Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2623 Rolling

Chapter 2623 Rolling

The world collapsed!

Such an astonishing sight made everyone present turn pale with shock, their faces full of panic.

"Run away!"

I don't know who shouted, the panicked crowd, each and every one is like a bereaved dog.

The terrifying breath swept across the world, and everything was wiped out. Those who hadn't had time to escape were instantly reduced to fly ash, almost powerless to resist.

The huge night devil castle also seemed to fall into the abyss, the black light disintegrated inch by inch, and the huge fortress also collapsed.

How can it be?

Everyone was stunned, the same was true for the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, and the same was true for the two great demon kings, one by one, as if they had seen a ghost.

Not to mention the Guardian Xuanyin, who has worked with the Destroyer Monarch for so many years, no one knows better than him how powerful the intention of destruction is.

However, until today, until this moment, he felt as if he had truly experienced the meaning of destruction for the first time.

yes!Only this can be called true destruction.

Compared with it, the former ruler of destruction is not worth mentioning.


At this moment, the night devil king's face is also full of horror, his eyes are full of disbelief, and there is even a trace of fear.

The terrifying meaning of destruction already made him feel an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Fortunately, it was still a little short. Although the intention of destruction was overbearing, it was not enough to destroy him.

"Boy! I have to say, this king underestimated you."

"But, so what? I'm afraid you don't know it yet! The way of destruction is also a dark one, and this king is enough to suppress you."

The night devil king snarled, and the ink-like breath rolled out from his body.

Endless darkness engulfed again.

Suddenly, Fang Yi felt a huge resistance, and his intention of destruction seemed to be rejected.

Even, that darkness seemed to be able to swallow his desire to destroy.

How could this be?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help flashing a look of surprise, the three thousand ways are infinitely mysterious, and each way has its own characteristics and attributes. With Fang Yi's current knowledge, he doesn't know the mystery at all.

In fact, no one can fully understand the mysteries of the Three Thousand Dao.

At most, it is to have an understanding of one that I have comprehended, perhaps, the more common ones.

But Fang Yi has only just broken through the cave and heaven, and he has very little contact with the power of rules, so how could he understand it.

However, the words of the night devil king gave him some reminders.

The dark system, I think, is a big category, and the dark rules, I am afraid, have a certain restraint effect on all the rules of the dark system.

The Diablo one, I am afraid that among the three thousand avenues, the ranking is extremely high.

If this is replaced by someone else, I am afraid there is really no way.

However, in Fang Yi's eyes, it was not worth mentioning.

Leaving aside the meaning of destruction, he is not weaker than the opponent. The reason why he was unable to take down the opponent is more because of his own lack of strength. After all, he has just broken through to the cave.

At the same time, the understanding of the meaning of destruction is not enough.

Secondly, the other side of darkness is undoubtedly light, which is not difficult to see from the previous battle between the Scarlet Flame Ghost King and the opponent.

The way of fire has a certain restraint effect on the dark system, but unfortunately, the red flame ghost king's understanding of the way of fire is too weak, but Fang Yi is different.

Although he didn't comprehend any way of fire, he had one of the Five Elements Temples in his body, the Fire Temple.

"Boy! How?"

"No matter how strong your intention of destruction is, it is not worth mentioning in the eyes of this king. Today you will die, hahaha!!"

The night devil king laughed wildly, as if he had already won the game.

But behind the laughter, his wolf-like eyes were full of cunning.

Fang Yi glanced at him lightly, seemingly like a person who had nothing to do, but said sarcastically: "Really? If that's the case, then why don't you do anything?"

"Why don't you let me guess, are you deliberately trying to make me fearful and fearful, so that I can breed demons?"

"Unfortunately, you have no chance to take advantage of me. My inner demon has already been killed."

The light and fluttering voice was full of irony, and the corner of Night Demon King's mouth couldn't help twitching, and his expression became even more ferocious.

"It's you! It turns out that everything is your fault!"

At this moment, the night devil king undoubtedly understood everything.

Why the dragon scale was dropped, why it recovered at the last moment of destroying the monarch, and gave him a fatal blow, it turned out that it was all the fault of the other party.

Suddenly, his heart was burning with anger, and in the endless darkness, there was a faint howling sound.

"Boy, this king will kill you! Even if you have a strong mind, you will still die."

The Night Demon King roared, and in the endless darkness, one after another phantoms emerged, rushing towards Fang Yi like a tide.

It's a demon!

I can't find the flaw in my soul, is this going to attack by force?

Fang Yi sneered, and in his perception, countless inner demons attacked and impacted his heart.

"Ignorance, you are the one who will die today!"

After the words fell, Fang Yi didn't want to talk nonsense. With a thought, the raging flames in his body began to transpire. In his perception, an endless sea of ​​flames spread, and almost instantly swept across the entire demon space.

Suddenly, countless shrill screams came, and those inner demons were incinerated one by one, which was extremely tragic.

"How is it possible? Heart Fire Avenue?"

The night devil king's pupils changed greatly, and his face was full of horror.

At this moment, the outside crowd didn't know what happened. The demons belonged to different spaces and were invisible to the naked eye.

And the sea of ​​flames also did not spread to the outside world, it just raged in the inner demon space. In the eyes of everyone, everything seemed to be nothing surprising, except that Fang Yi's body slowly turned red, exuding an extremely hot glow. The temperature is like a hot soldering iron.

Then, the soldering iron seemed to explode everything, bursting out with bright light, like the scorching sun in the sky.

The surrounding space was incinerated inch by inch.

The raging flames rushed out fiercely, and in an instant, the surrounding world turned into a sea of ​​flames, the seven-colored flames transpired, the light flourished, and the darkness retreated.

At the same time, the night demon king flew out as if he had been severely injured, his face turned pale.

what? ?

The crowd were all stunned. Such a domineering king of night devils was actually defeated?

At this moment, they seemed to be in a dream.

This is especially true for Xuanyin Protector. He stared blankly at this scene, completely speechless. Even in his dreams, he never thought that the person who was always by his side was so amazing.

Once upon a time, he even thought about joining other people to replace him.

In the end, it was the admonition of Guardian Zhenyang and the temptation of that ruled land that forced him to give up such an idea.

At this moment, there was only infinite gratitude and rejoicing in his heart, rejoicing that he didn't mess around at the beginning.

Otherwise...he couldn't imagine it.

And the two demon kings were undoubtedly completely stunned at this moment. They thought that the night demon king was already invincible, but who would have thought that there was an even more remarkable figure hidden in the dark.

However, this gave them an excellent opportunity to escape.

I thought that this trip would definitely fall into the hands of the night devil king.

Now that they have such a good opportunity, how could they miss it.


The two looked at each other, and they shot at the same time like lightning.

"Run away!" Looking at the endless sea of ​​flames, the crowd was already in a mess at this moment, one by one, fleeing desperately, the scene was completely chaotic.

Only that domineering figure still stands proudly in the sky, like a peerless emperor.


(End of this chapter)

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