Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2628 Planning

Chapter 2628 Planning

Fang Yi is naturally not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but he is also not a reckless person.

Although the ghost ghost mother is amazing, she still can't scare him. Today, no matter how strong the opponent is, as long as the achievements are not indestructible, he has the confidence to protect himself.

However, this is obviously not enough.

After all, this is related to the safety of the Kyushu disciples, so he had to plan normally.

However, the power of the Evil Ghost Dao is tyrannical, and it is obviously difficult to rely on one person alone. Although the Temple of Destruction is not bad compared to other forces, it is not worth mentioning compared to the Evil Ghost Dao.

Blindly bringing the Temple of Destruction is completely death.

and so……

"My lord asks you, what are the forces in Huangquanhai that can compete with the evil ghosts?"

After thinking about it, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

Since your own strength is not enough, you might as well start with other forces to see if you can use the strength of others, "especially those who have deep grievances with evil ghosts."

After a pause, Fang Yi added another sentence.

Hearing this, the two guardians couldn't help but glance at each other, obviously seeing Fang Yi's intentions.

"My son, the evil ghosts are very powerful, especially the Ghost Mother's strength has reached the peak of the sage, and she is only one step away from being immortal. In the entire Huangquanhai, there are very few forces that can compete with them."

"There used to be some, but with the fall of the fall, the ascension of the ascension is like the dark emperor of the dark demon realm. Now, the only ones who can compete with them are the Shura clan, also known as the Shura way, and the hell way." , these two forces are separated."

Asura way?hell?

Fang Yi frowned.

He had heard of these two major forces before, and it was said that they were the two most powerful forces in Huangquanhai.

Moreover, the two forces are hostile to each other, but there seems to be no grudge against the evil ghost.

really!Protector Xuanyin spoke again, "It's just that Evil Guidao has been keeping a low profile recently, and there is no grudge between them. The young master wants to borrow their power, I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Guardian Xuanyin didn't continue talking.

But the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Fang Yi also frowned.

The Shura Dao and the Hell Dao are hostile, and a single hair can affect the whole body. It may not be easy to borrow their power.

Unless there is something that can attract these two major forces, but the evil ghosts are also domineering, and ordinary things will definitely not work. Even if ordinary warriors are hooked, it will not help him at all.

Only those who are at the peak of the Holy Spirit.

However, Fang Yi has nothing that can attract the peak powerhouses except the Three Great Temples.

Is it necessary to use the three major temples as bait again?

Subconsciously, Fang Yi shook his head. So far he has not figured out what is going on in the underworld.

It is still unknown whether there is an immortal state. If such a strong person really exists, it may not be that simple to send it away once it is recruited.

To be on the safe side, it is better not to take risks.

However, if it is impossible to attract the strong, then...

and many more!

How did you forget him?Isn't this a ready-made powerhouse?Isn't he a ready-made bait?

Although it is a bit risky, it can be regarded as knowing the bottom line.

Fang Yi's eyes flickered, and he immediately asked, "Do you know the Soul Race?"

"Soul clan?"

The two guardians couldn't help being startled, but still nodded, "Young master Hui! The strength of the soul clan is extremely extraordinary in Huangquanhai. It was probably slightly better than me destroying the temple before."

"But now, I'm afraid it's far worse."

Protector Xuanyin replied that what he meant by now was naturally because of Fang Yi's joining.

"That's right! Why did you ask about them, Young Master?" Protector Zhenyang also nodded, with a look of surprise on his face.

When it came to Heilong, he seemed to have remembered something, looked at Fang Yi in shock, and asked, "You don't mean to attract that person, do you? Dude, this is not a joke."

Heilong obviously understood something and hurriedly dissuaded him.

However, Fang Yi shook his head and said with a smile: "Don't worry! We were able to get rid of it last time, let alone now."

"It's a completely different story."

Heilong hurriedly said, "The last time was due to special circumstances, but this time, although your strength has improved a lot, you may have to face two people at the same time, and then..."

Heilong felt scared even thinking about it, he couldn't help shivering, his face turned pale.

Fang Yi is naturally aware of this, but at present, it seems that this is the only way, and he couldn't help saying: "You think too much, such a strong person will not join forces."

"Also, even in the face of two people, I still have the power to protect myself."

Fang Yi smiled and didn't care.

The two of them were talking about Jun Jiuyou.

Since it is impossible to attract Shura Dao and Hell Dao, Jun Jiuyou is undoubtedly a choice.

Even, you don't need anything, as long as you let the other party know your whereabouts, the other party will definitely find you.

As for the future, we can only play by ear.

"But..." Heilong obviously wanted to say something else, this is not a joke, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

However, Fang Yi didn't let him continue, and interrupted directly: "No, but, and it's still speculation whether the Ghost Mother has other plans. Even if he has plans, he may not conflict with this gentleman."

"Everything, let's talk about it in the evil ghost's way! Maybe the matter is not as serious as imagined."

Seeing what Fang Yi said, Heilong couldn't say anything more.

After getting along for a period of time, he has already become very clear about Fang Yi's character.

Immediately, Fang Yi began to make arrangements.


Huangquanhai, another sea area, in a certain hall, there are countless rules and thin lines densely packed, completely covering the entire hall, which seems extremely mysterious.

And among the countless regular thin lines, there is a figure, sitting cross-legged in it at the moment, like a statue.

In front of him, half a bright stone was quietly floating.

Countless regular thin lines suddenly spread out from the stone.

Slowly, the stone became more and more brilliant, bursting out with incomparably gorgeous light, that light seemed to have some magical effect of baptizing the soul, making people feel comfortable from the depths of their hearts.

However, the figure's face twitched, seemingly in pain.

At the same time, under him, countless regular thin lines gathered, slowly forming a lotus platform, one piece in two, watching the whole lotus platform gradually take shape, the painful color on his face also became more intense.

Finally, the bright stone trembled violently, and at the same time, the half-condensed lotus platform also collapsed.

And that figure also seemed to have been severely injured, and his face was pale.

"Son of a bitch!"

The next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly, with an extremely ferocious look on his face.

Needless to say, the figure was Jun Jiuyou.

And the bastard who made him gnash his teeth in hatred was naturally Fang Yi.

No wonder, for that half of the stone of death, he spent almost half of his life, thinking that he finally got his wish and could become a legend, even...

Unexpectedly, Fang Yi suddenly rushed out, ruining his good deed.

It was also his own fault that he couldn't wait to refine it as soon as he found the half of the stone of death, otherwise, Fang Yi would not have been able to take advantage of it.

"Bastard, this seat will definitely tear your corpse into thousands of pieces."

Jun Jiuyou roared again and gritted his teeth.

And at this moment, a voice came from outside the hall, "Sir Jiuyou, there is news..."

(End of this chapter)

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