Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2652 The Witty Hua Lian'er

Chapter 2652 The Witty Hua Lian'er

In a certain trench, not too far from the evil ghost's path, a figure was waiting quietly.

His eyes were slightly closed, as if he had merged with the surrounding world.

At this time, in the space in front of him, a ripple rippled slightly.

finally come!

At the same time, Fang Yi also slowly opened his eyes.

The next moment, another figure stepped out from the ripples. Needless to say, that figure was naturally the Ghost Mother.

"Boy! You're smart!" Ghost Mother's cold gaze swept around, and finally settled on Fang Yi, because she didn't notice anything unusual around her.

Obviously, Fang Yi didn't set up an ambush, so in her opinion, Fang Yi must have compromised.

"Take it out!"

Immediately, she said lightly.

Seeing this, Fang Yi couldn't help smiling in surprise, and said, "Why is Mrs. Ghost Mother so eager, not to mention, I haven't seen anyone yet."

"Hmph! You can't do any tricks even if you try."

The ghost mother snorted coldly, and immediately, she waved her big palm, and suddenly, a thick black mist filled the air, and from the black mist, Hua Lian'er's figure faintly emerged.


Hua Lian'er seemed to be imprisoned at this moment, Zhizhiwuwu couldn't speak at all, only the pair of bright eyes were full of worry.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help but a gleam of frost flashed. Although Hua Lian'er was playful, she had nothing to say to herself.

Especially when Tiankuixing fought back then, if it wasn't for her, I'd be afraid...

In addition, in this underworld, if she hadn't looked after the Kyushu disciples, it is unknown whether there would be any Kyushu disciples left.

Seeing Hua Lian'er in such a miserable state at this moment, how could he not be angry.

However, he also knew that anger could not solve the problem in the current situation, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart immediately, and said: "I really want to know, after Master Ghost Mother gets the Water God Palace, will she really let her go?"

There is a hint of playfulness in these words.

The Ghost Mother's mouth also couldn't help evoking an intriguing smile, and said, "What do you think?"

Fang Yi shook his head, "I don't think so. The Blood Concubine is related to the Twelve-Rank Blood Lotus and the whereabouts of Yuantu. The Ghost Mother has been planning for hundreds of years, so how can she let it go easily?"

Hearing this, Ghost Mother's expression darkened, and she said coldly: "You know quite a lot, since that's the case, why bother!"

"Unfortunately, since you have already come, you want to leave again..."

As she said that, a terrifying aura spread out from Ghost Mother's body, covering the whole world in an instant.

The surrounding space seemed to be frozen instantly.

Hua Lian'er was so anxious that tears were about to flow out, she squeaked, clearly urging Fang Yi to leave quickly.

However, Fang Yi gave her a steady look, then turned to the Ghost Mother and said, "Master Ghost Mother, why bother? You can't keep me in the Ghost Mansion, let alone here."

"As for the Water God Temple, does Lord Ghost Mother really want it?"

Fang Yi asked playfully.

What do you mean?

The ghost ghost mother obviously didn't understand, but it was the legendary artifact of good fortune, isn't this an unnecessary question.

"The Temple of Water is indeed amazing. It is a legendary artifact of good fortune and one of the five elements of the Temple of Good Fortune. However, the creation of all things refers to the real world, not the imaginary world. In the underworld, the Water God Temple will have no effect at all, otherwise , how can I be afraid of Lord Ghost Mother?"

Fang Yi said lightly, this is not completely fooling.

In fact, after entering the underworld, Fang Yi did find that the three temples were a bit out of place.

Moreover, strictly speaking, he still hasn't figured out what the three major temples are for. Except that each temple has a set of cultivation methods, he doesn't know anything about it.

Most of the time, the three great temples were only used by him to escape at the last moment.

As for engaging in combat, almost none.

Because he didn't find any offensive ability in the three major temples at all. If he insisted, it was the flames in the Fire Temple, which he could use to fight against the enemy.

But it is limited to this, in this process, he is always the one who plays a role, and the three temples are more like a carrier.

There is no ability to attack.

At least he hasn't noticed yet.

Ghost Mother was undoubtedly stunned. If someone else said this, she might sneer, but Fang Yi was very different, because Fang Yi had fought her before, and in a difficult situation, the other party did not use the Water Temple.

In this way, is the water temple really useless in the underworld?

But even so, it was also an artifact of good fortune, and she would definitely not let it go, but she felt a little regretful in her heart.

"Boy, what on earth do you want to say, don't play tricks here."

"Good talk!"

Seeing that the other party's attitude has softened, Fang Yi smiled and continued: "Compared to a temporarily useless water temple, I think Lord Ghost Mother hopes to get the twelfth-grade blood lotus and Yuan Tu as soon as possible!"

"The reason why the ghost mother detains the blood concubine is not for this reason?"

"I believe that Lord Ghost Mother must have no intention of hurting the blood concubine, but just wants to know the whereabouts of the twelve blood lotus and Yuantu, doesn't she?"

These words undoubtedly aroused the interest of Ghost Mother. She looked at Fang Yi lightly and said, "Continue talking."

Fang Yi smiled knowingly, and continued: "We are different from Lord Ghost Mother. We have no interest in the twelfth-grade blood lotus and Yuantu, we just want to save our lives."

"So, if possible, I can let Concubine Xue speak, the condition is that you must let her go."

Hearing this, Hua Lian'er's bright eyes obviously flashed a hint of suspicion, how could she know about the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus and Yuantu.

It's just that she was extremely intelligent, and she understood Fang Yi's meaning in an instant.

He even read a few words from Fang Yi's eyes.

"Heh!" However, the Ghost Mother sneered, and said, "Let her speak? Do you think she really knows? It's wishful thinking to fool Ben Gong."


Hearing this, Hua Lian'er groaned quickly, obviously she had something to say.

Seeing this, the Ghost Mother casually removed the restraint on Hua Lian'er, obviously wanting to hear what Hua Lian'er knew.

Although in her heart she prefers that Hua Lian'er still hasn't recovered the memory of the Blood God Son avatar, but, no one can say for sure, what if...

"Who said I didn't know!"

Hua Lian'er regained her ability to speak, and immediately retorted.

"Yeah! You know?" Ghost Mother's face darkened slightly, and she immediately shouted: "Stinky girl, do you really think that I don't know what kind of idea you have, and want to deceive me, wishful thinking."

The ghost ghost mother is obviously not so easy to be fooled, but Hua Lian'er is naturally not so easy to be scared.

What's more, there is Fang Yi on the side.

"My lady didn't know it at first, but over the years, you have been making indirect remarks, and you even took me to many familiar places. This lady has already sensed it."


Hearing this, Ghost Mother's pupils couldn't help shrinking, "Then why didn't you say it?"

"Nonsense! You think I'm an idiot! You imprisoned the Kyushu disciples. Once I tell the truth, I will lose my cards. And you want to hide the news, how can you give us a way out?"

It has to be said that Hua Lian'er is not only smart, but also has a very fast brain.

These words made the ghost mother who was originally skeptical couldn't help but believe a little bit, and the killing intent in her eyes became more and more intense.

"Smelly girl, you have lied to me for so many years, you are courting death!"

The ghost ghost mother was furious, as if she wanted to slap Hua Lian'er with her palm, but she naturally wouldn't do it because...

(End of this chapter)

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