Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2636 Blood Princess

Chapter 2636 Blood Princess

"What, is it surprising?"

Fang Yi asked lightly.

But it was his indifference that made Miesha Mojun not know what to say for a while, he was stunned and said: "But, the ghost mother! She..."

When mentioning the ghost mother, he was full of fear, seeing that the ghost mother must be something special.

It is conceivable that a man of the Holy Realm can be frightened to such an extent.

"Don't worry! The ghost mother will deal with it by myself, you don't need to take action, you just need to hold other people back."

Fang Yi replied again.

Hearing this, Killing Mojun seemed relieved, and then looked up at Fang Yi, his eyes were full of strange light, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Perhaps, he was thinking about whether Fang Yi could hold back the ghost mother and the danger of this trip.

But in any case, having the cover of the Temple of Destruction undoubtedly has great benefits for Killing Dao.

What's more, under such circumstances, he seemed unable to refuse.

"I can promise you, but I have a question about the blood concubine..."

After thinking about it, he asked again.

However, before he could finish speaking, Fang Yi had already spoken first, as if he had seen through what he was thinking, "I know what you want to ask, don't worry, what is this gentleman about Patriarch Styx and what he left behind?" I'm not interested in anything at all."

"The cooperation between us is not in conflict. You do your own thing, and I will save my people."

"But one thing, when necessary, you must go all out, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

It is impossible for these people to do things willingly without any benefit.

Although Fang Yi can suppress the Lord and kill the Demon Lord, if there is a conflict of purpose between the two, the cooperation will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. At that time, it goes without saying.

And in fact, Fang Yi, the patriarch of Styx, really has no interest.

Already owning three major temples, three avenues are in front of him, as well as the avenue of destruction and so on.

He didn't have time to pay attention to other things at all, even if the things left by Patriarch Styx were amazing, what he had was just curiosity, and he had no intention of possessing them.

The Three Great Temples haven't figured it out yet, and he still understands the truth that greed can't be chewed.

"it is good!"

Killing Demon Lord finally nodded, not sure if he believed Fang Yi's words.

In fact, under such circumstances, he has no choice at all, but whether he will fully cooperate in the future is up to him, so he agreed very readily.

"Then what should we do next?" He asked immediately.

"Next? Naturally, go to the Ghost Mansion."

Fang Yi smiled lightly, looking in the direction of the Ghost Mansion, with an intriguing smile in his eyes.


ghost house!

The base camp of evil ghosts, where the ghost mother is.

In the distance, a huge dark underwater city appeared in the induction, and the aura filled the air, making the city look extraordinarily eerie, like a city of hell.

"My lord, this is the Ghost Mansion, we..."

Qingniu looked at the city with fear on his face.

Just kidding, this is not any other place, but the headquarters of evil ghosts. Once you enter it, life and death may be up to you. How can he not be afraid.

"You guys stay outside! It's enough for me to go alone!"

Fang Yi glanced at him slightly, and naturally understood the fear in his heart.

In fact, he didn't plan to bring a few people in, there was no need for that.

"But..." Qingniu's expression was a bit complicated when he heard the words, and he was obviously in a dilemma, but before he could finish speaking, Fang Yi had already drifted away, leaving only a light sentence.

"Notify Killing Demon Monarch and let him be ready at any time."

The sound faded away.


On the ghost mansion, on the tall city, there are several figures standing at the moment, and the person in the center is suddenly the Scarlet Flame Ghost King.

At this moment, he was looking forward to the distance, as if he was waiting for something.

At this time, a hint of surprise appeared on his expectant face, because a figure was stepping forward, and that figure walked through the void like a great emperor roaming the world.

Needless to say, the figure was Fang Yi.

"Young Master Fang, stay safe and sound!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King hastily greeted him with an earnest expression on his face.

The reason why he is so ardent is naturally because of his way of Yinhuo, and of course, because there is no essential conflict between the two.

In the Temple of Destruction, the two had the same goal, and they both had to deal with the Destruction Monarch.

The two even worked together, that head.

As for the Night Demon Realm, there was no conflict between the two, and Fang Yi even saved his life.Therefore, he thought of using this to build a good relationship with Fang Yi.

Fang Yi only smiled playfully, but he had other thoughts in his heart. Judging from the performance of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, it seemed that there were some things that the other party didn't know.

At least not enough details.

Didn't the ghost mother tell him?Or, did I misunderstand the Ghost Mother?

What is the plan of the other party?

"Ghost King Scarlet Flame, I never expected you to be the first person I saw when I came to the ghost mansion." Fang Yi said pointedly.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King said with a smile: "This king is also under the order of the ghost mother, and I will wait here for a long time."


Hearing this, Fang Yi's heart tightened.

The ghost ghost mother actually let the red flame ghost king wait for her here, what does this mean?

never mind!If you come here, you will be at ease, since you are all here, there is no point in guessing, you will know it when you meet.

"Where is the ghost mother?" Fang Yi asked immediately.

"Master Fang is in a hurry to see Mr. Ghost Mother right now? That's fine!" Chiyan Ghost King nodded and smiled, "Master Ghost Mother has been waiting for Mr. Fang's visit for a long time."

"Please come with me!"

As he said that, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King led Fang Yi away without further delay.

"Chiyan Ghost King, I ask you, is there a blood concubine in your evil ghost way? Who is she? Where is she now, do you know?"

On the way, thinking of Concubine Xue, Fang Yi couldn't help asking.

"Blood concubine?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help being stunned, and the corner of his mouth revealed a strange look. Back in the Night Demon Realm, Hua Lian'er said that Fang Yi would kill him in minutes.

Immediately, he couldn't help but glanced at Fang Yi, and asked back: "Who is she, doesn't Mr. Fang know?"

What do you mean?

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help moving, and he looked at the Scarlet Flame Ghost King with a questioning look.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King seemed a little puzzled, and said, "Master Fang is not the Emperor of Kyushu, is he looking for Kyushu disciples? She is one of Kyushu disciples!"


Hearing this, Fang Yi could no longer calm down.

Although he has always had doubts in his heart, it is only suspicion. Judging from the words of Killing the Demon Lord, it doesn't seem to be the case, but now...

"Are you sure? Do you know her name?"

Fang Yi asked anxiously.

"Ah? What's her name? Isn't she the blood concubine! Hundreds of years ago, the disciples of Kyushu called her that. Isn't she your concubine?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King said in astonishment.

Is it really Hua Lianer?Fang Yi's pupils also shrank.

He had always suspected that the so-called blood concubine might have something to do with the Kyushu disciples, but why the other party was valued by the ghost mother and why it was related to the ancestor Minghe once made him overturn his guess.

But now the words of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King undoubtedly made this guess more possible.

It's just that if this is the case, why is Hua Lian'er getting the attention of the ghost mother when the disciples of Kyushu are imprisoned?

Why is that?

Hua Lian'er ignores disciples from Kyushu?This is obviously impossible, otherwise, she would not have informed herself of Sifang Prison's situation.

Or is it that I have misunderstood the ghost mother, and the other party has other secrets?

All this made Fang Yi feel more and more confusing.


At this time, a huge palace also appeared in front of the two of them.


(End of this chapter)

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