Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2635 3 Kill

Chapter 2635 Three Kills

There is no doubt about the tyranny of the way of killing, and the majestic man is also extremely extraordinary.

However, with Fang Yi's current strength, it is not difficult to defeat the opponent, but it may not be so easy to win the opponent.

After all, defeating and winning are two completely different concepts.

With this level of strength, if one party really wanted to leave, it would be difficult for anyone to stop them.

However, this is normal.

It was naturally different at this moment, Fang Yi showed the enemy to be weak, the majestic man never thought that Fang Yi was a strong man who showed his sage, he only thought that Fang Yi was an ordinary Dongtianguiyi.

But in reality, Fang Yi's strength far surpassed him.

One has mental calculations without intention, and the latter is even more contemptuous, and the result can be imagined.

Seeing the terrifying intent of destruction, the majestic man's expression changed drastically, and he tried to escape, but unfortunately, it was too late, and the giant palm had already struck with lightning speed.

Boom! !

The world was also shaken, and every inch was wiped out.

"Do not!!"

Following the majestic man's unwilling howl, his huge figure flew out as if struck by lightning.

His face was suddenly pale, and it seemed that he had been injured a lot.

"You..." He looked at it viciously, as if he wanted to say something, but Fang Yi didn't give him another chance, and the giant palm fell down again, like the hand of God, sealing everything.

Even the space around the majestic man was completely frozen.

The majestic man's face also became extremely ugly.

"You! Who the hell are you?"

At this moment, he seemed to finally understand something. The Temple of Destruction could have such strength, who else could it be except the protagonist of the battle in the Night Demon Realm?

"Did you just remember to ask who I am now? It's a pity..." Fang Yi shook his head lightly. That giant palm, like a sharp sword hanging from the majestic man's head, could kill him at any time.

"No... don't kill me, I'm killing Dao and killing the demon king, you..."

At this moment, the Killing Demon Monarch no longer had the dominance he had before, but only endless fear.

And a slightly trembling body.

Fang Yi's dominance undoubtedly far exceeded his expectations.

"Kill the Demon Lord?" Fang Yi glanced at the other party playfully, with a hint of disdain flashing in his eyes, but he didn't hurt the killer, but asked directly: "Tell me! Who is the blood concubine? Looking for her?"

This is undoubtedly what Fang Yi was curious about.

Especially the identity of Concubine Xue, and why she wanted to help herself.

However, to Fang Yi's disappointment, upon hearing the words, the Killing Demon King couldn't help flashing a hint of vigilance in his eyes, but he still replied: "My! I don't know..."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's eyes suddenly flashed with displeasure, and killing intent emerged.

Before the other party could finish speaking, the terrifying giant palm also froze, and the expression of Miesha Mojun changed drastically in fright, and he begged for mercy.

He also hurriedly said: "I really don't know, the reason I'm looking for her is because it has something to do with Patriarch Ming He."


Hearing this, not only Fang Yi, but Qingniu's face was also full of shock.

Who is Patriarch Styx, that existed in the Three Realms in ancient times, and now the person in front of him actually said that the search for the blood concubine was related to Patriarch Styx, how could he not be shocked.

"Bastard! I really think I dare not kill you!"

Fang Yi's pupils shrank, and he shouted sharply.

Concubine Xue was related to Patriarch Styx, he didn't believe such absurd thing, but he also wanted to hear what the other party could say, so he didn't act in a hurry.

"I... I'm really not talking nonsense." Killing Mojun seemed to be afraid that Fang Yi would end him if he was upset, so he said quickly.

"I also acted according to orders. Everything was said by Master Sansha, who said that Concubine Xue is related to Patriarch Styx."

Three kills, sir?

Fang Yi couldn't help but doubt flashed across his eyes.

Qingniu obviously saw it, and quickly explained: "Young Master Hui, every master of the Dao of Killing is called the Lord of Killing, but they themselves often call themselves 'Three Killers', which has something to do with their teachings."

"Oh?" Fang Yi was slightly curious, and asked, "What doctrine?"

"Master Hui, the doctrine of killing is: kill the sky, kill the earth, and kill all living beings. That is, the three kills, killing everything that can be killed."

what! !

Fang Yi couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he heard the words, such an overbearing teaching, unexpectedly...

However, he doesn't need to care about these things. What he cares more about is undoubtedly whether he can get useful information from the other party, "Is that all?"

Immediately, he asked coldly, his eyes were like a knife.

"I...I!" The Killing Demon Monarch was obviously at a loss, his eyes full of fear.

But sensing Fang Yi's gradually gloomy face, he quickly said: "The specifics, Mr. Sansha didn't know what he said. He only said that the blood concubine might be related to Patriarch Minghe. As long as you find her, you may get Something from Patriarch Styx."

"As for Concubine Xue, we only know about it recently. We only know that he is extremely valued by the ghost mother, and we don't know anything else..."

Killing Demon King seems to know everything, but in reality, even Fang Yi is not sure whether the other party is lying or not.

After all, it is not so easy to see through when the cultivation base has reached this level of strength.

But there is one thing, it should not be fake, that is, Concubine Xue may really have some kind of connection with Patriarch Styx, otherwise, Sha Dao would not take this risk to sneak into the Evil Ghost Dao.

Moreover, it is impossible for the other party to think of such an excuse to prevaricate himself.

The only possibility is that all this is true.

However, this fact was not what Fang Yi wanted, and it also made Fang Yi's guess come to naught. If the blood concubine was really the person he guessed, I'm afraid she wouldn't have any connection with Patriarch Minghe.

The purpose of both is the same.

The other party was looking for the blood concubine, and he was looking for the blood concubine only incidentally, the most important thing was to rescue the disciples of the Kyushu, so the two couldn't say...

Thinking of this, Fang Yi's palm could not help but let go, and said in his mouth: "For the sake of not killing me to destroy the disciples of the temple, I will spare your life."

Miesha Mojun was undoubtedly taken aback when he saw this.

I thought I was going to die, but I never thought...

He looked at Fang Yi in a daze, apparently a little confused, as if he wanted to escape but didn't dare to, "You! You..."

He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't know what to say.

"Don't make a fuss, as I said before, the enemy of an enemy is a friend, and our goals are the same, aren't we?" Fang Yi said lightly.

It was still the same words, but it was completely different from Miesha Mojun's mouth at this moment, so he could only nod his head in a daze.

"Don't you want to find the blood concubine, but are you afraid that your identity will be leaked? This lord will give you a chance, and the cooperation will continue. You can act together with the Temple of Destruction, and use the banner of the Temple of Destruction as a cover."

"The condition is that when necessary, you should try your best to help me restrain some evil ghosts."

The Evil Ghost Dao is very strong, but it is obviously not enough to destroy the temple.

Although there is a knife like Jun Jiuyou, it is a double-edged sword. No one knows what will happen. Even if it can play some role, it is unlikely to be of any benefit to the disciples of the Temple of Destruction.

At that time, it is still unknown whether the disciples who destroy and the Kyushu disciples can retreat unscathed.

If there are disciples of Sha Dao to help, then, the hope will undoubtedly be greater.

"Hold the disciples of the evil ghosts?" Hearing the words, Miesha Mojun couldn't help showing a look of surprise on his face, and immediately asked: "What do you want to do? Could it be that you want to attack the evil ghosts?"


(End of this chapter)

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