction in that battle almost destroyed his body.

But at that moment, under the impetus of the meaning of destruction, the dragon scale changed slightly. Not only was the meaning of destruction swallowed by the dragon scale, but it also allowed him to understand the dark rules hidden inside.

For the dark one, comprehending the rules of the dark has a great bonus for all the dark ones.

Because of this, his heart demon path has been improved.

"That's right! But so what? In my eyes, you are still a defeat." Fang Yi said coldly, but deep down he didn't dare to be careless.

He has seen the methods of the Night Demon King before, and it is indeed extraordinary.

Maybe not as good as Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King, but it is even more weird, especially the heart demon.

Moreover, in the past, when he confronted Jun Jiuyuan and the Immortal Corpse King, it was only under certain circumstances. Now, when he confronted the Night Demon King, there were no external factors affecting him.

The only consolation is that the other party's demons are useless to him.

"Ignorant child, you are still bragging when you are about to die, that's all right! Let me give you a ride." The Night Demon King's eyes suddenly turned cold, obviously he had lost his patience, and he stretched out a giant palm directly.

Boom! !

Suddenly, the dark night came, and endless darkness flooded in like a tide, engulfing the world, like the mouth of a giant beast.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King's face changed drastically, and he was extremely terrified.

But at this moment, he is still invaded by the inner demon, and he is too busy to take care of himself.

Fortunately, at this time, Fang Yi's giant palm had also been stretched out, and countless regular thin lines swarmed out, and the space changed instantly, layer upon layer.

There seemed to be countless spaces between the darkness and the light, and the speed of the endless darkness flooding in like a tide also slowed down.

"Hehe! Is this the only trick?"

The Night Demon King sneered, with a face full of sarcasm: "You are even more stupid than him. The way of space is the most common one among the three thousand ways, but it is also the most difficult to succeed. It is more difficult than the way of fire. Difficult, he is stupid enough to choose the way of fire, and you are more hopeless than him."

"Just relying on this simple space rule? It's crazy to want to block this king's attack."

The most common rules are often the hardest to understand.

The same is true of the way of space, and the same is true of the five basic elements. Fang Yi has long understood this truth.

In fact, he has no choice at all. So far, he has not seen other Dao patterns except for space Dao patterns.

The way of destruction exists in another way.

Of course, even if there is a choice, Fang Yi wants to try it together. This is one of the six top-level laws, and it is the easiest one among the six top-level laws.

I'm afraid no one will let it go easily.

As for the space, the reason why it is difficult to achieve anything is because of the solid, superficial power of rules. Although it can outline an incomparably mysterious space, it is extremely fragile and cannot withstand too much impact. For example, at this moment, the darkness The energy surged in, and the space in front of Fang Yi collapsed inch by inch.

The countless thin lines of rules also disappeared.

Hahaha! !

Seeing this, the Night Demon King laughed wildly, as if he had foreseen Fang Yi's end.

In fact, in such a situation, no one would be able to recover, and the fragile space was simply not enough to withstand this blow.

Protector Xuanyin's entire face instantly turned extremely pale, his nerves were tightly bound, and he dared not move.

In that unknown space, the same is true for the blood-colored figure, full of blood and energy, as if about to fly away into the sky.

On the field, the only one who can remain calm is probably Fang Yi.

good!It was Fang Yi.

The reason why he dared to show up is that the power of space rules is not Fang Yi's reliance. In fact, he only got two Dao patterns of the power of space rules, and he has not fully comprehended it. Benefit from Mo Lao.

In comparison, destroying one is undoubtedly more powerful.

Although he didn't understand how the True Dragon of Destruction condensed by the Way of Destruction could make him use the meaning of destruction early on.

However, after breaking through, he could clearly sense the rules of destruction contained in the true dragon of destruction.

The control over the meaning of destruction has also reached another level.

At the moment when the space around him completely collapsed, a terrifying sense of destruction swept away from his body, destroying everything.

Together with that dark energy, it also disappeared.

"The meaning of destruction?"

The night devil king's pupils shrank sharply, and after so many years of entanglement with the destroying monarch, he was naturally familiar with the meaning of destruction.

In particular, this intention of destruction was even more terrifying than that displayed by the King of Destruction that day, which surprised the Night Demon King.

Not to mention Xuanyin Protector, his eyeballs seemed to fall out as if he had seen a ghost.

The way he looked at Fang Yi was completely different.

At this moment, he seemed to understand something.

After understanding the changes in the Temple of Destruction, understanding the final fall of the Destroyer Monarch, and why the True Dragon of Destruction chose the Black Dragon, it all turns out...

"Very surprised?"

Fang Yi's indifferent voice sounded again, "You have been fighting against the King of Destruction for so many years, and today I will show you what real destruction is."


As if in response to his words, a heaven-shaking dragon chant suddenly exploded between the heavens and the earth.

With Fang Yi at the center, a terrifying aura of destruction swept away, and the surrounding world seemed to vanish into nothingness in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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