Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2653 Blood Sea Abyss

Chapter 2653 Blood Sea Abyss

However, she also wouldn't believe it easily, a look of doubt flashed in her eyes.

Looking at Hua Lian'er coldly, he shouted: "Smelly girl, do you think I will believe you when you say this? Tell me, what do you remember?"

Ghost Mother's eyes were like knives, and her face was extremely ferocious.

Obviously, if Hua Lianer's answer dissatisfies her, then...

But Fang Yi can't do anything about it, Hua Lian'er is still in the opponent's hands, so he can't do anything, he can only give Hua Lian'er a positive look.

Sensing this gaze, Hua Lian'er seemed to have a little more confidence in her eyes, and said: "Miss Ben didn't think of anything."


The ghost ghost mother was undoubtedly furious, "Smelly girl, you dare to play with me."

As she said that, her eyes sank, and the thick black mist immediately moved towards Hua Lian'er, as if to swallow the latter completely.

A look of fear flashed in Hua Lian'er's eyes, obviously she had lingering fears about the black mist.

He couldn't help saying: "Although Miss Ben didn't think of anything, but among the places you took Miss Ben to, there was one place where Miss Ben clearly sensed something."

As soon as these words came out, the ghost mother's eyes suddenly changed drastically.

If it was said that Hua Lian'er had recovered the memory of the Blood God Son's avatar, she would be somewhat skeptical.

After all, who is the owner of the Blood God Son avatar?That was Patriarch Styx, if the other party really recovered his memory, how could he be a yellow-haired girl, and there was no flaw at all.

You must know that when a person restores other memories, his temperament will inevitably change drastically. It is impossible to have no changes at all. No matter how good the disguise is, there will always be flaws in times of crisis, but in fact, Hua Lian'er has been the same from beginning to end.

Therefore, if Hua Lian'er said that she had recovered her memory, she would not believe it.

However, if it is only sensed, it will be quite different.

In Hua Lian'er's body, the aura of the blood god's avatar could not be faked, and the places he had taken her to were mostly places related to the ancestor of Minghe in the legend.

In these places, relying on his own breath, if the other party really senses something, it may not be impossible.

It should be said that the possibility is extremely high.

If Ancestor Styx really wanted to place his magic weapon, it must be in a place he was familiar with.

and so……

"Tell me, where is it?" Immediately, she asked anxiously.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Fang Yi's mouth could not help but rise slightly, because at this point, the plan has already been half-successful, and the ghost mother has successfully taken the bait.

I'm afraid that Hua Lian'er will change her words now, and she won't believe that she lied to her.

I have to say that Hua Lian'er is really too smart, she cleverly grasped the weakness of the ghost mother, making the other party have to believe it.Or, once upon a time, she also thought of using a similar method to get rid of the ghost mother's control, so she was able to be so calm and thoughtful.

In any case, this was indeed beyond Fang Yi's expectations, and it saved him a lot of trouble.

Immediately, he took the first step and said: "Master Ghost Mother, why should you be anxious, do you remember our conditions? The local government can tell you, but the premise is that we must release the person."

The ghost mother's sharp eyes swept over fiercely, revealing a strong killing intent.

However, she didn't have an attack, she just said: "No problem! But, how to ensure that what she said is true? It's fine to let her go, and I will talk about it after I find something first."

There was no doubt about her demeanor.

Obviously, the ghost mother is not so easy to fool.

Fortunately, all of this was within Fang Yi's expectation. Just kidding, how could it be possible to let the other party release him with just one sentence.

Fang Yi is just guiding the other party and letting the other party take the initiative to move forward together.

In this way, it will undoubtedly make the other party more relaxed.

"Okay! I hope that you will show yourself at the pinnacle of holiness, the master of evil ghosts, and not someone who doesn't believe what you say."

In the end, Fang Yi seemed helpless, so he had to compromise.

Then he signaled Hua Lian'er to continue talking.

Hua Lian'er was obviously a little weak, because she had imagined everything, and it really came to the right place...

But in the situation in front of her, she couldn't help her hesitation, and Fang Yi's existence gave her great confidence, she only heard her slowly say: "Blood-sea-of-abyss!"

She spoke very slowly, one word at a time.

Because she was not sure whether the information she read from Fang Yi's eyes was this.

But seeing Fang Yi smiling slightly, she knew she was right, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Abyss of blood?

The birthplace of the old man Styx?

If it was about other places, the ghost mother might still have some doubts, but this place undoubtedly made her more convinced, because many people had similar doubts.

However, in the countless years of exploration, the world has found nothing here, and finally had no choice but to give up.

And this place, she did take Hua Lian'er there.

"It's not too late, let's set off now!"

Fang Yi said immediately.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" A look of doubt flashed in the eyes of the Ghost Mother, as if she had some doubts.

Fang Yi smiled lightly. The reason why he was in such a hurry was that he didn't want Mother Phantom to bring a large group of people. In that case, his plan would undoubtedly fail.

He could only say: "Master Ghost Mother is naturally not in a hurry, because you don't have to suffer, but my lord's people..."

Fang Yi showed a trace of anger on purpose, the meaning was obvious, referring to Hua Lian'er.

"Or maybe, Lord Ghost Mother is afraid that I will not be able to compete with you when the time comes?"

"Hmph! You don't even have that ability!" Ghost Mother sneered, jokingly, she still had a little bit of self-confidence at the peak of her holiness.

What's more, Hua Lian'er is still in her hands, so she is naturally not afraid.

"it is good!"

Afterwards, she only heard a yell, and her eyes were full of longing light.

In the end, he still failed to resist the temptation of the magic weapon.

It's no wonder that she has been searching for tens of thousands of years for this legendary magic weapon. Now that she has heard the news, how can she bear it? As for Fang Yi and the two, they are not enough in her eyes.

As for whether to bring followers or not, the fewer people who know about it, the better.

Otherwise, once the news leaks out, then...

"Then please!" Fang Yi was overjoyed in his heart, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


"How are you?"

Along the way, a group of three hurried on their way, heading towards the Abyss of Blood Sea.

After Fang Yi's persuasion, Ghost and Ghost Mother temporarily gave them room to talk, Fang Yi looked at Hua Lian'er with some guilt, with pity in his eyes.

Although he doesn't have much affection for Hua Lian'er, how can he not understand the other party's feelings for him.

The Tiankuixing battle, and all the past.

Seeing Hua Lian'er's miserable state now, it is obviously impossible to say that he doesn't feel sad at all.

"'s okay, Big Wood, don't worry, I'll be fine."

Hua Lian'er was still so stubborn, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth.

But she was surrounded by black mist, her smile and pain were intertwined, but her face became a little hideous, and the killing intent in Fang Yi's eyes became stronger.

"Boy, is your heart hurting? Do you want to kill Bengong?"

"It seems that you are also an infatuated species. It's better that way, so I can rest assured. Remember, don't play tricks, or I will make her die ugly."

Seeing this, the ghost mother smiled ferociously.

The more Fang Yi reacted, the more important Hua Lian'er was to her.

However, perhaps because she was too careless, she didn't notice at all that there was a faint stream of water in the air submerging into Hua Lian'er's body.

The water flow was too insignificant, compared to the surrounding blood sea, it was completely insignificant, and I am afraid that no one would care about it.

However, the corner of Fang Yi's mouth curled up with a gloomy look, and he couldn't help saying: "Don't worry, Lord Ghost Mother, I will definitely let you get your wish."


(End of this chapter)

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