Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2642 The Last Chance

Chapter 2642 The Last Chance

In the huge world, one side was as dark as ink, and terrifying energy rolled in, sweeping all directions. During this period, countless shrill howls came, making people creepy, like falling into hell.

On the other side, the mysterious sound is getting louder and louder, like the sound of the great way, as if it has some kind of magic power, which can purify everything in the world, and the light will also flourish.

This seems to be no longer a battle between two people, but a collision between two worlds.

The entanglement of two forces of rule.

Fang Yi was immersed in it, hungry and thirsty.

This seems to have completely opened the door to rules for him.

For a long time, his comprehension of the power of rules was limited to those two space dao patterns, and the meaning of destruction, as well as the three major temples, were presented in different forms, which was far beyond his comprehension.

But at this moment, the entanglement of these two powers of rules made him realize the magical effect and terror of the power of rules very clearly.

Especially the Avenue of Rebirth.

That mysterious sound seemed to have infinite magic power, which could purify the soul, wash away sins, and make people ascend to bliss.

Even Fang Yi was greatly affected at this moment, and his mind seemed to be drawn to it.

Of course, the reason why he was so immersed in it was related to the uncommonness of the Way of Rebirth, but the bigger reason was that he took the initiative to do it, because of the half of the Rebirth Stone.

He faintly felt that all of this was related to the stone of death.

as predicted!

While his mind was immersed in it, he soon sensed the half of the stone of death in his body, as if he had a sense of it.

Strands of regular thin threads gushed out and wrapped around his body, extremely mysterious.

And above the void, two regular forces collided violently, and the two worlds also collapsed.

Everything around showed its original appearance again, and the huge ghost mansion reappeared in sight. Besides, there were countless terrified evil ghosts.

"What are you still doing in a daze, you haven't taken the two of you down yet."

The Ghost Mother let out a sharp cry.

Facing Jun Jiuyou, it was obviously not that easy for her to win, let alone win Fang Yi with a clone.

Therefore, we can only place our hopes on these powerful ghosts.

kill! !

Although a group of evil ghosts and strong men were full of fear in their hearts, no one dared to question the order of the ghost mother, and they rushed in one after another, and the screams of killing filled the world.

But almost at the same time, outside the ghost mansion, there were also killing cries from all directions.

Apparently, Killing Demon Monarch has already made his move.

In fact, according to the original plan, he should have made a move long ago. He has been procrastinating until now, mostly because he was not convinced of Fang Yi's strength. Until now, he could not help but make a move after knowing the situation in the ghost mansion.

Maybe even he didn't figure out what Jun Jiuyou's origin was.

Endless shouts of killing filled the whole world, and the ghost mansion was already in chaos, shouts of killing were soaring to the sky.

A melee ensues.

And the instigator of all this, Fang Yi, seems to be a normal person at the moment, covered with countless regular thin lines, and lotus leaves are outlined from under him, exuding an incomparably sacred aura.

The light around him also flourished.

"It's the road to rebirth again? How is it possible?"

The ghost ghost mother is like seeing a ghost. The Three Thousand Ways, although it is called Sanqian, is actually far more than that.

But at this moment, two strong men who comprehended the Way of Rebirth suddenly appeared, how could she not be surprised, you know, the probability of this is extremely low.

Moreover, in the previous fights, she did not find that Fang Yi had comprehended the Way of Rebirth.

But at this moment...

Like her, Jun Jiuyou's pupils also changed drastically, and his teeth were gnashing. He naturally understood what was going on, because the half of the Life Stone was in the opponent's hand.

"You bastard! Bring it to me!"

Jun Jiuyou was furious, and with a giant palm, he was about to grab Fang Yi.

However, no matter how the Ghost Mother agreed, seeing that the Water God Temple was at her fingertips, she was determined not to let others get there first.

The two peak powerhouses who manifested their sages were once again entangled.

Fang Yi, on the other hand, remained motionless, letting the golden lotus bloom under him, and a huge lotus platform was slowly condensing.

Just like before Jun Jiuyou, except that there is only half of the Rebirth Stone, and the power of rules contained in it is not enough for Jun Jiuyou to condense the lotus platform.

Not to mention Fang Yi, he has only been in contact with the Dao of the Past for a while, so how is it possible.

In the end, it also ended in failure.

However, it doesn't matter at all, because he didn't think about condensing any lotus platform at all, it was just his spontaneous behavior immersed in the way of reincarnation.

Whether he succeeds or fails, he already has a preliminary understanding of the Way of Rebirth.

And those evil spirits, in his eyes, seemed to be less terrifying, and instead had a feeling of wanting to completely purify them.

The avenue of rebirth, purify the soul, baptize sins, and ascend to bliss.

Use the power of evil to strengthen yourself.

For evil ghosts, this seems to be a natural nemesis.

Just like at this moment, Jun Jiuyou was invincible among all the ghosts, even the ghost mother's face became extremely ugly.

However, she is naturally not an ordinary person, and she is so strong that she faintly overwhelms Jun Jiuyou.

It's just that due to the restraint of the Way of Rebirth, the two are evenly matched, and it's hard to tell the winner.

However, after all, this place is the path of evil ghosts.

In addition to the ghost mother and other strong people, at this moment, these people have already rushed towards Jun Jiuyou and Fang Yi.

"Where is the sacredness of your Excellency, retreat immediately, I can let the past go, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless." The ghost mother obviously didn't want to completely tear her skin off with Jun Jiuyou, after all, she was still a strong man at the peak of the sage, and The origin is mysterious.

Although she has always kept a low profile, such a strong person in Huangquanhai naturally knows something about it.

But the person in front of him has never heard of it.

"This deity has already said that this deity is going to be determined, Ghost Mother, do you really want to be an enemy of this deity?"

Jun Jiuyou's pupils also shrank, obviously not appreciating the ghost mother's love.

The determination of the two sides was so great that there was obviously no need to talk about it anymore. The terrifying aura around the Ghost Mother became more and more intense, and several evil ghosts around her seemed to have sensed it, and attacked Jun Jiuyou together.

These are all first-class superpowers.

Just kidding, Jun Jiuyou's strength is there, and the next step forward rashly is courting death.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth continued to rumble, and several figures fought hard together.

The scene was extremely tragic, and strong people fell from time to time.

Jun Jiuyou also looked a little embarrassed.

At the same time, countless evil ghosts and strong men also flocked to Fang Yi, one by one, fierce and fierce, as if they wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

Although Fang Yi's mind was immersed in the Way of Rebirth, everything outside could not escape his eyes and ears.

At this time, he suddenly opened his eyes, and the bright pupils shot out.


He secretly reckoned that this time the plan was even smoother than expected. With so many evil ghosts and powerhouses being held back by the Ghost Mansion, the Kyushu disciples must have already escaped.

That being the case, he should leave.

As for Jun Jiuyou and Ghost Mother, in a short period of time, it is obvious that he cannot defeat either of them with his strength, so we can only leave it for later.

After making up his mind, his breath suddenly rose.

Those weak ghost disciples who hadn't approached yet were instantly shattered by this breath.


Immediately, Fang Yi took a step forward.

"You bastard, where are you going!" Jun Jiuyou saw through Fang Yi's motives at a glance, with an anxious expression on his face, and he poked his giant palm fiercely.

However, unexpectedly, the Ghost Mother stopped him again.

At the same time, Fang Yi's voice of Conscious Sea Phantom Ghost Mother also sounded, "This Palace will give you one last chance to exchange that girl with the Water God Temple."


(End of this chapter)

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