Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2624 Big Wood

Chapter 2624 Big Wood

The chaotic space was filled with countless mournful howls, like a hell.

The crowd fled in a panic, and no one dared to stay where they were.

Even the night devil king is the same. At this moment, his face is pale, his expression is ferocious like a ghost, his eyes are full of unwillingness, "Today's shame, the king of Japan will return it a hundred times."

As he said that, his figure suddenly accelerated, and he sank into the void.

Even he was gone, not to mention the others. The huge night devil castle had already been reduced to ruins overnight.

Fang Yi just watched indifferently, and didn't pursue it, it was not necessary, and it was impossible.

When the strength has reached the level of the night devil king, it is obviously not that simple to kill, not to mention that the other party has already withdrawn, which is even more impossible.

If it is inferior, similar to the Dream Demon King, with the way of space, he may be able to be imprisoned for a short time, and it is not impossible to kill him.

But it's harder to be like the Nightcrawler.

Unless, Fang Yi can improve in the way of space and outline a more stable space.

However, this is undoubtedly more difficult than beheading a strong man like the Night Demon King.

The sea of ​​fire is gradually disappearing!

The surrounding world returned to calm, and above the void, besides the domineering figure, there was another figure, that was the trembling Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

Yes!The Scarlet Flame Ghost King did not escape.

It's not that he didn't want to, but that he didn't dare, because he could clearly sense that Fang Yi's breath was always locked on him.

Others can escape, but he can't. He has no doubts about what the consequences will be if he escapes.

At the same time, deep in his heart, there was also a trace of longing, a longing for the way of fire.

The way of fire that he has been pursuing so hard, now, in the person in front of him, there is no doubt that he can see hope.

"Master... son!"

Protector Xuanyin also came out at this time, trembling, he became awkward when speaking, just kidding, after seeing Fang Yi's domineering, how could he dare to be disrespectful at all.

There was even a hint of eagerness deep in his heart.

For him, following such a strong man is undoubtedly an opportunity, an opportunity that can allow him to reach the peak.

If he had some doubts about the ruled land before, then there is no doubt at this moment.

Fang Yi nodded slightly as a response, and turned to look at the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

Immediately, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King shrank his neck, showing a look of fear, and he did not forget to say: "Many... Thank you fellow Taoist for your help, the evil ghost Dao Chiyan is very grateful."

He deliberately said the three words "evil ghost way" with special emphasis.

Obviously, he wasn't sure what Fang Yi's purpose was, he just hoped to use the name of the evil ghost to make the other party feel scruples.

However, the evil ghost way may scare others, but it cannot scare Fang Yi.

"For the sake of you not escaping, as long as you answer my question in this way, I will give you a way to survive. Say! Where are the disciples from the Nine Provinces?"

The cold voice is like a high-ranking king.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King has no doubts, once he can't answer, I'm afraid...

However, Kyushu disciples...

At the same time, in that unknown space, the blood-colored figure trembled when he heard this, as if he was extremely excited, and stepped on his feet, as if he was about to show up.

But after that, he took his steps back.

"Dare to ask you, does it have anything to do with the Kyushu disciples?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King was startled for a moment, then glanced slightly in the direction of the bloody figure, and asked.

"Now I'm asking you, it's not your turn to question me." Fang Yi's eyes darkened slightly, but he didn't get angry at all, because he saw a glimmer of hope in the other party's words.

And the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, apparently also noticed something from Fang Yi's expression, and said: "Fellow Daoist, I do know the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples, but for their safety..."


When Fang Yi heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said coldly, "So, you have a good relationship with them?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in these words, obviously to remind the other party not to play tricks.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King didn't understand, and immediately said: "Fellow Daoists misunderstood, if you are their friends, I will naturally tell you the same."

"Fellow Daoists inquired about their whereabouts like this, so they must have known their situation back then. Back then, it was I, Evil Ghost Dao, who did not hesitate to offend all major forces to protect them."

"Oh?" These words really surprised Fang Yi.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King observed his words and took the opportunity to explain the matter.

It turned out that when the Kyushu disciples were in trouble, it was the evil ghost who took in the Kyushu disciples against all opinions, and even the ghost mother did not hesitate to come forward to drive away the major forces.

"Really? So, the Kyushu disciples are still in the way of evil ghosts?"

Fang Yi asked anxiously, this news is undoubtedly great news for him.

Kyushu disciples are still alive and safe, this is undoubtedly the best result.

"Not bad!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King nodded affirmatively. Seeing Fang Yi's reaction, he was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "To tell the truth, I was entrusted by the Kyushu disciples to deal with the Temple of Destruction this time."

"Because the person who revealed the Kyushu disciples was the one who destroyed the temple."

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King glanced slightly in the direction of the bloody figure, and said vaguely.

His words really made Fang Yi believe a little bit, because from the information he got from many sources, what the other party said was indeed the truth, but Fang Yi naturally wouldn't fully believe his words.

Because the most important point is also the key, he hasn't figured it out yet.

"I ask you, why did the evil ghosts help you? After the Kyushu disciples, why didn't they appear again?"


Hearing this, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King was also stunned.

In fact, he also has this question, not only him, but many people in the Evil Ghost Dao have it, but...

Immediately, he had no choice but to reply truthfully: "Dissatisfied fellow Taoist, in fact, I am not very clear about the reason, because this matter was directly ordered by the Ghost Mother, but she did not tell the reason."

"The Kyushu disciples didn't show up after that, probably because they weren't strong enough, or maybe they didn't appear as Kyushu disciples."

"The sea of ​​blood is huge. I don't know the area where they are located. Everything was arranged by the ghost mother."

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King dared not hide it.

Of course, it was more to win Fang Yi's favor.

Fang Yi couldn't help but frown. He naturally understood what the Scarlet Flame Ghost King was thinking. The other party's words could be matched back and forth, and there seemed to be no problem.

The problem seems to be with the ghost mother, why does the other party help the Kyushu disciples?

Moreover, this may seem like help, but even the strength of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King does not know the details, which is a bit intriguing.

Could it be, what purpose does the Ghost Mother have?

However, the Kyushu disciples are just a group of ordinary people, how could they arouse the interest of the ghost mother?

Among them, there must be something that I don't know.

"Very good! I am very satisfied with your answer. At the same time, I hope that you will send a message to the ghost mother after you go back. I will visit in person in a few days and thank her for her help." Fang Yi said.

"Here! That fellow Taoist, you..." The Scarlet Flame Ghost King looked puzzled.

"I am the Emperor of Kyushu!"

As he said that, Fang Yi's appearance also changed, and the three-color light reflected the sky and the earth.

Today, he no longer needs to hide his identity.

"Big wood, really big wood!!" In the unknown space, the blood-colored figure trembled all over, extremely excited.


(End of this chapter)

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