Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2632

Chapter 2632 Square Prison

At the same time, in another sea area, the man with a strong killing atmosphere was also listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"What did you say? Another group of people are also looking for the whereabouts of that girl?"

The majestic man's eyes became a little deep, as sharp as a knife.

Has the news leaked out?If so...

"Master, it's true."

The people below definitely replied, "While our people were inquiring about the whereabouts of Concubine Xue, they accidentally discovered the existence of another group of people."

"Have you ever found out where they came from?"

the majestic man asked.

"Returning to my lord, it's too much to scare the snake, and my subordinates told them not to act rashly for the time being, so..."

Hearing this, the majestic man nodded, "You've done a good job. If you act recklessly, we will be exposed, but we must find out who these people are."

There was a solemn look on the majestic man's face, as if he was in some kind of deep thought.

"I would like to ask you, based on your observation, do these people have anything to do with Shura Dao?"


The man below pondered for a moment before saying: "It should be impossible, seeing how they act, they are far from the way of Asura."

"But whether it is true or not, the subordinates are not sure."

Shura Dao, as one of the two overlords in Huangquanhai, has always acted domineeringly and without scruples, which is obviously different from the prudence of those people.

However, this matter is of great importance, whether Shura Dao will change its normal state, no one can say for sure.

Therefore, he is not sure.

"Why don't you go down and try them?" the man below asked.

"No!" the majestic man denied it, "it's better for me to try it myself. It's not easy to startle the snake. Lord Sansha is very interested in this matter, but it will inevitably arouse the idea of ​​​​Ghost Mother. Right now, he has not shown up. I can rely on you and me, do you understand?"

"Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate understands."

The man below said respectfully.

"En!" The majestic man nodded, and his sharp eyes couldn't help looking into the depths of the sea of ​​blood.


"Lord Zhenyang, we're here! Not far ahead is Sifang Prison."

In the sea of ​​blood, in the distance, a continuous submarine mountain range appeared in sight.

The reason why Sifang Prison is called Sifang Prison is precisely because of the peculiar geographical environment here, and it is not so strange to say the least, it is just a sunken valley.

The valley is enormous, but compared to the endless giant peaks all around, it is nothing to mention.

Therefore, the valley is more like a well than a valley.

And the Sifang Prison got its name from this.

"Strange, why is there no one around here?"

There are not many disciples accompanying Zhenyang Dharma Protector, but they are all first-class powerhouses, and those with the lowest cultivation base have all reached the Dongtian Realm. Just kidding, this is the way of evil ghosts. If there is anything, it does not have the strength of the Dongtian Realm If you come, you will die, so...

At this time, a disciple could not help showing a trace of curiosity as he sensed everything in the surrounding silence.

The same is true for Protector Zhenyang, with doubts written all over his face.

However, it wasn't too surprising to arrive, because Fang Yi had warned him when he came, and Fang Yi naturally learned about it from the jade slip of Concubine Xue.

"Be vigilant, no matter whether there are people around or not, this place must be extraordinary."

Protector Zhenyang said cautiously.

In fact, although this mountain range is incomparably huge, it is not difficult to sense it with his cultivation base of the hole in the sky, but in fact, there seems to be an invisible energy in the surrounding area, which isolates him from detection.

Do not!Strictly speaking, it is not a complete isolation, but more like an alternative presentation.

The divine sense was not hindered, but the things detected seemed to be arranged in advance, and the silence was a little strange.

This is undoubtedly more palpitating than complete isolation.

Even ordinary strong people can't find the difference. If Fang Yi hadn't told him in advance, he might still be in the dark.

A group of people walked forward cautiously.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no danger in the surrounding area, and no one was seen.

I hope this is the case, but Protector Zhenyang feels more and more uneasy.

"No! Didn't you say that there are many people locked up here? Why is there no movement at all? Could it be a trap?"

At this time, some people in the crowd raised objections.

They don't know exactly who is being imprisoned in Sifang Prison, they only know that there are some people waiting for them to rescue, but the current situation doesn't seem to be the case.

Perhaps out of fear of evil ghosts, when these words came out, everyone couldn't help showing a bit of dignity.

"Don't think about it, this is the hinterland of the evil ghosts, how could they set any traps here, and, with their strength, can they use it to deal with us?"

Protector Zhenyang reprimanded, it is not a good thing to shake the morale of the army at this time.

And what he said was not without reason.

It's just that it feels a little awkward no matter how you listen to it.


After crossing the continuous mountains, the 'wellhead' finally appeared in sight. From a distance, it looked like a huge black hole, bottomless, devouring everything around.

The aura of arrogance pervades from inside, making people feel a sense of creepiness.

"Hey! Being locked up here? Wouldn't it be dark."

"It's not..."

The crowd showed fear, and felt palpitations when they saw the huge black hole.

"What should we do now? Go straight in?" someone asked.

"No!" Protector Zhenyang denied it, but closed his eyes, and began to sense everything around him. After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

really!Everything is just as Fang Yi said, there is a mysterious power of rules here.

With their strength, it is impossible to break through.

Fortunately, he was already prepared.

Immediately, he opened his hand, and a bright talisman appeared in his hand. The talisman naturally came from Fang Yi.

"Back away, and at the same time block the surrounding area, so as not to make too much noise and attract other attention."

The group of people obeyed the order, retreated hundreds of meters quickly, and shot together at the same time, a huge energy shield instantly condensed, completely covering the surrounding area.

Seeing this, Guardian Zhenyang couldn't help but move his eyes, and pinched his fingers.

The talisman in his hand suddenly shone brightly, and a terrifying sense of destruction erupted, twisting into a dragon in an instant, and heading towards the huge black hole.

Moan! !

Between the heavens and the earth, there was faintly a shocking dragon chant.

The terrifying intent of destruction carried away the aura of destroying everything, and even the huge energy shield was crumbling, as if it would burst at any time.

You must know that the target of the meaning of destruction is not the energy shield, but just some leaked meaning of destruction, which is already so great.

All the strong men in the Temple of Destruction changed their faces drastically.

And it is conceivable to take out a huge black hole in the center of the meaning of destruction.

Boom! !

The world was wiped out inch by inch, and so was the huge black hole, as if the mirror surface was cracked, revealing countless cracks and slowly expanding.

From the crack, faint rays of light shot out.

In addition, there was an indifferent voice, "Huh! It's finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."


(End of this chapter)

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