Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2647 The Lord of Slaughter

Chapter 2647 The Lord of Slaughter

"Kill the adults!"

Stepping into the city, the guards saluted one after another.

Although Fang Yi's eyes are not enough to kill the Demon King, but in Killing Dao, he is an existence under one person and above ten thousand people, second only to the existence of the Lord of Slaughter.


Killing Mojun nodded in response, and at this moment, he seemed to have regained some of his former majesty.

"I have seen Master Miesha, and Master Sansha has been waiting for a long time."

At this time, a Sha Dao disciple stepped forward and said.

"Understood, I will go now!"

Killing Mojun dismissed everyone casually, then looked at Fang Yi, and made a gesture of please.

Fang Yi was not polite, and strode away, as if he was nothing, most people who didn't know would think this was his territory.


In the silent hall, a man in a blood robe stood with his hands behind his back.

He was tall and straight, with a strong killing spirit permeating the air, giving people an extremely fierce and evil feeling, and his whole body was like a peerless murderous soldier out of its scabbard.

Fang Yi strode into the hall, his pupils shrank slightly.

Good guy!

Crouching Tiger Zanglong in the Nether Realm is definitely another superpower. Even if he is not as good as Jun Jiuyou and Ghost Mother, he is probably on the same level.

"I've seen Lord Three Kills!"

At this time, the killing demon monarch hurriedly baptized, with a respectful expression, not daring to neglect in the slightest.

The blood-robed man also turned around slowly at this time, and two sharp eyes shot over like sharp swords, which made people feel a faint sting.

Fang Yi was naturally calm and at ease, looking at each other openly.

"It's you! You turned the ghost mansion upside down." The Lord of Slaughter's eyes were extremely deep, cold, and full of tyranny.

The ghost mansion said that he already knew everything that happened.

As for the gains and losses of Killing Dao in this line of work, he naturally counted it on Fang Yi's head.

"That's right! It's me!"

Fang Yi replied generously.

"Master Sansha, this incident was just an accident, the subordinate originally thought..."

The Killing Demon Lord obviously sensed the anger of the Lord of Slaughter, and quickly explained.

However, the Lord of Slaughter turned a deaf ear and stared at Fang Yi closely, as if he wanted to see through Fang Yi, "How courageous! If that's the case, you dare to come to me to kill, isn't it possible that you are not afraid of death?"

he shouted sharply.

After drinking this, Fang Yi didn't react at all, instead he frightened Miesha Mojun very much.

"Dead? Master Sansha is joking!"

Fang Yi chuckled, and said again: "I just want to continue to cooperate with Evil Guidao."


Hearing these two words, the corners of the Lord of Slaughter's eyes couldn't help twitching. In the ghost mansion, the two cooperated, but Killing Dao didn't gain any benefits, and even caused a commotion. could he not be angry.

"It's up to you!" Immediately, his eyes darkened, and a murderous aura filled his body, like a torrent.

The whole hall instantly turned into a killing field.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help frowning, and slowly said: "Why is it necessary to kill the Lord three times? Is this necessary? Since I can escape in the ghost mansion, can killing Dao keep me? "

These words are a bit crazy, but they are true.

Although the strength of Killing Dao is good, compared with Evil Gui Dao, it is still a bit weaker.

If it weren't for this, they wouldn't have cared so much for the Ghost Mansion and his party.

"It's a big breath, I want to see how capable you are, don't think I don't know, you can retreat in the ghost mansion, thanks to the strong soul clan, otherwise..."

The Lord of Slaughter sarcastically.

Obviously, he didn't really approve of Fang Yi's strength, and he only thought that Fang Yi was lucky in that battle.

At least in his heart, Fang Yi's strength is still unable to compete with him.

It's no wonder that Fang Yi's aura is only in the early days of Dongtian, if he is not convinced that Fang Yi has comprehended the power of rules, he will even regard Fang Yi as an ordinary Dongtian realm warrior.

Boom! !

While speaking, he slashed down with a huge palm and the knife.

The huge sword light instantly tore apart the world, and the terrifying killing spirit raged, and everything around was annihilated under the strong killing intent.

The way of killing was originally born for killing, and among the three thousand ways, it is an extremely tyrannical one.

This is Fang Yi. If it is replaced by other strong people of the same level, I am afraid that they will not even have the strength to resist.

As for Fang Yi, he didn't pay much attention to it. The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and the terrifying meaning of destruction also erupted, like an erupting volcano.

Just kidding, although Fang Yi is not afraid, he doesn't dare to be careless.

After all, that is the Lord of Slaughter.

Although it may not be comparable to Jun Jiuyou and Ghost Mother, it is definitely not much different.

Boom boom boom! ! !

The two terrifying wills collided violently, the heaven and the earth trembled, and the entire hall was crumbling.

The Killing Demon Monarch beside him was also full of astonishment, and he didn't know what to do.

As a member of the Dao of Killing, he was naturally aiming at the Lord of Slaughter. However, from the attacks of the two, he could see that neither of them did their best and were just probing each other, so he didn't rush to make a move. .

He couldn't help saying: "Master Sansha, he has already arrived, why don't we listen to what he said first, how about a cooperation method, if it doesn't work, it's not too late to make a move."

His words seemed to have an effect. After the blow, the Lord of Slaughter was no longer in a hurry to make a move.

Or maybe, not only because of this sentence, but also because of the blow just now, no one can do anything to win anyone.

There was also a smile on Fang Yi's face, and he said slowly: "That's right! Sir Sansha, why worry, this is Dao of Shasha, is it possible that Master Sansha is afraid that I will run away?"

"Hmph! Wishful thinking."

Although he was extremely shocked in his heart, the Lord of Slaughter still refused to show weakness.

After pondering for a while, he said: "I advise you, don't play tricks, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Good talk!"

Fang Yi smiled, "I don't know how to play tricks, you and I get what we need, I want people, you want things, the best of both worlds."

"What did you say?"

Hearing this, the anger that had been suppressed by the Lord of Slaughter rose again, his eyes were as sharp as knives, as if he wanted to pierce Fang Yi.

"Presumptuous, are you teasing me? How can I get anything if the person belongs to you!"

It's no wonder that the Lord of Slaughter was so furious. Fang Yi's proposal seemed a little too much.

However, Fang Yi himself didn't realize it, and asked back: "How long has it been since the ghost mother took down the blood concubine? Did she succeed?"

As soon as these words came out, the Lord of Slaughter suddenly choked.

But no, it seems that just taking down the blood concubine will not solve the problem.

"Although I don't know what you want, but as long as what you want is related to Concubine Xue, I can make her speak up and actively cooperate."

Seeing the other party's intentions, Fang Yi added again.


The Lord of Slaughter was obviously suspicious.

"That's right! Because she belongs to me, only I can ask her to help you find what you want. Otherwise, even if you take her down, you will get nothing like the Ghost Mother."

Fang Yi was obviously bluffing. He was still at a loss as to what these people wanted.

However, it is a fact that the ghost mother has not succeeded, so the Lord of Slaughter can't help but feel puzzled.

"Will I believe what you say? Why do you say that Concubine Xue will listen to you? I'm afraid you haven't even figured out who she is!"

After pondering, the Lord of Slaughter sneered, with irony in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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