Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2639

Chapter 2639

"The seal is broken!!"

Under the endless abyss, all the Kyushu disciples looked joyful.

Meng Tiance's eyes also shot sharply, "Go out!" After hearing him shout, he immediately shot upwards, like a cloud-piercing arrow.

kill kill kill! !

Not to be outdone, a group of Kyushu disciples flocked in an instant.

In the outside world, the gloomy old man's pupils also changed drastically, but under such circumstances, he didn't care about any seals, and his sharp eyes swept directly towards Jun Jiuyou, full of fear.

"Okay! No wonder it's time to break into the Sifang Prison. It turns out that such a strong man is hidden behind it."

Apparently, he mistakenly thought that Jun Jiuyou and the Temple of Destruction were in the same group.

Jun Jiuyou naturally didn't bother to explain, his knife-like eyes directly swept towards everyone in the field, obviously looking for something, but he was disappointed that there was no sign of Fang Yi.

"Take your life!"

Just at this time, the gloomy old man broke out with all his strength, and the terrifying energy and thin lines of rules rushed towards Jun Jiuyou like a tide, as if he wanted to crush Jun Jiuyou into scum.

But it is a pity that although his strength is great, it is only compared to the two guardians.

In front of Jun Jiuyou, it was obviously much worse.

"Overestimate yourself, get out!"

Jun Jiuyou couldn't find Fang Yi, and he was extremely angry at first, but at this moment the gloomy old man attacked, it is conceivable.

His eyes suddenly turned cold, and the terrifying power moved towards the gloomy old man like an overwhelming power, sweeping away everything, and everything was unable to resist under this power.

The gloomy old man is naturally no exception.

His pupils dilated suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost. Perhaps he never dreamed that the visitor would be so domineering. His strength might not be weaker than that of the Ghost Mother.

Such a strong person, how can he be the enemy.

Boom! !

Immediately, there was a loud bang, the sky and the earth were shattered inch by inch, and the figure of the gloomy old man was blasted out like a shell, his face turned pale.

The originally radiant body also became dilapidated, as if it would break apart at any moment.

"you you……"

I saw him pointing at Jun Jiuyou, completely speechless, his expression was full of fear, his breath was weak, and he was already dying.

Meanwhile, Xuanyin Protector, Zhenyang Protector and others also had pale faces at the moment.

Just kidding, such a strong person, they have only heard of or seen it.

Not to mention such a profound experience.

To them, the gloomy old man who is extremely powerful, the existence of the Holy Realm, but in the eyes of those who come, is no more than a one-shot enemy. How can they not be afraid of this overbearing.

"It's you?"

Especially when Jun Jiuyou glanced at the two of them, they felt their legs go weak.

"You made that dragon claw just now?"

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were as bright as torches, and he looked coldly at Guardian Xuanyin, making the latter's forehead drip with cold sweat, and quickly replied: "'s me,'s just someone else who gave it to me, he is in my soul. Planted a brand and ordered me to attack Sifang Prison to cooperate with his actions."

"Huh? What action?"

Jun Jiuyou's pupils shrank sharply, and his sharp gaze was like a poisonous snake.

The powerful aura was like mountains, overwhelming everyone.

"I... I don't know, I only know that he is in the ghost mansion, and he wants to create chaos, so that the strong ghost mansion will rush here, and then..."

This is naturally Fang Yi's statement in advance.

As long as the seal here is broken, the plan is already half successful.

The other half is naturally rushing out, and it is obviously not that simple to rush out. The evil ghosts will not sit idly by, and a large number of strong people will surely come.

The most important thing is the ghost mansion, the ghost ghost mother.

To hold these people back, Fang Yi alone is obviously not enough, but if Jun Jiuyou is added, it will be quite different.

At the same time, the seal here has been broken, and the gloomy old man has been defeated. If Jun Jiuyou stays, it may be detrimental to the Temple of Destruction and the disciples of Jiuzhou. Naturally, it is best to lure him away.

This is also part of Fang Yi's plan.

As for whether Jun Jiuyou will be so easy to fool, he is not very sure.

But just take a chance.

It has to be said that he made the right bet, but not because Jun Jiuyou was easy to cheat, but because of Jun Jiuyou's longing for the Stone of Rebirth, that longing had already made him impatient, so he couldn't care less about other things.

"Tiaohu Lishan!"

Hearing the words of Guardian Xuanyin, I only heard Jun Jiuyou blurt out.

"Little thief, you will die today!" After saying that, he stretched out his giant palm, and he tore apart the space and disappeared on the spot.

The two guardians were relieved, and their entire backs were soaked. The terrifying breath just now made them feel as if they had walked through the gate of hell.

"You... you are not together?"

The gloomy old man's eyes were full of astonishment, as if he didn't realize it until now.

It's a pity that he was already on the verge of dying after being hit by Jun Jiuyou, how could he still have the ability to stop the two of them.

However, although he was severely injured, the evil ghost disciples were not injured, "Take them down, don't let him escape."

He only heard him yell.

kill kill kill! !

Also at this moment, figures emerged from the endless abyss, like ferocious beasts that had escaped from their cages.

"But Kyushu disciples? I am here to take you out under the order of Mr. Fang."

Protector Zhenyang was overjoyed and hurriedly reported his identity.

"Mr. Fang?" Meng Tiance and others couldn't help but looked over when they heard the words, their eyes were all eager to move, and they seemed extremely excited.

"That's right! Mr. Fang, Fang Yi!!"


At the same time, in the ghost mansion, that huge palace, a terrifying aura emanated from the palace, covering the entire ghost mansion in an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

"what happened?"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King was still a little belated, and looked at the hall blankly.

Boom! !

The next moment, there was an explosion, and the entire huge palace collapsed directly, terrifying energy swept across the four directions, and everything around was instantly crushed into powder.

Only those two incomparable figures rose from the ruins.

Needless to say, that figure was Fang Yi and Ghost Mother.

At this moment, Fang Yi's expression was extremely dignified. It's no wonder that the strength of the Ghost Mother has been revealed in the blow just now, and he is not currently able to compete.

Fortunately, his soul has been reshaped by the three major temples, which is far beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Coupled with the destruction of the real dragon, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Compared with his dignified expression, Ghost Mother's expression was not good-looking either. Similarly, that blow gave her a certain understanding of Fang Yi's strength.

Although she is confident that she can crush Fang Yi, it is not so easy to win.

Fortunately, this is a ghost house.

"This palace will give you another chance. It's too late to regret it now. Our deal is still valid."

The ghost mother's cold voice sounded like a gift.

"Deal? Is it necessary?"

Fang Yi sneered, "My people have been rescued."

Although Sifang Prison and Ghost Mansion are not far away, it is naturally impossible for Fang Yi to receive the news immediately, and the reason why he said this is just because he sensed that the talisman has been used.

Therefore, he deliberately bluffed.

The ghost mother seemed to have noticed it, and said contemptuously: "Idiots are talking about dreams! In my territory, you..."

Before the word 'you' was finished, her expression suddenly changed, as if she had received some news that she could not accept.

"How? What I said is right!"

Fang Yi observed the words and expressions, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help evoking a deep smile.


(End of this chapter)

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