Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2630 Blood Sea

Chapter 2630 Blood Sea

Sea of ​​blood!

It is also a part of Huangquanhai. The seawater here is as blood-red as blood, and people have a feeling of heart palpitations before they get close.

The Sea of ​​Blood got its name from this.

Speaking of the Sea of ​​Blood, there are many legends about it, because this is the core part of the entire Yellow Spring Sea.

The blood sea is extremely wide, and the evil ghost path only occupies a part of it.

In addition, there are still many forces entrenched in it, such as the Shura Dao mentioned before, and the Hell Dao, which are also part of it.

There are countless other forces.

The sea of ​​blood is as big as hundreds of millions of miles.

At this moment, on the edge of the sea of ​​blood, there are several figures. The person in the center is wearing a blue robe, with an indifferent expression, staring at the depths of the sea of ​​blood.

"Young Master, this is it! This is the area ruled by the Evil Ghost Dao."

Protector Xuanyin said respectfully, with a dignified expression.

Just kidding, this time he is facing the evil ghost, how can he not be afraid, this is because he has seen Fang Yi's domineering in the Night Demon Realm, otherwise, he would not dare to come rashly even if he had ten courages.

Of course, he is here now not because he believes that Fang Yi has the strength to fight against the Ghost Mother.

It's because of the land of rules.

For the sake of that ruled land, no way, I have to try it again.

and so……

"Young master, do we really want to meet the ghost mother in an open and aboveboard manner? If she really has a plan that is not good for us, the consequences will be disastrous."

After thinking about it, Protector Xuanyin still reminded me.

Although he knew that Lord Black Dragon had already mentioned similar words, he still couldn't help reminding him again.

"What? Are you afraid?"

Fang Yi looked sideways slightly, glanced at him lightly, and said.


Seeing the question, Protector Xuanyin paused for a moment before saying: "Master Hui, if you say you're not afraid at all, that's obviously a lie. The ghost ghost mother is extremely good. In the entire Huangquanhai, no one dares to say that she can beat her." .”

"But, if the young master insists on doing this, his subordinates are willing to swear to follow him to the death."

Protector Xuanyin hastily expressed his loyalty.

Of course, he is at the same level as the Cave and Heaven Returning to One Realm. Although he is far from being able to match the strong man who manifests the sage, but when the critical moment comes, there are always ways to save his life.

Moreover, Fang Yi is very powerful, with Fang Yi standing up, he is confident enough to protect himself.

The only thing that worries him is the Ghost Mother, if the opponent makes a move, then...

"You are honest!"

Fang Yi smiled and said: "Don't worry! Since you have surrendered to me, I will naturally not let you die, so you can stay!"


Hearing this, Protector Xuanyin couldn't help but startled, full of puzzlement, and was about to ask.

At this time, Fang Yi's voice sounded again, "The Guardians of Zhenyang should be here soon, so you should go to Sifang Prison to meet them. Remember, don't act rashly and act according to circumstances."

"Sifang Prison?" Guardian Xuanyin hurriedly said, "Then you are alone, young master?..."

"What? Do you doubt my strength?"

Fang Yi smiled, and said again: "It is more convenient for me to be alone. If there is anything, I can leave at any time, but I will bring you..."

This is undoubtedly a big truth, in the face of the Nether Ghost Mother, the Xuanyin Protector really can't help much.

On the contrary, it may become a drag.

What's more, Fang Yi has more important things for him to do.

"My subordinates didn't mean that, my subordinates just..." Protector Xuanyin hurriedly defended.

However, Fang Yi interrupted him first, and said directly: "I understand, but I have more important things for you to do. From today on, you are me..."

"What? Tell your subordinates to pretend to be sons and sneak into Sifang Prison?"

Guardian Xuanyin was obviously puzzled.

But later, he realized that Fang Yi wanted to make the news more reliable, so as to attract the strong soul clan, although he didn't know any strong soul clan that could pose a threat to the evil ghost.

However, this is undoubtedly much safer than facing the ghost mother.

Moreover, he naturally did not dare to refuse Fang Yi's order.

"Yes! Don't worry, my lord, my subordinates will live up to the trust." Immediately, Xuanyin Dharma Protector ordered.

"Very good!" Fang Yi nodded, "Remember, be careful all the way. Once you enter Sifang Prison, immediately remove your disguise, otherwise, you may be in danger."

"If you find a Kyushu disciple and encounter an invincible enemy, you can use this."

As he said that, Fang Yi took out another talisman, which contained the blow of his seal. Although it was not too strong, it was better than Jun Jiuyou could recognize it.


Xuanyin's protector turned out a talisman, so he took his orders and left.

However, before leaving, he did not forget to leave two disciples of the Temple of Destruction for Fang Yi to wait on him all the way.

Fang Yi did not refuse.

He doesn't know much about the underworld, even less about the evil ghost realm, and having two followers can save a lot of trouble.

Moreover, the situation in Sifang Prison is unknown, so he is not in a hurry to visit the ghost mother immediately, it is best to do it at the same time, so as to delay a little more time, so as to give Zhenyang enough time to find out the details.

I hope the purpose of this trip can be successfully completed.

Taking another deep look into the depths of the sea of ​​blood, Fang Yi also stepped into it and disappeared.


"Have you ever found out why that person suddenly disappeared?"

In the sea of ​​blood, in another space, a man with a strong murderous aura was questioning the person in front of him.

The man's eyes were like knives, his facial features were cut like knives, and his face was covered with frost. The strong murderous aura made him even more terrifying, and he was extremely majestic.

"My lord, my subordinates don't even know that she has been in our sight all these days."

"Even if he left with the Scarlet Flame Ghost King this time, it is still under our control, but after that, it seems like a sudden news, and there is no trace."

The person below looked puzzled, and his brows were also full of puzzlement.

"Where did she disappear?"

The majestic man asked again.

"My lord, it's in the city of destruction."

"City of Destruction?" A look of astonishment flashed across the majestic man's face, and he turned to ask: "Since that's the case, have you ever investigated it carefully?"

"The subordinates and others have investigated her. She has a special aura, which was easy to find, but this time, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air, and there was no struggle before the destruction of the temple."

"So, it should have nothing to do with destroying the temple, so..."

When the man said this, he didn't continue.

But the majestic man seemed to have understood something, his eyes became a little deep, and he said: "Do you suspect that it is the hands of the ghost mother?"

"Not bad!" the man replied.

"My lord also knows that the ghost mother took a fancy to her because of her identity. There is no news about the things left by the ancestors. I am afraid that the ghost mother can't wait."

Hearing this, the majestic man's expression couldn't help but become even colder.

"After so many years, the ghost mother finally couldn't bear it anymore. Fortunately, only the Evil Ghost Dao and us know about this news. If Shura Dao also finds out about it, then..."

"Pass down the order and pay close attention to everything in the evil ghost's way, as well as the whereabouts of the girl."

The majestic man ordered.


(End of this chapter)

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