Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2640 Fierce Battle

Chapter 2640 Fierce Battle

"Master Ghost Mother,"

Below, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King obviously didn't understand what happened, and the two looked at the sky and didn't know what to do.

And the other evil ghosts are also similar to him.

However, it took only a moment for these people to react and immediately surrounded the surroundings, making it impossible for Fang Yi to escape.

"Idiot, are you still thinking about your Yinhuo Dao! Hurry up and go to Sifang Prison to support it."

The ghost mother's eyes suddenly turned cold, and a smear of frost flashed across her eyes.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help shivering all over, and immediately took orders to leave.

But at this moment, Fang Yi's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Ghost King Red Flame, your Dao of Yinhuo is nothing more than an insignificant type of Dao of Fire. I can help you achieve great success. Whether you want to achieve great success or not is up to you."

There was temptation in the voice.

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King couldn't help but pause, and a look of longing flashed in his eyes.

But it didn't stop at all, and sped away.

"Is it too late to go now? I can break your seal, so I can retreat calmly."

Looking at the back of the Scarlet Flame Ghost King going away, Fang Yi looked calm and said indifferently.

This statement is naturally a bluff, he has no way of knowing what is going on in Sifang Prison, but judging from the performance of Ghost Mother, his plan has undoubtedly succeeded.

It's just that I don't know how Jun Jiuyou will kill in a fit of anger.

In that case, I am afraid that those who wait for the two guardians will be doomed.

Of course, the same goes for evil ghosts.

It was also because of this that he arranged the words of Protector Xuanyin, trying to make Jun Jiuyou mistakenly think that Protector Xuanyin and others had enmity with him and were only forced to do things for him.

I have to say that this arrangement did play a certain role, at least it didn't let Jun Jiuyou directly kill the two of them.

"Don't be ashamed!"

When the Ghost Mother heard the words, her face was undoubtedly furious.

Everything that destroys the temple is under her nose, and it is precisely because of this that she is so calm.

But at this moment, the news from Sifang Prison was undoubtedly out of her expectation, and it also made her heart burn with anger, and her face turned frosty.

"Don't say it's an evil ghost, you can't escape, so what if you can escape?"

"It's enough for me to take you down."

As the ghost ghost mother said, a strong breath burst out from her body.

The thick black mist, like billowing black clouds, enveloped the entire world in an instant, and from the black mist, huge monsters came rolling over.

Those colossal monsters radiated a terrifying aura that seemed to come from hell, and they were extremely evil.

Suddenly it is a head of evil spirits.

Fang Yi has seen the so-called evil spirits before, but he has never seen such a powerful and terrifying evil spirit like an ancient beast.

And so much more.

You must know that these evil spirits are extremely evil. Not only are they powerful, but if they touch a little bit, they may be corroded and eventually assimilated.

If this were an ordinary person, they would have already fled in fright.

Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking. Although he was not comparable to ordinary people, he also didn't dare to be careless in the face of the ghost mother and these evil spirits.

Fortunately, having the Fire God Temple, the nemesis of all evil things, gave him some confidence.

He couldn't help saying: "A group of demons and monsters also want to stop me and break it for me."

While speaking, Fang Yi threw out both fists, and the power of birth and death of all things erupted.

Boom! ! !

Immediately, the entire world exploded instantly, and the two superpowers faced off again.

It's a pity that Fang Yi is obviously suppressed, the ghost mother is invincible, carrying all ghosts, and has nothing to look down on.

The only good thing is that with Fang Yi's strength, it is impossible for the Ghost Mother to take it down easily. The scene seems to be in a stalemate.

And the evil ghosts around tried to help, but under such circumstances, they would be torn to pieces before they got close.

Just kidding, how can other people intervene in the fight between the two great powerhouses.

What's more, both of them are not in the ordinary Holy Realm.

The ghost ghost mother has already reached the pinnacle of manifestation.

Strictly speaking, although Fang Yi is not yet in the Holy Realm, but he has understood the meaning of destruction for a long time, and coupled with the way of space, how can it be compared with the general Holy Realm.

This is because he has just broken through, and if he is given a little more time, he is even confident that he will not be afraid of the Nether Ghost Mother at all, instead of being restrained everywhere like he is now.

"When death is imminent, do you still want to contend with Bengong?"

"If you can't keep that thing, give it to Bengong. This is your only way to survive."

The Ghost Mother seems to be still trying to convince Fang Yi.

Maybe Fang Yi's strength is too strong, far beyond her expectations. She thought it would be easy to win Fang Yi, but the fact is, so...

"The only way to survive? Heh!!"

Fang Yi couldn't help chuckling, "You think too highly of yourself, just relying on you? Do you want to keep me?"

It's not that Fang Yi is arrogant. In fact, with Fang Yi's current strength, even if he loses, he doesn't even have the ability to protect himself.

And the reason why he didn't leave was not because he couldn't leave, but because he had to wait for the Kyushu disciples to leave first.

Others can say that if you don't hold back the ghost mother, everything will undoubtedly be in vain.


"Then I want to see how you go!"

Ghost Mother's face turned cold, and then she pinched her ten fingers together, "Get up!"

not good!

For some reason, at this moment, Fang Yi suddenly had a feeling of extreme danger, but everything seemed to be too late. Countless ink-like terrifying auras rose into the sky in the entire ghost mansion.

That breath seemed to come from hell, it was eerie and terrifying, making people feel as if they were falling into a deep abyss.

In addition, the entire ghost mansion seemed to have turned into Abi Hell, and countless shrill and sharp cries came from it, which made people feel terrified.

The world has also changed drastically, the ghost mansion is no longer a ghost mansion, it has completely become a paradise for evil spirits.

The surroundings seemed to have turned into chaos.

what happened?

Fang Yi's expression changed drastically, and he looked at everything around him in amazement, because everything here made him feel extremely strange, it was not an illusion, nor an inner world.

However, there seems to be nowhere to escape, like a huge cage.

"Are you scared? Do you not understand what this place is? I might as well tell you frankly that this is the evil ghost realm. You have fallen into my evil ghost realm and will become an evil ghost and be used by me. "

The cold voice sounded again, erratic.

But the Ghost Mother was nowhere to be seen, as if she had disappeared into this world, or perhaps, she was this world.

Evil ghost way?what is that?

When Fang Yi heard this, his heart sank. Isn't the evil ghost way similar to the way of fire and the way of space?How could there be such a peculiar space?

At this moment, Fang Yi deeply felt that he did not know enough about the Three Thousand Dao.

So that in the face of such a situation in front of him, I don't understand the reason at all.

However, Fang Yi is not a person who compromises easily, he shouted: "What kind of evil ghost way, I will break it with all my strength."

As he said that, the three-color light burst out from his eyes, and a bright three-color sword shadow also fell.

brush! !

The three-color sword shadow is extremely sharp, as if it can tear everything apart, but unfortunately, although all ghosts are wiped out under the sword's edge, the surrounding space has not changed much.

If there is, it is that the evil spirits that had already been wiped out gathered again, and more and more, they came towards Fang Yi overwhelmingly.


(End of this chapter)

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