Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2643 Mystery

Chapter 2643 Mystery

"How's it going?"

Outside the sea of ​​blood, a group of figures were looking at the direction of the ghost mansion very anxiously at this moment, with eager expressions.

It was Xuanyin Protector who asked.

good!This group of people are the disciples of the Temple of Destruction and the disciples of Kyushu who escaped from Sifang Prison, and Meng Tiance and others are suddenly among them.

Ever since Jun Jiuyou made a big fuss in Sifang Prison, a group of people fought hard to get out.

During the period, although many evil ghost disciples came, they managed to break through by relying on the destruction of the temple, the Kyushu disciples, and the secret killing disciples.

Of course, it's easy to say, but the hardships involved cannot be explained in one sentence.

This is not difficult to see from the extremely embarrassed expressions of everyone at the moment.

However, they didn't care about these at the moment, they just wanted to know about the ghost mansion.

"Returning to the two adults, the ghost mansion is already in chaos, and the situation is unknown. With our strength, it is impossible to detect it."

A disciple of the Temple of Destruction replied.

"No! There must be nothing wrong with the suzerain, let's kill him back!"

Meng Tiance almost didn't even think about it, so he wanted to fight back again.

Along the way, he had already learned everything about Fang Yi from the Xuanyin Guardians. Now that Fang Yi was trapped, no matter how weak he was, how could he just sit idly by.

Kyushu disciples are no exception, all of them are full of killing intent.

Looking at this group of people, Guardian Xuanyin couldn't help frowning.

To be honest, these people are not enough in his eyes, the strongest Meng Tiance and others are only in the purple mansion, and there is no one in the cave, so rushing into the ghost mansion like this is simply sending them to death.

No wonder the Kyushu disciples were chased and killed as soon as they entered the underworld, and finally trapped in Sifang Prison.

Although cultivation is not prohibited, progress can be imagined in such a place.

However, in the previous battle, although everyone's cultivation was not as good as it was, the fighting power they showed was extremely amazing, even if they destroyed the temple and others, they had to look at it with admiration.

However, that is only relative to ordinary people.

The ghost mansion is the base camp of evil ghosts.


Immediately, Protector Zhenyang hurriedly dissuaded him, "With Young Master's strength, if you can't even leave him whole body, we will die if we go."


Meng Tiance obviously did not agree, no matter whether it was life or death, he would not be able to back down in such a situation.

I was about to say something.

At this time, a ripple in the air slightly swayed.

Immediately afterwards, a figure broke out from within the ripples, whoever it was if it wasn't Fang Yi.

"Master Fang!"


Everyone immediately looked joyful, especially the Kyushu disciples. After hundreds of years, they met again in another world. The feeling that they had found their backbone again made them unable to hold back their tears.

Why not Fang Yi, looking at the familiar faces from the past, he seems to have returned to Kyushu.

"Sovereign, we..."

Meng Tiance seemed to want to say something, but in the end, he couldn't say anything, and bowed directly, and the disciples from the Nine Provinces also bowed down.

"Okay! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's leave first!"

As he said that, Fang Yi waved his hand, and the huge vortex directly swept up everyone and disappeared into this world.


"Ghost mother, you are courting death!"

In the ghost mansion, Jun Jiuyou was furious with thunder, and the monstrous energy erupted from his body, like an erupting volcano.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi escaped from his hands again and again, how could he not be angry.

Especially this time, it was hard to find Fang Yi's whereabouts, but in the end... You know, this is the underworld. Although the soul clan's strength is good, that's all. It's not easy to find Fang Yi's whereabouts.

But now..., all his anger was vented on the Ghost Mother.

Because the ghost ghost mother stopped him and prevented him from continuing to pursue.

"You are the one who is looking for death, this is the way of evil ghosts, it's not your turn to be presumptuous!"

The ghost mother is undoubtedly also very angry. For today's matter, she has worked so hard. Seeing that the matter is about to be completed, but she killed Jun Jiuyou halfway. Fortunately, she still has a trump card in her hand, otherwise...

It was precisely because of this trump card that she let Fang Yi go, because she knew that with Jun Jiuyou around, no one could succeed.

And as long as this trump card is still in her hands, she is not afraid that Fang Yi will not throw himself into the trap.

This time is the best proof.

What's more, this trump card is more than that.

Boom! ! !

The two peak powerhouses who manifested their sages fought fiercely again.


Everything that happened in the ghost mansion has undoubtedly exceeded Fang Yi's expectations. In his expectation, Jun Jiuyou's ability to help him break the seal of Sifang Prison and hold back the ghost ghost mother is the greatest success.

But in fact, the other party not only helped him complete everything, but even fought until the end.

What he didn't expect was that the ghost mother also helped him hold Jun Jiuyou back. On the contrary, he, the instigator, left the battlefield early like a normal person.

However, these are not important anymore, what is important is that the Kyushu disciples successfully escaped from the predicament.

"Sovereign Lord, that's the way it is!"

In the main hall, Meng Tiance explained in detail about the Kyushu disciples entering the underworld.

Just as Fang Yi inquired, the Kyushu disciples did not have a stable life after entering the underworld for a few days, and were soon noticed by other forces, and then they fled.

During this process, Hua Lian'er played a great role, leading a group of Kyushu disciples to survive by luck.

But in the end, it still fell into the hands of evil ghosts.

"Sovereign, where is the blood concubine? Why don't you see the blood concubine?"

Mentioning Hua Lian'er, Meng Tiance finally couldn't help asking.

The same goes for the other Kyushu disciples in the main hall. It can be seen that they are very concerned about Hua Lian'er, not only because of their feelings in the spirit world, but also because of their life and death in the underworld.

"Don't worry! She's fine."

Fang Yi replied, then thought for a while, and then asked: "Why is Hua Lian'er not trapped? Instead, I heard that the ghost mother paid great attention to it. What's going on?"

Fang Yi was indeed full of doubts about this.

Because this is too contradictory, it stands to reason that Hua Lian'er is also a member of the Kyushu disciples, and the ghost mother has no reason to treat her differently, but the truth...

Of course, it may be that Ghost Mother has noticed that Hua Lian'er has an unusual position among the Kyushu disciples.

So have other ideas.

However, Fang Yi always felt that it was more than that simple.

"Back to the suzerain, we are not very clear about the reason. The blood concubine once tried to break the seal. Although she failed in the end, she told us that the reason why the ghost mother imprisoned us was because of her, and the reason why she didn't Killing us is also because of her."

"She also reassured us that she would definitely rescue us."


Kyushu disciples were imprisoned because of Hua Lian'er?

Isn't it because of himself and the water temple?how……

and many more!

It seems that there is something wrong, if the ghost ghost mother sensed the original water of the Kyushu disciples, but she also needs to contact the Kyushu disciples, and she has always kept a low profile, how could she come into contact with the Kyushu disciples?

Furthermore, after the purification of the Styx River, it is still unknown how much of the original water will remain.

If it is so easy to be discovered, I am afraid that other forces have also noticed it, why have they never heard of it?

Could it be that the real reason lies in Hua Lian'er, after the Kyushu disciples were imprisoned, the ghost ghost mother slowly noticed the remaining breath of the original water?

It has to be said that this possibility is extremely high.

But, what is the difference between Hua Lian'er?Why did the ghost mother let her go after she was caught?What is hidden here?


(End of this chapter)

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