Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2638 Under the Abyss

Chapter 2638 Under the Abyss

"Oh! What a big tone!"

The Ghost Mother chuckled slightly, with a hint of sarcasm, "Don't you think that by destroying a few trash from the temple, you can save people from this Palace?"

Obviously, everything about Sifang Prison, as well as the destruction of the temple, could not be hidden from her eyes and ears.

Fang Yi was not surprised either, this is the evil ghost's way after all, the opponent's territory.

In fact, he didn't have too much hope for the two guardians. After all, the two guardians can't return to the sky. They might be first-class powerhouses in other places, but they are obviously not enough in the evil ghost realm.

In particular, the opponent has already made preparations to scare the snake away.

However, knowing this, he had no choice but to come because of the Kyushu disciples.

Also because of Jun Jiuyou, with Jun Jiuyou, things may not have turned around, let alone now there is another killer.

"It's okay, you'll know if you try it!"

Fang Yi replied indifferently, his eyes became more and more fierce.

The ghost mother did the same, and her face slowly sank, "Since you don't leave for your life, then don't blame me for being ruthless."

boom! !

As she spoke, the aura around her suddenly exploded, becoming extremely terrifying.

A strong aura filled the entire hall, and there were faint howls, and the entire hall seemed to have turned into a ghost town.

Fang Yi's pupils also shrank.

Ghost Mother really deserves her reputation, just this breath...

However, he did not show any weakness, and the terrifying meaning of destruction also permeated.

"Aside from the disciples of the Kyushu, where is the blood concubine?"

Judging from the fact that the other party turned into Hua Lian'er, the identity of Concubine Xue was beyond doubt, as well as the conjecture of killing the demon king, everything was inseparable from the ghost ghost mother.

Therefore, Fang Yi couldn't help questioning at the same time as the breath erupted.

"I want to know! Let's see how capable you are."

The ghost mother's cold eyes suddenly turned cold, and then, a sharp claw came directly.

The terrifying wind was wrapped in monstrous energy, as if it wanted to take Fang Yi down in one fell swoop.

"Good come!"

However, Fang Yi is not Yi Yuzhi's generation. He only heard him shout, and then slapped the same palm, and the two terrifying palms collided together instantly.


At the same time, a fierce battle is also going on in Sifang Prison.

The two guardians and the disciples of the Temple of Destruction are surrounded by countless disciples of evil ghosts.

Fortunately, all those who accompanied this trip were those from the Heavenly Cave Realm, coupled with the tyrannical strength of the two guardians, they could barely support it for a while.

However, if this continues, the result can be imagined.

What's more terrible is that on the side of the Evil Ghost Dao, a gloomy and terrifying old man did not make a move at the moment, but looked at the Temple of Destruction and his party with incomparable playfulness and sarcasm.

"It's all here? Just relying on you trash, you dare to sneak into my evil ghost's way to save people?"

The gloomy old man had faint disappointment on his face, as well as deep contempt, "It's simply beyond my control."

As he spoke, his eyes darkened, as if he had lost his patience.

Seeing this, the faces of the two guardians couldn't help but change drastically. Although the old man didn't make a move, it is not difficult to see that this is definitely a super strong man, and he may have reached the holy state.

In the current situation, they are no longer supported, and if this old man is added, it is conceivable.

However, what to worry about.

As soon as the gloomy old man took a big step, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, faintly fluctuating with regular force.

Obviously, this is a strong man who manifests his holiness.

Perhaps because of their disdain for the two, the other party did not deliberately use the power of rules, but inadvertently, but...

"Lie down for the old man!"

The gloomy old man let out a loud cry, stretched out his palm, and a huge hand enveloped him in an instant.

Suddenly, the entire sky seemed to be blocked.

The terrifying palms were like billowing black clouds, covering the sky and the sun. The expressions of the two guardians couldn't help but changed drastically. They looked at each other and shot at the same time.

Boom! !

The next moment, a loud noise shook the entire world.

In Sifang Prison, there was an empty abyss. Feeling this violent vibration, one after another figure looked up at the void.

If Fang Yi were here, he would definitely be able to recognize those figures as the Kyushu disciples, Meng Tiance, Bai Qingxue, Lang Tianci, Gongsun Zhige and so on.

"What's going on? Could it be the blood concubine?"

someone asked.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other, with longing in their eyes.

Compared to the continuous mountain range in Sifang Prison, a terrifying figure had already pierced through the air, and its sharp eyes swept directly towards the center of the battle.

"Little thief! This seat sees where you escape today!"

The figure was as fast as lightning, and went straight away.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying power caused the two guardians to recede, and their faces were pale. The tyranny of the gloomy old man was undoubtedly far beyond their expectations.

This is not as simple as an ordinary Manifestation Realm.

The other party has not yet used the power of rules, but it is already invincible to the two of them, with such strength...

At this moment, the two couldn't help but look ashamed.

Although they had long expected that this trip would be dangerous, they never thought that there would be such a strong man waiting for them here.

"Is this the only ability for two wastes to return to one? It's even worse than the old man expected."

"Just because of you, you dare to attack me as a ghost, you are looking for death."

The gloomy old man's eyes were full of disdain, and he looked at the two of them as if he was looking at a dead person, "Forget it! Since you intend to seek death, this old man will help you."

As he said that, a murderous intent appeared in the gloomy old man's eyes, and with his giant palm protruding, endless power of rules surged in instantly.

not good!

The faces of the two guardians changed drastically. At this moment, they dared not take any chances.

Without even thinking about it, Guardian Xuanyin took out the talisman given by Fang Yi, and pinched it with ten fingers.

Immediately, a shocking dragon chant roared from inside the talisman.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying real dragon claw directly grabbed the gloomy old man, filled with endless destructive energy, making the latter look like an enemy, and his face changed dramatically.

Boom! !

With a loud noise, the world was in turmoil, and the entire space seemed to be broken.

And the figure of the gloomy old man also flew upside down.

However, that's all. Although this blow was overbearing, it didn't cause him too much trauma.

Instead, it aroused endless anger in his heart.

"You two are courting death!"

His pupils shrank sharply, revealing his killing intent.

The terrifying aura also erupted, like an erupting volcano.

The expressions of the two guardians undoubtedly changed drastically. Under such circumstances, it seemed that they had only one way to go, and that was to escape.

But under the power of the terrifying rules around him, even if he escaped, it became a luxury at this moment.

Boom! !

Just when they were extremely desperate, suddenly, there was a sound of rolling thunder, and the sky and the earth trembled.

The next moment, a terrifying figure hovered above the void.

The figure had a tyrannical aura and a ferocious expression, like a ghost in hell, full of endless anger.

"Break it for me!"

Just hearing him shout, a terrifying aura erupted from his body, and the eerie old man's blow instantly disintegrated, and the entire space also collapsed.

The endless power of rules collapsed inch by inch, exposing the abyss.


(End of this chapter)

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