Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2641

Chapter 2641

"How could this be?"

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's pupils couldn't help shrinking sharply.

Today, with his strength, no matter how strong the space is, let alone collapse under one blow, it will never be as smooth as it is now.

This undoubtedly overturned his understanding.

The strangeness of this space also made his heart sink.

"Is it a surprise! Bengong said that today you will not escape with your wings." The cold voice came again, with a lofty aura, like the god of death who ruled over other people's lives.

"This Palace will give you another chance to hand over the Water God Temple and spare you!"

Accompanied by this sound, the ghost mother's figure also condensed again, ethereal and illusory.

As if it wasn't real.

However, that strong sense of oppression cannot be faked at all.

"Really? You have repeatedly asked me to hand over the water temple. Since you have the ability, why bother?"

"Let me guess, I'm afraid you don't have that ability at all!"

Fang Yi sneered.

Originally, he really had no idea, but the other party had all the advantages, and he even tried to convince himself that the other party was kind?This is obviously impossible. If it were true, there would be no such thing as today.

Then there is only one possibility, the opponent is not sure to win him at all.

Even if he is already in this strange space at this moment, the other party is still not sure.

After thinking about this, his originally nervous heart relaxed.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

The corner of Ghost Mother's mouth twitched, and she yelled, "Is it true that I can't take you down! I just don't want to waste my energy, but since you insist on courting death, then I have no choice but to help you."

After the words fell, countless sharp and mournful howls came from the surrounding space.

The aura around the ghost mother's body also became extremely terrifying, like the king of all ghosts, consuming one's heart and soul.

Those countless evil spirits were also like peerless beasts, baring their teeth and claws, as if they wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces, rushing towards him like a tide.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't dare to be careless, and the three-color sword light shot out from his body, criss-crossing among the ghosts.

This kicked off a fight.

However, countless evil spirits fell down, and countless evil spirits reunited. They seemed to be inexhaustible. No matter how tyrannical Fang Yi was, he seemed a little embarrassed at the moment.

On the other hand, the Ghost Mother had a ferocious smile on her lips.

Her cold eyes are like poisonous snakes.

Suddenly, an evil light flashed, and in the dark space, there were countless regular thin lines moving towards Fang Yi, and a terrifying and evil Yin Qi followed.

At this moment, Fang Yi couldn't help being shocked, because he felt a strange energy that was trying to devour his soul.

This energy is extremely evil, very similar to those evil spirits.

Is this the way of evil ghosts?The other party is trying to erase his soul and turn himself into the same existence as those evil spirits?

Fang Yi couldn't help feeling palpitations.

He didn't want to become like that, as soon as he thought about it, the sea of ​​fire in his body would evaporate.

The Temple of Fire is the nemesis of all evil things. The reason why Fang Yi did not rush to act was nothing more than delaying time, but such a moment obviously cannot be delayed any longer.

Otherwise, no one can predict the consequences.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt another extremely terrifying aura approaching.

He was very familiar with that breath, it was Jun Jiuyou.


Immediately, he paused slightly, and the steaming flame disappeared instantly.

At the same time, the Ghost Mother undoubtedly noticed something, her cold eyes flashed a touch of solemnity, and she looked somewhere in the void.

There, the space is rippling, and the power of countless rules is pouring in.

There was even a faint sound of bliss, which made people fall into it, as if the soul had been baptized.

However, to those evil spirits, this mysterious sound seemed to be the most terrifying magic sound in the world. They hugged their heads and howled, seemingly in extreme pain.

The terrifying black mist that outlined them was also annihilated.

"The Way to Rebirth!"

Ghost Mother blurted out, her face was also pale, full of disbelief.

A look of shock also flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, especially what the ghost mother said, which made him understand something, the stone of rebirth...

However, he obviously didn't have time to think about this at the moment, and was still attacked by the ghost mother's attack.

Like being struck by lightning!

The whole thing blasted out like a cannonball.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, he was clearly invincible and was blown away by the ghost mother, but in fact, it was obviously not that simple. The two peaks of the Holy Spirit were here, and the injured him was undoubtedly safer than the intact one.

The next moment, above the void, a huge black hole also condensed.

A bright ray of light burst out from the black hole, and the whole world became incomparably gorgeous, surrounded by mysterious sounds, making the surrounding space seem to be transformed into a world of bliss.

A figure also stepped out.

Needless to say, it was Jun Jiuyou.

As soon as Jun Jiuyou appeared, his sharp eyes swept towards Fang Yi directly, like two sharp swords.

"Bold! Who are you? Dare to trespass on the path of evil ghosts."

The ghost mother's face also became extremely ugly at this moment, obviously, she has already noticed that the strength of the person coming is not weaker than her.

What's more terrible is that the opponent's Dao of Rebirth has a great suppressing effect on her Evil Ghost Dao.

As such...

"You are the ghost mother?" Jun Jiuyou swept away indifferently, "Sure enough, it is better to be famous than to meet each other. This deity has no intention of embarrassing ghosts, but this deity wants it."

There is no doubt about Jun Jiuyou's demeanor.

The Evil Ghost Dao is very powerful, so he naturally knows that, although he is not afraid, he still gives the greatest respect for the sake of the soul clan.

At least he thinks so.

As for whether the ghost mother thinks so, then her ashen face at the moment seems to have explained everything.

It's no wonder that the majestic evil ghost, the ghost ghost mother who manifested the pinnacle of holiness, has never been dared to speak to her in such a tone, not to mention, how could she give in when she is about to succeed.

"You are presumptuous! No matter who you are, you will have to pay a price if you dare to break into my evil ghost's way."

The ghost ghost mother was furious, and the terrifying aura swept away instantly, as if the night had come.

Naturally, Jun Jiuyou would not show weakness, not to mention that the Dao of Rebirth is still restraining the other party, even if he is not, it is impossible for Fang Yi to still fall into the hands of others. The half of the Rebirth Stone is not only his hope of breaking through, but also his future .


Immediately, he only heard him shout, and also went up to meet him.

On the edge of the battlefield, Fang Yi was watching this scene playfully. Although he was injured a lot by the blow just now, it was just his intention, because what he wanted was the situation in front of him.

It doesn't matter whether you can reap the benefits of the confrontation between the two peak powerhouses.

The most important thing is to weaken the strength of the two. The three parties confront each other, and no one can get the slightest benefit, but the Kyushu disciples can successfully retreat.

That's all for him, the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

Of course, he didn't retreat in a hurry, because he knew that although the two of them were fighting fiercely, their attention was always on him. Once he made any changes, then...

Therefore, he simply watched it patiently, and at the same time confirmed his power of rules.

This kind of opportunity is rare for two great saints to fight against each other at their peak.

However, if this is known to the two people in the field, I don't know how they will feel.


(End of this chapter)

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