Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2633 Killing Dao

Chapter 2633 Killing Dao

"It's almost there!"

At the same time, another figure had already appeared near Sifang Prison.

The figure was dressed in a blue robe, and his appearance seemed vague, but his attire was the same as that of Fang Yiru.

There is no doubt that this person is the protector of Xuanyin. Under Fang Yi's order, he disguised himself as Fang Yi and sneaked into Sifang Prison all the way.

Of course, the so-called infiltration is just to attract more attention.

"Aren't you being too cautious? Is there any need for a mere soul race?"

Protector Xuanyin glanced around and couldn't help murmuring.

However, he was just talking about it, but he didn't neglect his hands in the slightest. He quickly removed his disguise and restored his original appearance.

At this time, a disciple of the Temple of Destruction came from nowhere.

"How about it?"

Protector Xuanyin asked directly without looking back.

"Master Hui Xuanyin, the spies of the Soul Clan have been discovered, and I believe they have confirmed the fact that 'Young Master' has entered Sifang Prison."

The disciple replied.

"Very good!" Protector Xuanyin nodded in satisfaction, and turned to look at the mountain range involuntarily.

"Strange! Why haven't Zhenyang and the others arrived yet, or maybe..."

Protector Xuanyin frowned, a little surprised.

According to the footsteps of Guardian Zhenyang and others, obviously it shouldn't be, but the surroundings are quiet, and it doesn't look like there are people. Could it be that they have already entered?

This possibility cannot be ruled out, but the silence in this place is a bit abnormal.

"Go! Go and see!"

After a pause, Guardian Xuanyin moved towards the depths of the mountain range.

Boom! !

However, before he had gone far, there was a violent tremor coming from the front, and the mountain range seemed to be crumbling.

not good!Really went in!

Protector Xuanyin's pupils shrank, and his body suddenly became one piece, shooting away like an arrow.


Fang Yi naturally knew nothing about what happened in Sifang Prison, but from the jade slip of Concubine Xue, he had some understanding of Sifang Prison's situation.

With the two guardians of Zhenyang and Xuanyin, even if they don't get anything, they shouldn't be in too much danger.

Of course, the premise of all this is the authenticity of the jade slip.

If the evil ghosts had other arrangements in this, then the situation would not be optimistic.

Fortunately, he has another 'knife', which may be able to help him.

Of course, there is also a great possibility of hurting him.

But under such circumstances, he couldn't care less.

"Son, it's not good!"

While pondering, Qingniu came in a hurry, his face livid, "Two of the disciples we sent to inquire about Concubine Xue lost contact and their whereabouts are unknown."


Fang Yi frowned, but he was not surprised.

After all, this is the way of evil ghosts, and it will only be a matter of time before the movement of the disciples who destroy the temple is discovered, and he doesn't really expect these people to play a big role.

The most important thing is on himself and his knife, Jun Jiuyou.

If Jun Jiuyou can make a big commotion in Sifang Prison, the Jiuzhou disciples can take advantage of the chaos to escape.

And his purpose is to drag the ghost mother.

Maybe, he doesn't need to procrastinate at all, maybe the other party's target is him, and now that he appears, the other party may not be able to ask for it. As for the Kyushu disciples, whether they are dead or alive, the other party may not care at all.

Of course, all of this is just guesswork right now, and we'll have to wait until we meet the Nether Ghost Mother to find out.

However, there is no need to explain why the other party did not feel at ease. It is already unforgivable just from the fact that the Kyushu disciples have been under house arrest for such a long time.

"Is it the hand of the evil ghost?"

"Isn't it so that you don't have to be so aggressive, and if you notice something is wrong, evacuate immediately!"

Fang Yi frowned and said.

"Back to the young master, we have followed the young master's instructions, but..., this time there is something strange, and the subordinate suspects that it may not be the hands of the evil ghost."

Qingniu said carefully, with doubts on his expression.

"Oh? Who else but them?" Fang Yi couldn't help turning his head, a look of surprise flashed across his face.

"Young Master, my subordinates are not sure. However, in the past few days, while investigating the whereabouts of Concubine Xue, we faintly discovered that another group of people seems to be inquiring about Concubine Xue's whereabouts."

"This matter is probably related to them."

Qingniu said so, with a trace of uncertainty on his face.

another group?

Fang Yi frowned, who could it be?What is the purpose?

"Mr. Hui, I don't know what the origin of these people is, but it seems that they are not good."

Qingniu was slightly worried.

"The visitor is not kind?" Fang Yi pursed his lips lightly, and said with a smile: "Even if the visitor is not kind, he should only speak to the evil ghost. The enemy of an enemy is a friend, and maybe we can cooperate."

The corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled up in amusement.

Qingniu didn't seem to take it seriously, and only said: "Then what should we do next? And those two disciples..."

"Let everyone withdraw! We'll be in the ghost house soon, and if we continue to investigate, we may not find anything." Fang Yi replied.

"As for those two..., they should still be alive. If the other party really wants to kill, it's not just missing."

After a pause, he said again.


Hearing this, Qingniu quickly took orders and was about to leave.

But at this moment, a playful voice suddenly sounded, "I have some brains, but unfortunately, my strength is too weak. It is wishful thinking to cooperate with me."

The voice was loud, full of sarcasm and strong killing intent.

Bang bang! !

Immediately afterwards, two loud noises came, and two figures fell from the void. They were the two disciples who had lost contact with each other before.

Seeing this, Qingniu couldn't help but change his expression, and hurried up to meet him.

And in the void, another figure also condensed, it was the majestic man full of killing aura.

"Kill Dao?"

Fang Yi didn't seem surprised, instead he looked at the person in front of him curiously and murmured.

As for Qingniu, his entire face has turned extremely pale, not because of those two disciples. Although those two disciples suffered some injuries, they still did not die.

What really scares him is the identity of the visitor.

yes!Killing Dao, one of the forces founded by the legendary ancestor Minghe, is not only a force, but also a way.

In the endless years, the way of killing is different from the way of Shura, and has always occupied an extremely important position in the entire Huangquanhai.And they, once brilliant, were once suppressed and fell into the dust. When they were beautiful, even Shura Dao couldn't match them, and they even unified Huangquanhai.

Of course, the fall is also faster.

In recent years, they have been unusually low-key, living in the depths of the sea of ​​blood, and rarely extend their tentacles to the outside world.

now don't want to...

"What? Was it a surprise?" The majestic man seemed very satisfied with Qingniu's reaction, and the corner of his mouth was faintly evoked with a touch of satisfaction, but Fang Yi's calm made him very unhappy, and his eyes couldn't help but turn slightly cold.

"A mere Temple of Destruction dares to yell and cooperate with me? It's unbelievable."

The majestic man sneered again and again, looking at Fang Yi with disdain.

Afterwards, the conversation changed again, "Boy! Seeing that you are not too stupid, I might as well give you a chance to be loyal. From now on, I will not do without you if I do things for me. the benefits of."

The majestic man's voice is extremely domineering, as if it is a gift to make people loyal.


(End of this chapter)

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