Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2646 Legend

Chapter 2646 Legend

"Report to Master Jiuyou, there is news!"

In a certain space, Jun Jiuyou's face was slightly pale, and he was adjusting his breath with his eyes closed.

In the battle of the Ghost Mansion, as the rumors said, he was indeed injured a little bit. The way of evil ghosts is extraordinary, and the Ghost Mother is not weaker than him. , I am afraid it is far more than that simple.

Fortunately, there is no serious problem at the moment.

However, what made him unacceptable was another failure.


Hearing the report from the disciples below, at this moment, his sharp eyes opened suddenly, like a wounded beast, exuding an extremely tyrannical aura.

The disciple below was obviously startled, with a fearful expression on his face, but he still hurriedly replied: "Master, our people found out that that person entered the Killing Dao together with the Killing Dao powerhouse."

"Kill Dao?"

Jun Jiuyou's pupils shrank, "Is that the killer you mentioned earlier?"

"That's right!" The disciple below replied, "My subordinates and others have already received the news that everything that happened in the ghost mansion was planned by Kill Dao behind the scenes."

"Therefore, I paid extra attention to their actions. Sure enough, I found that person's whereabouts this time."

"If you think about it, there must be a great connection between the two."

Obviously, the news spread by the Temple of Destruction has already had an effect.

However, a look of vigilance flashed across Jun Jiuyou's brows. He was obviously taken advantage of by others, as the so-called "getting a ditch and gaining wisdom, the ghost house and his party" was obviously taken advantage of by others. I was too lazy to think about it, but I understood everything afterwards.

At this moment, it seems to be more cautious.

After all, this is the underworld, and there are many things that he is similar to Fang Yi, and he doesn't know much about them.

"Why are you so sure?"

he asked.

"Returning to my lord, my subordinates are not sure about the whereabouts of that person, but I know a little about the grievances between Killing Dao and Evil Ghost Dao. Once I learned that this matter is related to Killing Dao, I have been paying attention to their movements. so……"

The disciples below did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly replied.

"Oh? What's the grievance between them?" Jun Jiuyou asked again.

The disciple below pondered for a moment before saying, "I wonder if my lord has ever heard of Patriarch Minghe?"

Patriarch Styx?

A look of astonishment flashed across Jun Jiuyou's eyes, then he nodded and said, "I have heard a little bit that the Patriarch Styx He was a peerless powerhouse in the ancient times of the underworld, who crossed the three worlds and surpassed all living beings."

Saying that, Jun Jiuyou's eyes still faintly flashed a look of longing

Across the Three Realms and surpassing all sentient beings, this can be said to be what every practitioner hopes for.

"That's right!" The disciple below replied, "Patriarch Styx not only has unrivaled strength, but also left behind three terrifying forces, namely the Dao of Blood, the Dao of Killing, and the Dao of Asura."

"The Dao of Killing and the Dao of Shura have always existed in the world, especially the Dao of Shura, which has never declined in the history of the underworld. Only the Dao of Blood has been said to have fallen apart long ago."

"However, although the Dao of Blood does not exist anymore, those strong men formed other forces and distributed them all over the underworld. It can be said that although Patriarch Styx has fallen for countless thousands of years, the underworld is still under him. Under his rule, because they are all inextricably linked with him."

"Evil Ghost Dao is also one of them. They were formed after the split of the blood Dao powerhouse."

Rao Jun Jiuyuan listened to these words with bright eyes.

It has fallen for countless thousands of years, and the existence of the ancient times has affected it to this day. How amazing is this?At this moment, Jun Jiuyuan's eyes could not help but be full of longing.

"What does this mean?"

Slightly calmed down, he asked.

"Returning to my lord, there are rumors in the underworld that although Patriarch Styx has fallen, his portable magic weapon has been preserved. It is somewhere in Huangquanhai. For countless years, all major forces have been looking for it, especially the one who once led Those forces belonging to Patriarch Styx will fight endlessly with each other once there is any trouble."

"That's why my subordinates suspect that the reason why Kill Dao dared to take the risk to attack the evil ghost Dao is probably related to this."

The disciple below speculated, seemingly confident.

A look of astonishment flashed across Jun Jiuyou's eyes, and he asked, "What magic weapon is so amazing?"


"My subordinates are not very clear about it. I just heard that there may not be only one magic weapon. It is rumored that one of the magic weapons of the Patriarch Minghe was obtained when the Dao of Killing once ruled Huangquanhai."

"It's just that the magic weapon has been taken away from the underworld by that session of the Lord of Slaughter. It is said that it is a sword."

The disciple below replied.

As if he was afraid that Jun Jiuyou would not know much about Sha Dao, he hurriedly told the story of Sha Dao, especially about the deeds about Sha Shen's dominance of Huang Quanhai.

When Jun Jiuyou heard the words, his eyes were also bright and greedy.

Patriarch Styx, with such a character, just a magic weapon can make Sha Dao rule Huang Quanhai. If he doesn't desire, it is obviously impossible.

However, in comparison, what he cares more about right now is undoubtedly the Stone of Rebirth.

"Continue to inquire, remember, you must be careful, and you must find out the situation before you speak."

Jun Jiuyou gave the order immediately.

These words seemed to make him a lot more cautious. After all, this is the underworld after all, and all kinds of strong people are far from being comparable to Tianshan.

In Tianshan, he could almost walk sideways, but here, he had to weigh it.

An evil ghost already has a ghost mother-like existence.

No one can guarantee that there will be an immortal strongman suddenly appearing. If so, the consequences will be disastrous.


The disciples below took orders immediately.

And Jun Jiuyou, with eyes like a wolf, couldn't help but look in the direction of Killing Dao.


"The front is almost there."

Killing Dao also lives in the sea of ​​blood. At this moment, two figures are approaching quickly, one is Killing Demon Lord, and the other needless to say, is naturally Fang Yi.

Fang Yi came here so generously, naturally he wanted to find out what happened to Hua Lian'er.

At the same time, attract Jun Jiuyou's attention.

As for Jun Jiuyou not rushing to chase after him, it was somewhat beyond his expectation.

As for the Killing Devil Lord, it goes without saying that the reason why he led Fang Yi here was more to find someone to take the blame for. After all, the ghost mansion and his party killed a lot of damage, but in the end they got nothing.

Even for him, it's a little difficult to explain.

It wasn't the damage, but why he acted rashly. Under the unknown circumstances, it is definitely not a wise move to act rashly.

"I am a little curious. How can a blood concubine be related to Patriarch Styx? Patriarch Styx has fallen for countless thousands of years. Could you have made a mistake?"

Looking into the distance, Fang Yi thought for a while and asked.

No wonder he asked this question, if he didn't know the identity of Concubine Xue, it would be fine, but now that he knew, he really didn't understand the connection between the two.

Hua Lian'er couldn't be more clear, except for being playful and willful, he really couldn't find the possibility of the two being related.

But the words of killing the Demon Lord, as well as the behavior of the Ghost Mother, seemed to confirm this point.

"Whether I made a mistake, I will understand after seeing Lord Sansha later."

Killing Mojun obviously had no intention of answering, in fact, there was suspicion in the depths of his eyes.

Fang Yi couldn't help smiling, and looked up, and at this moment, a huge city in front of him appeared in sight.


(End of this chapter)

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