Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2648 Rank 2 Blood Lotus

Chapter 2648 Twelve Grade Blood Lotus

What do you mean?

Fang Yi was undoubtedly taken aback by these words, who did he not figure out who Hua Lian'er was?

He couldn't help but sink in his heart, but on the surface he remained calm and said, "Oh! I don't know who she is, I don't know, I'm afraid it's you."

Immediately, he vaguely talked about Hua Lian'er's origin and the Kyushu disciples.

To win the trust of the other party, naturally you can't be completely convincing.

As for the matter of the Kyushu disciples, it doesn't matter after so many years, not to mention, the Kyushu disciples are already in the Water God Temple at this moment.


Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed in the Lord of Slaughter's eyes, but he still said, "Is that all? It seems that you really don't know anything."

There was a hint of sarcasm in the Lord of Slaughter's tone.

This made Fang Yi more convinced that there must be something hidden in Hua Lian'er, but what exactly is it?

"It doesn't matter whether I know it or not, does it?" Fang Yi asked back.

"What I want is the blood concubine, and I'm not interested in other things, but you are just the opposite. If that's the case, why don't we cooperate?"

"Ghost mother failed, maybe I can help you, can't I?"

These words undoubtedly moved the Lord of Slaughter a little.

The ghost ghost mother learned from the past, the blood concubine has been in her hands for so long, she has gained nothing, and she is probably no exception.

What's more, the blood concubine is still in the hands of the ghost mother, and the way of killing alone is not enough to make things happen. If the other party is added, it may be possible.


"Hmph! It's easy to say, but it's not that simple to snatch someone from the Ghost Mother."

"Haven't you learned enough last time?"

The Slaughter Lord's attitude is obviously a little loose, but he doesn't seem to have any expectations for snatching someone from the Ghost Mother.

It's just the first time, maybe there is still a little possibility, but now that the snake has been frightened, it will undoubtedly be difficult to achieve anything.

Fang Yi naturally saw his thoughts, smiled knowingly, and said, "Things may not be as pessimistic as Lord Sansha imagined, and we are not without opportunities."


The Lord of Slaughter looked sideways slightly, and asked, "Could it be that you have something to do?"

"There is no way, but before that, Mr. Sansha should clarify the matter first, so as to find the safest way."

Fang Yi tentatively said.

"Heh!" However, the Lord of Slaughter couldn't help sneering, and said, "Do you really think that I am a three-year-old child? If you want to use this to trick me, it is simply fantastic."

The Lord of Slaughter was naturally not stupid, and he understood Fang Yi's purpose at a glance.

Fang Yi curled his lips helplessly, but he was not too disappointed. Instead, he said: "Master Sansha's words are different. I came here with great sincerity. If not, why didn't I go to Shura?" Do? I'm sure they're interested in that too, aren't they?"

As soon as these words came out, the face of the Lord of Slaughter suddenly changed.

This is undoubtedly what worries him the most.

Regarding the matter of Concubine Xue, if only the Ghost Mother was the only one, he might still have some hope, but once Shura Dao also received the news, then he might have no hope anymore.

"Are you threatening me?" The Lord of Slaughter's eyes turned cold and he shouted.

Fang Yi saw this, but the smile on his face became stronger, and said: "Master Sansha is serious. I have already said that I sincerely hope to cooperate with Sha Dao. Although Shura Dao is stronger, but As far as I am concerned, it is also necessary to take great risks, and it is you and me..."

In order to win the trust of the Lord of Slaughter, Fang Yi explained the pros and cons.

Although the Lord of Slaughter kept his expression on his face, he undoubtedly accepted this statement in his heart.

In a different place, if the other party really cooperates with Shura Dao, it will be easier to snatch people from the Ghost Mother, and there is nothing wrong with him.

Of course, the other party takes more risks.

"Hmph! Just relying on your few words, you want me to tell you everything truthfully. You are too far-fetched."

The Lord of Slaughter obviously hesitated.

After all, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Fang Yi obviously heard the looseness in the other party's tone, and quickly said: "Master Sansha misunderstood, I am not interested in the reason at all, the reason why I want to know is just to find a perfect solution."

"With the strength of Ghost Mother and Evil Ghost Dao, to be honest, I don't think we have the possibility of robbing people."

This is undoubtedly a big truth.

The ghost ghost mother is extremely tyrannical, even if Fang Yi joins forces with the Lord of Slaughter, at most, he will barely compete with the other party, and it is impossible to snatch someone from the other party.

Not to mention, there is an entire evil ghost path behind it.

"Since that's the case, then why do you still say so much?" The Lord of Slaughter asked, but his eyes were unusually deep.

"It's easy to say!" Fang Yi smiled.

"Although it is impossible to rob people, we don't need to rob people. What is the purpose of robbing people? It is nothing more than for what you said. If that is the case, why don't you just use this thing to lure the Ghost Mother to take the bait?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Slaughter's eyes could not help but brighten up, as if he had understood something, he immediately asked: "What are you going to do?"

Seeing the other party taking the bait, Fang Yi was overjoyed, and replied calmly on the surface: "I am going to have a conversation with the ghost mother in person, and I will talk about how I can make Concubine Xue speak and tell her everything she wants to know."

"But before that, I need to understand the matter, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Fang Yi didn't continue talking. Looking at the Lord of Slaughter, the meaning couldn't be more obvious.

The Lord of Slaughter frowned deeply, as if weighing the pros and cons.

If it is true as Fang Yi said, this is undoubtedly an opportunity. As for whether it will be fulfilled in the end, no one can keep it. The most important thing is that if you don't cooperate with the other party, you can't get it done just by killing.

Either way!

In the end, he glanced at Fang Yi and said: "Since you want to know, I might as well tell you, but remember, don't play tricks, otherwise, I may not be able to kill you, but I will destroy the Temple of Destruction." It's not a problem, and Shura Dao will definitely find you."

This was a red-hot warning, and Fang Yi could only laugh at it.

Then put on a look of all ears.

"It's not a secret, you must have known about it, Patriarch Styx." Having settled down, the Slaughter Lord began to speak.

"I heard a little bit!" Fang Yi nodded.

"Then have you ever heard of his portable magic weapon?" asked the Lord of Slaughter.

Fang Yi shook his head. He only knew about Patriarch Styx not long ago, and almost didn't know anything else.

"Patriarch Styx transcends the three realms and possesses countless supernatural powers, but it is said that there are only three magic weapons with him. One of them is the twelfth-grade blood lotus, also known as the karmic fire red lotus. It is said that it can incinerate all evil things in the world and rule the soul. .”

What?Karma red lotus?

A flash of astonishment flashed in Fang Yi's eyes, isn't this one under his control?how……

Although I was only able to condense the karmic red lotus, not the real karmic red lotus, is there any connection between the two?

If it is said that Fang Yi had no interest in Patriarch Styx before.

So at this moment, undoubtedly began to become curious.

"What about the other two?" Immediately, he asked hurriedly.


(End of this chapter)

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