Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2654

Chapter 2654

The Abyss of the Blood Sea, as the name suggests, is the deepest part of the Blood Sea, where the sea water is as thick as real blood.

Not only that, but there is also an extremely depressing feeling, as if in the dark, being stared at by the god of death, which makes people feel chills down their spines and just want to escape from this place.

Even Hua Lian'er is no exception.

At this moment, she was full of palpitations. Fortunately, Fang Yi was by her side, which calmed him down a lot.

"Boy, you don't seem to have any reaction!"

The Ghost Mother glanced at Fang Yi coldly, with suspicion in her eyes.

"Master Ghost Mother was joking, what do you think I should do?" Fang Yi replied calmly.

In fact, the first time he came to the Abyss of the Blood Sea, he was indeed a little frightened. He should feel extremely uncomfortable with the imminent breath.

But right now, it's obviously not the first time he's here.


The ghost ghost mother didn't speak, and snorted softly, probably thinking that Fang Yi was pretending to be calm.

In fact, Fang Yi's appearance at the moment does have such a taste, and this is naturally for him to show the ghost mother.

"Tell me! Girl, where is it?"

Ghost Mother asked impatiently.

Hua Lian'er looked at Fang Yi with some palpitations, seeing that the latter gave her an encouraging look, then pointed in a direction and said, "Over there!"

The abyss of the blood sea is huge, and the sea water here is so weird that the divine sense cannot be stretched at all.

Fortunately, because of the unique atmosphere here, no ghost can survive here.

So there was a dead silence all around, only three figures slowly shuttled through the period.

"not yet?"

The Ghost Mother seems to have lost her patience.

The three went around for an unknown amount of time.

"Master Ghost Mother, why should you be so anxious, this is the abyss of the sea of ​​blood, you and I are not moving fast, so be careful." Fang Yi deliberately reminded.

"Be careful?"

The ghost mother sneered, "There is not even a ghost here, not to mention people, even the evil spirits of this palace can't stay here."

The ghost ghost mother said sarcastically, and then couldn't help but glanced at the two of them, and said: "Could it be that you two are trying to fool me! There is no magic weapon here at all."

As she said that, the ghost mother's eyes froze slightly. It seemed that if the two of them couldn't give her a perfect answer, I'm afraid...

"Fooling? Master Ghost Mother is joking. This place is called "every day is not working, and the earth is not working."

Fang Yi smiled lightly.

Hua Lian'er also spoke at this time, and said: "I can't blame this lady, my cultivation base is imprisoned by you, and the sensed position has become erratic and vague."

"And here is the suppression of that breath..."

The implication is already obvious.

The ghost mother's pupils couldn't help shrinking, but she couldn't refute it. As a powerhouse at the peak of the sage, she naturally knew the impact of being imprisoned on her cultivation base, and said immediately: "Stinky girl, remember, don't play tricks. I can return your cultivation level to you temporarily, but don’t think that you can escape by doing so, your soul has been controlled by me, and I can turn you into an evil spirit forever with just one thought.”

The ghost mother gave a warning, and then waved her hand.

Immediately, Hua Lian'er seemed to regain her strength, and her face began to turn rosy.

"Don't worry!" Then, she gritted her teeth and said.

Fang Yi's eyes couldn't help flashing frost, but he smiled and said: "Then you should sense it now! Find the magic weapon as soon as possible and leave this ghost place."

"Hmph! You guys are acquainted!"

The Nether Ghost Mother seemed to be quite satisfied with the reaction of the two, and then the three went on the road again.

"What's going on? We've been here before!"

The ghost ghost mother is extremely keen, and can see the surrounding situation at a glance. Although there seems to be no difference in all places here, but...

"Smelly girl, how dare you take Bengong around in circles, you are courting death!"

The ghost mother was furious.

However, Hua Lian'er replied unhurriedly: "Before, Miss Ben said that the cultivation base was imprisoned, and the induction was not real. Now that the cultivation base has been restored, it must be near here."

This is of course a phrase.

The real reason was instructed by Fang Yi, with two purposes.

One is to make the Ghost Mother lose her patience and become impetuous, thus ignoring many things around her.

Second, coming to the same place again will undoubtedly greatly reduce the vigilance of the ghost mother, so as to give people in the dark a chance.


Hearing this, the ghost mother's eyes first flashed with suspicion, but more of it was just about to move. "Where?"

"It's not far ahead!"

Hua Lian'er pointed to the front and said.

In a short while, the group of three came to a huge trench, and there were many huge caves densely covered in the trench wall.

Perhaps it was because these caves swallowed the surrounding seawater, making the seawater extremely active and surging, and many things were covered in it.

"That's it!"

Looking at Fang Yi again, Hua Lian'er said with a positive look.


The Ghost Mother shrank her pupils, and immediately asked, "Are you sure?"

"Believe it or not!" Hua Lian'er said stubbornly, as if she was indifferent.

However, this time, the ghost mother did not blame her. Instead, her eyes brightened, and she murmured: "This huge trench was created by the God of Death, and there are these caves. It is rumored that he was looking for the river Styx at the beginning. The rest of the ancestor's magic weapon, as expected, is it really here?"


This time, it was Fang Yi's turn to be startled.

He had never heard of similar legends, and the reason why he chose this place was because it was an abyss of blood and the surrounding environment was extremely favorable to him, so he chose this place.

I never thought that if I hit it right, there would be such a legend here.

Then, the ghost mother undoubtedly believed a little more.

Fang Yi couldn't help but be overjoyed in his heart.

However, the reality was completely different from what he had imagined. The ghost mother's eyes suddenly sank, and she yelled: "Stinky girl, if you dare to play with me, this place has already been searched by countless people, and I also came here." No less than dozens of times, where did you get the magic weapon?"

Ghost Mother's face was frosty. Obviously, if Hua Lian'er couldn't give her a perfect answer, then...

Hua Lian'er was overwhelmed by her quality, and immediately felt a little uncertain.

After all, she didn't know what was going on here according to Fang Yi's instructions.

However, she did not show any weakness, and said: "This is the place, Miss Ben's sense is correct, if you don't believe me, why come to me."

"Presumptuous!" Ghost Mother's eyes turned cold, as if she was about to strike.

Seeing this, Fang Yi quickly stepped forward and said, "Lord Ghost Mother, please calm down. It's too early to say if there is anything wrong! At least it needs to be verified."

Afterwards, Fang Yi motioned to Hua Lian'er again.

Hua Lian'er was extremely intelligent, pointed to one of the caves and said, "It's right there!"

When the Ghost Mother heard the words, her sharp eyes swept over it, and she was about to reprimand, but she suddenly realized that the cave seemed to be really different.


Immediately, her pupils shrank, and her figure swept away like lightning.


(End of this chapter)

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