Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2650 Planning

Chapter 2650 Planning

"Not bad!"

He obviously sensed the coldness in Fang Yi's words, but the Lord of Slaughter did not hide it, because it was unnecessary and the matter was already clear.

"Heh!" Fang Yi couldn't help sneering, trying his best to suppress the impulse in his heart.

Strictly speaking, the other party didn't do anything, and it was Ghost Mother who was really detrimental to the Kyushu disciples and Hua Lian'er.

"The avatar of the Blood God Son is just your speculation. At present, it seems that the ghost mother has nothing to gain. Otherwise, it wouldn't be delayed till today, would it?"

The matter couldn't be more obvious, Hua Lian'er didn't help Ghost Mother find any twelfth-grade blood lotus, and Yuan Tu.

"Yes! But that doesn't mean anything."

"The only thing that can be explained is that the girl has lost part of her memory, perhaps the part of memory belonging to Patriarch Styx is still sleeping."

"Otherwise, why do you think the Ghost Mother will let her go free? Mostly because she wants her to remember everything as soon as possible."

The Lord of Slaughter said confidently.

Fang Yi's eyes were full of doubts, he was doubting the possibility of such a thing.

Is it possible that Hua Lian'er is the clone of the Blood God Son of Patriarch Styx?

Patriarch Styx was already a person countless tens of thousands of years ago. When he transformed into the clone of Blood God Son, he and Hua Lian'er were separated by countless tens of thousands of years. How could there be any connection between the two?

Could it be that the Blood God Son avatar traveled through the long river of time?

It's also incredible.

Or, because of some reasons later, Hua Lian'er was contaminated with the aura of Patriarch Styx?

Compared with the first, the second possibility is undoubtedly greater.


"Okay! I have told you everything I know! Tell me! Are you going to do this?" The Lord of Slaughter looked at Fang Yi at this moment, his eyes sharp.

Fang Yi withdrew his mind.

Since I can't figure it out, I can only put it aside for the time being, and it won't be too late to ask Hua Lianer later when I see Hua Lian'er.

"Simple, doesn't the Ghost Mother want the Twelve-Rank Blood Lotus and Yuan Tu! Then this gentleman will give you a blessing, just let the blood concubine speak."

"However, in order to make the news more credible, I would like to know the place where Patriarch Styx once lived, or where the god of killing got Abi."


The Lord of Slaughter was stunned, then smiled contemptuously, and said, "Could it be that you think it's so easy to deceive the Ghost Mother? The Abi that Killing God got, I'm afraid no one knows except himself."

"As for the residence of Patriarch Styx, I might as well tell you that it is said that he was born in the abyss of the sea of ​​blood."

Abyss of blood?

very good!Fang Yi nodded.

"If it comes from other people, the ghost mother will not believe it, but if it comes from the blood concubine, do you think the ghost mother will believe it?"

Fang Yi smiled playfully.

The Lord of Slaughter's eyes also brightened, and he asked, "What about after that?"

"You don't think you want me to help you save people together! We alone may not be able to save people even if we lure the ghost mother out and set up an ambush."

"What's more, what are the benefits of this seat?"

The Lord of Slaughter is not stupid, everything must be explained clearly in advance, and the opposite is the Ghost Mother.

It's not child's play.

"If you can save people, don't bother Mr. Sansha, you and I may not be enough, but what if you add the strong soul clan?"

"As for the benefits, haven't you already said it? After the blood concubine is taken back, I will naturally let her explain everything truthfully. If what Lord Sansha said is true, I will be very interested to know."

Fang Yi replied lightly.

"Heh!" However, the Lord of Slaughter couldn't help sneering, and said: "Your Excellency, you have a good plan. This is clearly using me as a spearman. Do you really think I'm so easy to fool?"

"Cooperation is fine, but once people are rescued, they must be handed over to this seat, otherwise nothing will be discussed."

The Lord of Slaughter spoke firmly.

Fang Yi smiled calmly, and did not get angry, because everything was within his expectations, and said, "It's all right, but, it depends on how much strength the three killers are going to put out."

"If Lord Sansha has the heart, he can save Concubine Xue by himself at that time, and I will cover for you."

Hearing this, the Lord of Slaughter couldn't help but glance at Fang Yi with a deep smile in his eyes.

"Okay! It's a deal!"


"Girl, my patience is limited, why don't you tell me?"

The ghost mansion is still the huge palace, the ghost mother has a hideous face, and her eyes are cold and piercing.

Below her was a thick black mist, and in the black mist, Hua Lian'er's figure was looming, entwined by the black mist, appearing extremely painful.

It's like burning a bone and burning a heart.

"Ah! Even if she dies, Miss Ben will not tell you." Hua Lian'er howled terribly, her entire face distorted in pain.

"You don't have to drink a toast, I've given you plenty of opportunities, since you don't know what's good, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The ghost mother was furious.

"Old witch, give me a chance? You are clearly using the Kyushu disciples as bargaining chips to blackmail me. Now that the Kyushu disciples are out of trouble, you have no bargaining chips, so let's show your true colors!"

Hua Lian'er tore her mouth and said sarcastically.

"You are bold!" The ghost mother was furious, and her face became extremely ugly.

Hua Lian'er's words are undoubtedly correct. Given the uncertainty of the Blood God Son avatar, Ghost Mother is also not sure whether Hua Lian'er still retains part of the memory of Styx's ancestor.

In fact, in her heart, she prefers that Hua Lian'er doesn't know about it, because with Hua Lian'er's strength, if she really saved her memory, she must directly collect the magic weapon, so she let the other party go, trying to make the other party remember everything slowly.

And with Kyushu disciples in hand, she is not afraid of the other party playing tricks at all.

What's more, Hua Lian'er's body has long been branded by her, and the other's every move cannot escape her eyes and ears.

What she didn't expect was that Hua Lian'er's blood god son's aura was obviously covered by her, but for some reason, she was still noticed by Killing Dao, and this happened.

But now, the Kyushu disciples have been rescued, and she has completely lost her patience.

"Smelly girl, do you really think that I dare not kill you?"

There was a murderous intent in the ghost mother's eyes.

"Of course you dare, but you don't want to, don't you?" Hua Lian'er sneered, "Also, even if you kill Miss Ben, so what, the big wood will definitely tear you to pieces."

"Humph! Big wood? Your lover? Speaking of which, I would like to thank you all for bringing me an unexpected joy, the Water God Temple, tsk tsk! I'm afraid it is nothing compared to the magic weapon of the ancestor Minghe. Be weak!"

The ghost mother said, her eyes were full of greed.

But Hua Lian'er's pretty face became extremely ugly.

"Old witch, you will die badly. If you have the guts, kill Miss Ben." She roared with all her might.

"What? Are you afraid? Are you afraid that your lover will die in the hands of Bengong?" Ghost Mother sneered again and again, and said: "I hope he is as infatuated as you, and will go all out to save you, otherwise, I will be too disappointed. gone."

The corners of Ghost Mother's mouth were full of ferocity.

Hua Lian'er's expression became extremely complicated. Perhaps, she wanted Fang Yi to come, but, thinking of the strength of the person in front of her, she didn't want Fang Yi to come to die.

However, her entanglement did not last long, when a voice came from outside the hall.

"Report to Ghost Mother, there is news from that person."


(End of this chapter)

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