Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2629 Leverage

Chapter 2629 Leverage

"Brother, it's not good!"

In the quiet hall, Fang Yi was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.

The fortunes and misfortunes of getting rid of evil ghosts are unpredictable, so he did not set off in a hurry, but instead consolidated his cultivation base and strived to make further progress. In that case, he would undoubtedly be more confident.

Although, with the three great temples, he has the power to protect himself.

However, the situation in the underworld is unknown, and if the three temples can be used, it is best not to use them, otherwise, no one knows what will happen.

It is the meaning of space rules and destruction, without any scruples.

It is precisely because of this that he finally chose these two avenues.

Of course, strictly speaking, the meaning of destruction is also somewhat risky, but it doesn't matter at all with the Temple of Destruction as a cover.

"what happened again?"

Seeing the black dragon coming in a hurry, Fang Yi also slowly opened his eyes.

It turned out that he was not displeased by Heilong's recklessness.

In fact, comprehending the rules has a clone, and he himself is only consolidating his own cultivation, so it doesn't matter.

"Yes... it's the blood concubine, this jade slip!"

Heilong said, gesturing to the jade slip in his hand.

Blood Princess?

Fang Yi couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, but he soon remembered that there seemed to be this person, but at the beginning he was so focused on the Kyushu disciples that he forgot about this person.

If not, you can ask the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

"What is this jade slip? Tell me clearly."

Fang Yi said slowly.

"Yes... It was given by someone just now, and it contains the exact location of the disciples from the Nine Provinces at the moment. However, that person told you not to go."

Heilong breathed a sigh of relief, and then said.


Fang Yi's eyes lit up, and with a thought, the jade fell into his hand.

Sure enough, it is Sifang Prison, which is similar to what Guardian Xuanyin found out, but it is much more detailed.

"Where is that person? Where is he at the moment?"

Fang Yi asked anxiously.

"It's already gone." The black dragon replied, "He only left a jade slip, and at the same time asked me to tell you that you can only rescue it secretly, and don't force yourself in. At the same time, don't go to see the ghost mother."

"I wanted to bring him to see you, but he said that he was only entrusted by the blood concubine."

The black dragon said in a straightforward manner.

As for Fang Yi, his expression became a little ugly.

Can only be rescued secretly!

These words are already very clear, the Kyushu disciples are indeed under house arrest, it's just the other party's purpose...

And this blood concubine, what kind of character is she?According to what the evil ghost disciple said before, the reason why the Scarlet Flame Ghost King invaded the Temple of Destruction and the Night Demon Realm was all influenced by the blood concubine.

Even, the other party also told that the blood concubine is very favored by the ghost mother.

But this is a bit strange.

The Ghost Mother obviously has other plans for the Kyushu disciples, so why did the blood concubine want to pass such news to herself?Doesn't this mean that you are right with the ghost mother?

Who is the blood concubine?Why is she doing this?

If it is said that she has a very close relationship with the Kyushu disciples, then why is she valued by the Ghost Mother?

If she had nothing to do with the Kyushu disciples, why did she help herself?

Is there another picture?still is……

Fang Yi only felt a lot of doubts, but one thing was very clear, that is, the ghost mother must have no good intentions, so...

He couldn't just sit back and watch the Kyushu disciples and ignore them.

"Fang Yi, this matter is not trivial. If you think about it carefully, the ghost ghost mother may really be after you. If she has plans for the Kyushu disciples, she doesn't need house arrest at all."

"If there is this bloody concubine now, why not, let's discuss it in the long run."

"Yes! Just as she said, secretly send to Sifang Prison to investigate the situation."

Heilong looked worried.

This is not a trivial matter, perhaps because the reputation of evil ghosts has already penetrated into his heart, and at the same time, he does not want Fang Yi to have any surprises.

However, Fang Yi obviously didn't think so.

It would be fine if he didn't know the whereabouts of the Kyushu disciples, but now that he knew, and knew that the Kyushu disciples were imprisoned, how could he just sit idly by.


Immediately, he shook his head, "It's the same as whoever you send."

"However, you might as well make two-handed preparations."

Fang Yi's eyes moved, and there was already a calculation in his heart.


"Will this big log be obedient?"

Somewhere in the ruined city, Hua Lian'er pouted and said to herself.

Subconsciously, she shook her head again, "No way! That guy is stubborn, he won't be able to stop him, and Miss Ben has to show up in person."

"Forget it! I don't care about you for now, and I want you to look good in the future, so you don't even ask Miss Ben, hum!"

With that said, she seemed to be leaving.

But at this moment, her figure suddenly stopped, and a look of panic appeared on her face.

"What's going on? Why can't I move?"

She was terrified, not knowing why.

What's even more incredible is that her body is also changing rapidly, from the original blood color to slowly becoming like ink, with black air steaming like an evil spirit.

"It's the ghost mother, no..., big wood!!"

Hua Lian'er howled unwillingly, and after that, her figure also disappeared.


At the same time, Fang Yi in the hall suddenly opened his eyes. He seemed to have a slight sense, and his figure disappeared into the hall out of thin air. When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the place where Hua Lian'er disappeared.

However, there is nothing left here, only a faint ripple.

"Is it an illusion?"

Fang Yi was in a trance, and his brows could not help but frown.


The Soul Clan is still in that great hall.

Jun Jiuyou's expression was indifferent, and his face was so gloomy that water could drip out.

"How did the investigation go? Where is that person now?"

Looking at the group of strong soul clans below, Jun Jiuyou shouted, the cold light in his eyes was wanton, like a sharp sword, when he stared at it, one couldn't help but shudder.

"Going back to Master Jiuyou, so far we only found out that he once appeared near the Evil Ghost Dao. As for where he went after that, there is no news for the time being."

The person below asked tremblingly.

"Trash, you can't even find a person, what use are you for."

Jun Jiuyou was so furious that he gritted his teeth.

The people below were silent like cicadas, they didn't even dare to vent their breath, and their hearts were full of doubts. They didn't understand who could make Lord Jiuyou, who was at the peak of his sage, so angry.

No wonder they, how did they know that after the double cultivation with the Taoist Lord of Bliss, the death of the Taoist Lord of Bliss made Jun Jiuyou's soul flawed, and he could not achieve a legend at all.

This is the reason why both the Bliss School and the Taoist masters of the past dynasties have both made breakthroughs.

Although the double cultivation allowed their strength to advance by leaps and bounds, it also put a shackle on them.

Once one party dies, it will be difficult for the other party to become a legend.

Otherwise, with his strength, he would have been able to become a legend long ago, unlike now, he has been stuck at the peak of Daowen, unable to make progress.

Finally, the stone of death can baptize his soul and repair his soul.

But in the process of restoration, Fang Yi snatched him halfway, how could he not be angry?

Every time he thinks of this, he wishes to cut Fang Yi into pieces.

"Master Jiuyou, with the latest news, that person has entered the sea of ​​blood, the area ruled by the evil ghosts, a place called Sifang Prison..."

At this time, a strong soul clan came to report in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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