Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2637 Ghost Mother

Chapter 2637 Ghost Mother

"Master Fang, please!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King made another gesture of invitation, "Master Ghost Mother is already waiting in the hall."

"It's work!"

Fang Yi nodded, and couldn't help but glance at the main hall. The whole hall is extremely magnificent, but it gives off a strange and gloomy atmosphere.

In it, Fang Yi didn't sense any powerful aura.

This is somewhat intriguing.

It should be noted that the ghost mother is extremely powerful, her aura must be extremely amazing, but Fang Yi cannot perceive it, there are nothing more than two possibilities.

The first one is that the ghost mother is too powerful, so powerful that he can't perceive it at all, perhaps because it blocks the perception of the outside world.

The second is that the ghost mother is not in it at all

These two, no matter which one they are, are undoubtedly not good things for Fang Yi.

In the former, if the other party is so powerful, then the possibility of Fang Yi's plan will undoubtedly be less likely to succeed, and in the latter, if the other party is not among them, but makes this arrangement, it will be more intriguing.

But, already here, even if you know it's a trap, you still have to figure it out.

Immediately, Fang Yi settled down, and strode towards the hall.


Inside the hall, it looked a little dark.

The empty hall also seemed extraordinarily quiet.

The surrounding area was empty, only at the top of the main hall, an ethereal figure was facing away from the entrance of the main hall.

The reason for saying that figure is ethereal is because that figure is like an illusion, and it seems a bit out of place with the surrounding space, as if it is independent of this space.

She was dressed in a blood-colored robe, and her long hair fell down, giving off an inexplicable sense of loneliness.

What surprised Fang Yi was that this back view gave him a faint feeling of deja vu.

"You finally came!"

A clear and slightly soft voice sounded, faintly carrying a hint of expectation and excitement.

Then, the figure turned around slowly, and a face that Fang Yi never dreamed of appeared in front of his eyes, and it was suddenly Hua Lian'er.

How can it be?

Fang Yi's pupils shrank sharply, his face was full of horror, how could Hua Lian'er be a ghost mother?

"Who are you? Why are you pretending to be Hua Lian'er?"

Fang Yi almost denied the identity of the other party, jokingly, no matter what, he would not believe that the ghost mother is Hua Lian'er.

You know, Hua Lian'er entered the underworld only a few hundred years ago, but the Ghost Mother has existed for countless thousands of years.

How could the two be equated?

However, Fang Yi couldn't see the flaws in it, as if it really was Hua Lian'er.

"Are you surprised?"

However, Hua Lian'er's expression was extremely calm, "But that's the truth, don't you forget that in the battle against Tiankuixing, you couldn't bear our souls to dissipate, and you helped us cross the Styx with the water of the source."


When Tiankuixing was mentioned again, Fang Yi couldn't help but froze.

Could it be that the other party is really Hua Lian'er?

Besides Hua Lian'er and the Kyushu disciples, who else knows about Tiankuixing?

wrong!Even Hua Lian'er didn't know that he used the original water to protect her soul, because Hua Lian'er had already fallen at that time.

Fang Yi reacted abruptly.

However, Hua Lian'er's face turned ferocious, and her voice completely changed, becoming extremely eerie.

"You really own the water temple! Hahaha!!"

The sharp laughter seemed to pierce the heavens and the earth, filling the whole hall with a terrifying aura.

Hua Lian'er's ferocious face also changed accordingly, becoming an indifferent and high-ranking woman. She was dressed in a blood robe and exuded a terrifying aura, giving people an incomparable feeling.

It is the Ghost Mother.

And as soon as these words came out, Fang Yi finally understood the other party's purpose.

The other party really came after him!

For this point, Fang Yi was actually not too surprised. He had thought about this possibility as early as when he guessed the other party's purpose.

After all, the Kyushu disciples are just a group of ordinary people, and it is obviously not them who can care about the Ghost Mother.

But in fact, the ghost ghost mother did imprison the Kyushu disciples.

Then the answer is obvious, what the ghost mother wants to find from the Kyushu disciples.

However, what is there in the Kyushu disciples that is worth coveting even a peak-level powerhouse?After thinking about it, it seems that there is only the original water left on them.

Now, as expected!

Since Fang Yi had already expected everything, Fang Yi naturally didn't panic too much, but asked with cold eyes: "So what? Do you think you can achieve your wish?"

From the moment the ghost mother appeared, Fang Yi had already sensed the breath of the other party.

Although the aura is terrifying, it may be able to scare the other holy realms.

However, it is obviously impossible to scare Fang Yi. The ghost mother is at most comparable to Jun Jiuyou and the Immortal Corpse King. Today, although Fang Yi is not an opponent of these, but he wants to save his life, but Still have a certain grasp.

Fang Yi's calmness obviously surprised the ghost mother.

The latter looked at Fang Yi coldly, and said, "It's been a few hundred years to reach such a point, it's a pity, no wonder you dare to enter the ghost mansion alone, if you are given some more time..."

"Unfortunately, you don't have time."

Ghost Mother looked at Fang Yi coldly, although she said so, she was not in a hurry to act.

Perhaps, she was not sure that Fang Yi would be able to stay.

After all, the Water God Temple is one of the legendary artifacts of good fortune, and the world is not very clear about what is so special about it.

Moreover, Fang Yi had already demonstrated his incomparably powerful strength in the battle against the Night Demon Realm.

Although she could defeat Fang Yi, she might not be able to stay.

"However! I can give you a chance."

As she said that, the Ghost Mother changed her subject again, "Don't you want to save the disciples from the Nine Provinces? I can let them go, but the condition is the Water God Palace."

Obviously, Kyushu disciples are of no importance to her.

The water temple is his goal.

"Heh!" However, Fang Yi couldn't help sneering, playing with the taste: "I am a little curious, why do you think I will come to the underworld and imprison my Kyushu disciple for so long."

To be honest, Fang Yi was really curious about this.

Just because the Kyushu disciples noticed the clues of the original water, they set up today's situation?

This is probably too exaggerated.

You must know that at that time, I was only in the Fusion Realm, and entering the underworld was far away.

Even, if it wasn't an accident this time, he wouldn't be able to enter the underworld, at least until he entered the fairy world.

But the other party said that he had prepared for today's game early, and it has been hundreds of years, although hundreds of years are not worth mentioning to practitioners.

However, he always felt that it was more than that simple.

It was impossible for the other party to expect that she would come. Instead of waiting for her to come, it would be more practical for her to find herself after breaking through.

But the fact...

"It's about the Water God Temple, even if it's just in case, it's worth a try, isn't it?"

The ghost mother asked back, and then said again.

"Speaking of which, I have taken care of the Kyushu disciples for you. If it weren't for this palace, the Kyushu disciples would have been wiped out long ago. What do you think?"

"So, you don't suffer from this deal."

"That's right!" Fang Yi nodded, and he did not deny this. Although the Kyushu disciples were imprisoned, it was also a kind of protection.

Because of this, Fang Yi suppressed the impulse in his heart and didn't kill him directly.

Otherwise, even if it is a dragon's pond and a tiger's lair, he will turn the world upside down.

"However, I won't be grateful to you, and you can't stop the person I want to save."

As he said that, Fang Yi's eyes also sank.


(End of this chapter)

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