Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2651

Chapter 2651

"Hmph! I don't know what it means, do you think that a little trick can fight against Bengong!"


The ghost ghost mother crushed the jade slip in her hand violently.

Naturally, the jade slip was sent by someone sent by Fang Yi. There was no important information on it. It was just an appointment with the ghost mother. The location is naturally not in the evil ghost's way.

"Your lover doesn't look too good. He wants to meet Bengong? Do you think he has set up a net, or is he planning to make a deal with Bengong?"

The corner of Ghost Mother's mouth was full of sarcasm, and she said again: "If it's the latter, that's fine! With the things in hand, I might be able to save his life, but if it's the former..."

"Hmph! Do you really think that Bengong is a vegetarian?"

Anyway, he is also a strong man at the pinnacle of holiness, and the ghost mother naturally doesn't care what kind of flower gun Fang Yi is playing.

In the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy is in vain.

and so……

"You..." Hua Lian'er's complexion changed drastically, she didn't know what to do, but deep down in her heart, she was touched again, because the big wood is still the big wood it used to be.


"Master Jiuyou, then...there is news about that person."

At the same time, Jun Jiuyou suddenly opened his eyes in another hall.

"What news? Such a big fuss?" Sensing the strangeness of the person who came, Jun Jiuyou couldn't help but look surprised. During this time, Fang Yi's whereabouts have been under their control, and there is nothing surprising.

"Master Qi, it''s this one, that person asked our people to send it to Lord Jiuyou."

With that said, the disciple below presented a jade slip.


Jun Jiuyou's pupils couldn't help changing, did Fang Yi bring it to himself?This undoubtedly exceeded his expectations.

After receiving the jade slip, he looked it over carefully, and there was nothing unusual about it. It was just an ordinary jade slip, and immediately, his spiritual thoughts penetrated into it.

The next moment, Fang Yi's figure appeared in his perception.

"Little thief!" Seeing Fang Yi, Jun Jiuyou gritted his teeth in hatred, as if he wanted to tear Fang Yi into pieces.

"Jun Jiuyou, why are you so angry!" Fang Yi smiled indifferently, as if nothing had happened. Of course, this is not Fang Yi's body, but just a spiritual thought he left in the jade slip.

"Bastard! You are courting death!"

Jun Jiuyou raised his hand as if he was about to erase that divine sense, and he didn't want to listen to Fang Yi's nonsense at all.

Fortunately, Fang Yi spoke in time and said, "Jun Jiuyou, you hate me so much, don't tell me that it's for the soul clan, it's just the half of the stone of death."

"The half of the dead stone can be returned to you."

As soon as these words came out, Jun Jiuyou's huge palm, which was originally raised high, suddenly hung in the air.

"Little thief, what the hell are you planning?"

Jun Jiuyou questioned, his eyes were extremely deep, and his face was vigilant.

During this period of time, Fang Yi's growth can be said to be under his nose. From the first time he regarded the opponent as an ant and could crush him at will, until now, the opponent has grown to the stage of manifesting the holy state. Even if he wants to take down the opponent It has also become extremely difficult, let alone retrieving the Stone of Life.

If he could get back the Stone of Life through other means, he would be extremely happy.

Of course, this does not mean that he will let Fang Yi go.

If you want to take the rebirth stone, Fang Yi must kill, but if you can get back the rebirth stone first, it is not unacceptable to put the others aside for the time being.

After all, it is related to whether he can achieve immortality, as well as his future.

"Don't be so nervous, there is not much enmity between you and me, is there? Of course, if you want to include those ordinary disciples, then pretend that I didn't mention it."

"But no matter what, this is the underworld, and you and I are both from the spirit world. It can't be fake!"

Fang Yi started to play the emotional card.

The corner of Jun Jiuyou's mouth twitched, and he said angrily, "Say something quickly, and fart quickly."

"It's easy to say!" Fang Yi smiled, "Since you are so impatient, I just said it straight, I can give you the Stone of Rebirth, but on one condition, I will take action against the ghost mother for me."

"Bastard boy, last time you used this deity, this time, do you still want this deity to be fooled?"

Mentioning this matter, Jun Jiuyou was extremely angry, as if sparks were about to burst out from his eyes.

Then he said: "If you want to cooperate, you can hand over the stone of life first, otherwise there will be no discussion."

He has a firm attitude, obviously he will not be fooled by Shang Yi.

Fang Yi seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and said lightly: "You and I both know that it is impossible. I will give you the stone of rebirth, and it is fine if you don't kill me, but if I don't hand over the stone of rebirth, you will not I will trust you."

"Since that's the case, why don't we change the transaction method? Do you know the legend of Patriarch Styx and his magic weapon?"


Hearing this, Jun Jiuyou's eyes brightened.

The information that the Soul Clan possessed was naturally not as much as Killing Dao, and Fang Yi's words undoubtedly aroused Jun Jiuyou's interest greatly.

Just kidding, that is Patriarch Styx, an existence beyond the Three Realms.

"I can provide you with the news for free. There is only one condition. At that time, you and I will have a temporary truce, and everything will be discussed after we first capture the magic weapon of Patriarch Styx."

"The ghost mother will definitely make a move. At that time, you can wait for the opportunity to weigh the situation and consider whether to cooperate with me. If you defeat the ghost mother, I will offer the stone of rebirth."

Fang Yi said temptation.

Jun Jiuyou's eyes also flickered.

This cooperation is not a disadvantage for him. He has long been a little moved by the magic weapon of the ancestor Minghe, but he suffers from not having any news.

But now, the other party provides information for free, and the condition is only a temporary truce, which doesn't seem to be a problem.

After all, he is not sure that he can keep the other party at once.

As for whether to attack the ghost mother in the future, it depends entirely on oneself, depending on the situation, if conditions permit, there is nothing wrong with giving the ghost mother a fatal blow.

Even, you can give the opponent a fatal blow, in that case...

No matter what, he doesn't seem to be at a disadvantage, Jun Jiuyou can't find a reason to refuse.

"Okay! This deity promises you! You and I can temporarily truce, and if necessary, this deity will also take action against the ghost mother, remember your promise."

Jun Jiuyou's eyes were fixed, and he said immediately.

Seeing his straightforwardness, Fang Yi couldn't help but a sneer flashed in his eyes, because he knew that the other party probably had his own plans, but Fang Yi didn't care, it was in his expectation.

What kind of person is Jun Jiuyou, and how can he be so easily fooled.

As long as the other party agrees, then at least on the surface it will be perfunctory, at least not as soon as he sees him, and in that case, he will be unable to do anything.

But now, Fang Yi is letting him hide in the dark. Naturally, he will not waste such a good opportunity.

Relatively speaking, as long as Fang Yi is not in trouble, Jun Jiuyou probably won't do anything either.

Therefore, it is beneficial to both of them.

In order to rescue Hua Lian'er, Fang Yi had no choice but to take risks. As for the final outcome, it depends on God's will.

Fortunately, he still has three major temples. As long as Hua Lian'er gets it, everything else will be fine.


(End of this chapter)

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