Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2645 Unwillingness to Kill the Demon Lord

Chapter 2645 Unwillingness to Kill the Demon Lord

"Sir, what should we do now?"

Time flies, days pass by in a flash.

In the past few days, the most depressing and irritating thing was the killing of the demon king and the battle of the ghost mansion. Not to mention the way of killing was exposed, and the damage was not small, but in the end, nothing was gained.

Originally, he thought that by cooperating with Fang Yi, he would be able to find out some news about the blood concubine.

But Concubine Xue seemed to have evaporated from the world.

All the contributions of myself and others have become meaningless. The most important thing is that it has become impossible to track down after the identity is exposed.

"Why don't we go back and return?"

There are disciples who kill Dao to test Dao.

Things have come to this, and it seems that it can only be so.

However, the Killing Demon Lord seemed obviously unwilling, and asked, "How is the situation in the Ghost Mansion? And the Temple of Destruction, what happened to them?"

"Back to your lord, the ghost mansion has been temporarily closed, and no one can approach it. According to the news that our people have inquired about, both the strong man and the ghost ghost mother who appeared suddenly were injured."

"As for the destruction of the temple, there is no action for the time being."

During the battle, before Fang Yi retreated, the disciples of Killing Dao had already retreated first, because they could not last long under the strong attack of the evil ghost Dao.

As for the final situation of the ghost mansion, they are not very clear.

In fact, even if they were still there at that time, with the means of Jun Jiuyuan and Ghost Ghost Mother, they could not find out what the result would be.

"In addition, the subordinate also received a message."

The previous disciple of the Dao of Killing seemed hesitant to speak. He looked at the Demon King of Killing and Killing, wondering whether he should say it or not.

"What's the matter? Don't tell me quickly."

Miesha Mojun's face sank, and he shouted.

"Yes!" Hearing this, the disciple didn't dare to be negligent, and said directly: "My subordinates have received news that some outsiders have speculated that this matter was planned by our Killing Dao, and it is said that the news came from the Evil Ghost Dao."

what? ?

Killing Mojun's pupils shrank sharply, was it planned by Killing Dao?What is the Temple of Destruction?

It's nonsense.

"My lord, could it be that the Temple of Destruction put us together on purpose?" Someone asked cautiously.

"Yes! It must be them."

"Not necessarily! Do they need this? The evil ghosts are well aware of this matter. They push everything on us, and it is impossible to reduce the hostility of the evil ghosts towards them. In my opinion, it is just some ignorant Lovers speculate wildly."

"Ninety-nine are not far from ten. Destroying the temple is not enough to compete with the evil ghosts. We are the only ones who kill the Dao. Most of these people are..."

There was a lot of discussion.

Obviously, in their view, there is no need to destroy the temple at all.

Even Killing Demon Monarch had similar thoughts.

However, they didn't know that what Fang Yi wanted to cover up was not the way of evil ghosts, but Jun Jiuyou's hostility towards the Temple of Destruction, so...

Of course, the most important thing is that my party has been exposed, so it doesn't matter whether I push it to myself or others.

"Okay! Stop guessing, withdraw all disciples, and prepare to go back!"

The matter has come to this point, and he has no choice but to be unwilling. The Killing Demon Lord finally made up his mind, and his sharp eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of the Temple of Destruction.


"Master Hui, the result of the battle at the Ghost Mansion is probably like this. Although there are rumors that both of them were injured, the real situation is still unknown."

"As for the matter about killing Dao, it has gradually spread."

In the main hall, Guardian Xuanyin reported respectfully.

There is a bit of complacency between the brows.

It's no wonder that the opposite is the Evil Ghost Dao. The Temple of Destruction not only succeeded in rescuing the Kyushu disciples from the Evil Ghost Dao, but also successfully dumped the blame in the end. Can not be satisfied.

The only regret is that this matter must be concealed, and the world cannot let the world know about this pioneering work.

"So good!"

Fang Yi nodded. It doesn't matter whether Jun Jiuyou and Ghost Mother were injured or not. The important thing is that Jun Jiuyou hasn't moved at all these days.

This undoubtedly proves this fact from the side.

Otherwise, with Jun Jiuyou's character, he definitely wouldn't give up so easily, and would definitely search for his whereabouts everywhere.

The trauma was a fact, and it undoubtedly gave Fang Yi some time.

In a short time, nothing will happen to destroy the temple.

"Okay! If that's the case, then you can cultivate with peace of mind! I will leave soon, so be careful."

Fang Yi finally asked.

The two guardians took orders, and then withdrew from the hall.

And Fang Yi also disappeared into the hall, and when he reappeared, he had already arrived at the gathering place of Kyushu disciples.

"I have seen the Sect Master!"

All the Kyushu disciples bowed down in unison.

"Get up!" Looking at these familiar faces, Fang Yi seemed to be back in Kyushu again, full of emotions and words, but he didn't know where to start.

In the end, he didn't say anything at all, and with a big palm, a huge black hole appeared in front of everyone.

"Okay! Let's practice hard! Leave the outside affairs to me."


Everyone responded in unison, without any extra words, they fell into the black hole one by one.

After a while, Fang Yi was the only one left, and the huge black hole slowly disappeared.

But Fang Yi, at this moment, raised his head to look somewhere in the void, and said lightly: "Have you seen enough, come out!"

As if in response to Fang Yi's words, a ripple slowly opened up in the calm space, and a figure slowly stepped out of the ripple, and a faint murderous aura also permeated it.

That figure was suddenly the Killing Demon Monarch.

"These people are Kyushu disciples who once caused quite a stir in Huangquanhai? You are..."

Miesha Mojun's eyes were full of shock, and he looked straight at Fang Yi.

"That's right! I am their suzerain."

Fang Yi generously admitted.

"I heard that they have mysterious origins, retain memories of the past, and seem to have controlled the passages between the two worlds." After receiving an affirmative answer, the Demon Slayer could not help but be curious.

"What? Are you interested too?"

Fang Yi asked with a smile.

"No! I'm not interested. The only thing I'm interested in is Concubine Xue. We cooperated before and you got what you wanted, but I got nothing from killing Dao. For this, I paid a big price for killing Dao. If it's just that, that's all. , the skills are not as good as others, and I can’t blame anyone.”

"But, destroying the temple and pushing everything to us, isn't it against morality?"

The voice of Killing Demon Monarch was full of resentment.

"Heh! Are you questioning me?" Fang Yi didn't care, and said with a chuckle.

The flat tone made Miesha Mojun not dare to refute, he just said: "Cooperation is mutually beneficial, no matter what, I didn't get any benefit from killing Dao, so I shouldn't provoke a show!"

"The strong man who suddenly appeared must have come for the young master!"

Killing Demon Monarch obviously understood something, the meaning of these words could not be more obvious.

There is a faint sense of threat.

Fang Yi couldn't help giving him a high look, a gleam of frost flashed in his eyes, but it was fleeting, because there was no need for that, and he was about to go to kill Dao.

Dang even said: "It seems to be the case. If this is the case, how about I help you search for the whereabouts of Concubine Xue?"

"However, before that, shouldn't I ask the Lord of Slaughter to understand the situation first?"

he asked a little playfully.


(End of this chapter)

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