Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2644 Arrangement

Chapter 2644 Arrangement

"Okay! You all went down to rest. After being imprisoned for so long, relax for a few days. After that, you will start to retreat."

Looking at a group of Kyushu disciples, Fang Yi finally ordered.

During the hundreds of years of being imprisoned, the cultivation bases of Kyushu disciples have been dropped, and the most urgent task is to improve their cultivation bases as soon as possible.

Otherwise, when he leaves in the future, the Kyushu disciples will still be in trouble.

Fortunately, with the existence of the Water God Temple, it can buy back some time for them.


Meng Tiance and others naturally understood their own situation, not to mention Fang Yi, and even destroying the temple, they were beyond their reach.

Afterwards, the group withdrew.

In the main hall, only Fang Yi and the two guardians were left.

"Congratulations, young master, this job has finally been successfully completed. You are the first one to save people from the evil ghost way."

"Once this matter spreads, the son's reputation will spread throughout Huangquanhai."

Protector Xuanyin quickly complimented him, his expression was also full of joy and desire.

The successful completion of the purpose of this trip, no matter for Fang Yi or them, is undoubtedly a great happy event, and it boosts the confidence of everyone in the Temple of Destruction.

Fang Yi's strength also made them full of infinite hope for the future.

"That's right! Young master's reputation spreads far and wide."

Others also joined in.

However, Fang Yi shook his head and said directly: "Strictly order this matter to spread, especially the relationship between this Lord and the Temple of Destruction, and no one should know."


Everyone was obviously stunned when they heard the words.

Protector Zhenyang had a feeling, and said: "I'm afraid it will not be easy, even if we can strictly order the people below, on the side of the evil ghost road, I'm afraid..."

"will not!"

Before he could finish speaking, Fang Yi concluded immediately: "The Evil Ghost Dao will definitely not spread this matter."

The reason why Fang Yi is so sure is naturally because of the purpose of the water temple and the ghost mother.

The other party was able to stop Jun Jiuyou to let her go, and her purpose was already very clear, that is, to wait for herself to fall into the trap again. If so, how could she disclose Fang Yi's identity to the public.

I'm afraid it's too late to hide it.

And the reason why Fang Yi wanted to hide it was not to guard against her, but Jun Jiuyou.

Once Jun Jiuyou knew that he was related to the destruction of the temple, the consequences would be disastrous.

"If that's the case, don't worry, young master. Not many people know about the relationship between young master and the Temple of Destruction. The Lord of Destruction has always been Lord Black Dragon."

"Moreover, when Young Master asked us to spread the news, he also deliberately concealed his identity. People in the soul clan did not know that Young Master was related to the destruction of the temple."

Protector Xuanyin obviously understood Fang Yi's worries, and added.

"That's good!"

Fang Yi nodded slightly, fortunately he was prepared, otherwise...

"However, just in case, you still send more people to watch. Once you find that the soul clan and that person have changed, leave the city of destruction immediately, do you understand?"

"Young master, don't worry, your subordinates will be clear."

Protector Zhenyang and others hurriedly replied, but just after they finished speaking, they seemed to realize something, and hurriedly asked: "What do you mean by your words? Is it possible that you are leaving?"

Fang Yi nodded, "In order to completely disregard the relationship with the destruction of the temple, I will leave for a while, so that people from the soul clan can find me."

Just kidding, Jun Jiuyou is not such an easy person to fool.

Even if there is no flaw in it.

However, looking at the whole matter, it is not difficult to find the connection between himself and the Temple of Destruction.

The current plan is to keep showing up and let the other party catch him, so that he can focus on pursuing his whereabouts and have no time to care about other things.

Of course, Fang Yi's decision is not only because of this.

Also because of Hua Lianer.

He had to figure out what was hidden on Hua Lian'er.

So as to find a solution.

Fortunately, Hua Lian'er should not be in any danger in a short period of time, and the ghost mother has plans, so she will not easily hurt Hua Lian'er.

Moreover, her original intention was Hua Lian'er, not herself. If she really wanted to harm Hua Lian'er, she would have made a move long ago, so why would she wait until today.

Perhaps, this is the only good news, there is still some time left for him.

"But, in this way, isn't that young master..."

Protector Zhenyang showed a worried look on his face.

Just kidding, deliberately revealing my whereabouts, once Jun Jiuyou catches up, the consequences...

"It doesn't matter!" Fang Yi shook his head indifferently, and said: "Although I may not be his opponent, but it is more than enough to protect yourself. If it is you, you must be extra careful."

"Also, inquire about everything about Concubine Xue on behalf of me."


Seeing this, everyone stopped insisting and took orders one after another.

"Young Master, when are you going to leave? And where are you going? If there is anything, we can report it in time."

Protector Xuanyin hurriedly asked at this moment.

"There is no need to report!" Fang Yi shook his head, "Try to avoid contact with me to avoid being noticed by the soul clan. As for where to go, I might as well tell you that I am going to kill Dao."


Everyone's expressions couldn't help but change when they heard the words.

They have already learned about Fang Yi and Killing Dao, as well as Killing Dao's actions in the Ghost Mansion.

But it is precisely because of this that they made such a fuss.

"My lord, the ghost mansion and his party have killed nothing, but exposed themselves. If you go, I'm afraid they will take their anger on you, and then..."

Protector Zhenyang hurriedly said, showing worry on his face.

But no, in cooperation with Killing Dao, nothing was found about the whereabouts of Concubine Xue in the end, Killing Dao was a waste of time.

But now that the identity of Concubine Xue has been confirmed, Fang Yi can't give it up.

It is undoubtedly not a wise move to go to Kill Dao at this moment.

How can Fang Yi not understand, but at present, only Ghost Mother and Slaughter Master know the secrets hidden in Hua Lian'er. If you want to know all this, you can only find the answer by going to Killing Dao.

That's why Fang Yi made this decision.

As for the danger, no matter how dangerous it is, how can it compare to the ghost mansion, and even the ghost mansion has been broken through, and killing Dao doesn't matter.

Moreover, the two have not yet reached that point, and it may not be possible to cooperate.

"Don't worry! I have my own measure."

Fang Yi replied, thought for a while, and then said: "There is one more thing, Killing Dao also participated in the battle of the Ghost Mansion, if possible, I will push everything on them secretly."

"Remember, don't use too much force, you have to mention it vaguely."

"It's best to borrow the mouth of the evil ghost."

In order to cover the destruction of the temple, I'm sorry to do it again.

"Yes! Don't worry, son, the subordinate understands!"

The two guardians understand each other.

"Okay! Everything is well arranged, you go down! I will observe for a few days, and then leave." Fang Yi finally dismissed everyone.

In the hall, he was the only one left at this moment.

His bright eyes looked towards the direction of the ghost mansion, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Afterwards, he opened his hand, and a bright stone appeared in his hand, it was the half of the Stone of Rebirth.

"Avenue of Rebirth, interesting! Let me see what is so magical about you."

As he said that, he closed his eyes, and at the same time, countless regular thin lines invisible to the naked eye gushed out densely from the birthstone.


(End of this chapter)

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