Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2655 You're Crazy

Chapter 2655 You're Crazy


Standing in front of the cave, a hint of disbelief flashed in the eyes of the Ghost Mother.

Because this cave looks like a real cave, but in fact, it is not real, as if it was formed automatically by the surrounding sea water.

"So weird?"

She murmured softly, and at the same time stretched out a palm, determined to try this cave.

However, a strange scene happened, the cave was like a huge black hole, the majestic energy contained in the palm of the ghost ghost mother, like a stone sinking into the sea, did not even stir up half a wave.

The surrounding area was still calm, as if nothing had happened.

How can it be?

Ghost Mother's pupils shrank sharply. Today, with the power of her palm, it is a pity that even the real cave will collapse. Although this is just a palm of her hand, it is not a child's play.

But the facts were in front of her eyes, and she couldn't tolerate her disbelief.

However, her mind was all on the cave at the moment, and she didn't notice that Fang Yi's face became a little weird behind her.

Because the so-called cave was actually created by Fang Yi using the four major sword formations.

The attack he received was also transferred to the inner world by him to prevent the sword array from collapsing, so the power of that palm was borne by Fang Yi at this moment.

Fortunately, Fang Yi is very strong, and the inner world is tyrannical, so there is no serious problem.

But if it is replaced by someone else, the consequences...

Boom! !

The blow didn't work, and the Ghost Mother's aura surged, as if she wanted to attack by force. Seeing this, Fang Yi quickly stepped forward and said, "Master Ghost Mother is so strong, isn't it afraid that something inside will be damaged? "


Ghost Mother couldn't help sneering, and said: "What is the magic weapon that you think is the ancestor of Minghe, it is so easy to damage, does it still need me to search for it painstakingly?"

Having said that, the Ghost Mother stopped in her hand.

Although she is not afraid of damage to any magic weapon, everything in front of her is too weird. If something is touched and the magic weapon disappears, it will be too much for the loss.

"Do you have any good ideas?"

After a pause, she looked at Fang Yi and asked.

"Master Ghost Mother is just joking, even Lord Ghost Mother can't see through the mystery, how can I be capable?"

Hearing this, Ghost Mother's face showed a hint of disappointment, but at this moment, Fang Yi's conversation changed, "However, I have heard a saying that the person who untied the bell had to tie it, could it be... "

Speaking of this, Fang Yi didn't say any more.

Because there is no need, the goal has been achieved, and the ghost mother's sharp eyes have already looked at Hua Lian'er.

"Girl, come here! How did you sense that this place is unusual?"


Hua Lian'er didn't know what to say, so she could only vaguely say: "I don't know, I just feel that something is calling me inside."

"Oh?" Ghost Mother's eyes lit up, "Then come and try!"

Hua Lian'er was a little at a loss, glanced at Fang Yi, and then stepped out slowly.

The ghost mother's attention was all on Hua Lian'er, in case there was any unexpected situation. As for Fang Yi, an evil smile slowly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Hua Lian'er slowly approached the cave, close in front of her eyes.

Suddenly, there was a sound of rushing water between heaven and earth, different from the surging sea water around, the sound was incomparably clear, like a clear spring in the mountains, pouring directly into Hua Lian'er's body.

what happened?

Ghost Mother's expression changed. Although her attention was on Hua Lian'er, she was more concerned about the black hole. She never expected that a clear spring would suddenly surge from behind her.

Just as she was about to turn her head, an extremely dangerous aura hit her.

It was a three-color sword glow, with the aura of killing everything.

"Little thief, you are courting death!"

The ghost ghost mother was furious, and she reacted instantly. Needless to say, the person who shot was Fang Yi.

The swiftness of this sword, even the ghost mother's face can't help but change drastically, but that's all, Fang Yi is naturally not unprepared, and the power of countless rules gushes out in an instant.

However, Fang Yi didn't care at all, it didn't matter whether the blow worked or not.

The important thing is Hua Lian'er.

That clear spring poured into Hua Lian'er's body, attacking inside and outside, instantly cut off the connection between the thick black mist and the ghost mother.

Seeing that he was about to escape from the control of the ghost mother.

"Stinky girl, I want to leave! There's no door." A gleam of frost flashed across the ghost mother's eyes, and the black mist that was originally isolated seemed to be swept away again.

so strong?

Fang Yi's complexion also changed, and he was about to make a move.

Just at this moment, another figure was faster than him, and a strong killing intent swept out from the void, slashing towards the black mist fiercely.

At the same time, another giant palm also grabbed Hua Lian'er.

Needless to say, the person who took the shot was the Lord of Slaughter. How could he miss such a good opportunity to take down Hua Lian'er.

Unfortunately, his calculation was still wrong.

Seeing that the palm was about to catch Hua Lian'er, Hua Lian'er's figure disappeared into the black hole first.

And that slap went straight to nothing.

"Lord of Slaughter, is that you?"

Seeing the person coming, the ghost mother was furious, as if sparks were about to burst out from her eyes.

"That's right! It's Master Sansha, Ghost Mother, we've been waiting for you for a long time, you never thought you would have today!"

Before the Lord of Slaughter could speak, Fang Yi directly tied him to his chariot.

The corner of the Lord of Slaughter's mouth twitched at this moment, unable to speak.

It turned out that he wanted to take Hua Lian'er down in one fell swoop while the two were unprepared. As for whether the two of them died or lived, he was not interested in caring, but now...

He is already stuck.

To tear the face off with Fang Yi means that everything is in vain, and the ghost mother will never let him go.

For the current plan, the only way is to bite the bullet.

"Ghost mother, is it surprising! It's been a long time since you took down that girl, and you still got nothing in the end, which means you have no destiny with treasures, so give up!"

The Lord of Slaughter shouted in a deep voice.

At the same time, in Fang Yi's sea of ​​consciousness, his tone was different, "Boy! I hate you! Remember our agreement, if you dare to play tricks, I will never let you go easily."

"Where did Lord Sansha say that? This gentleman has already said that whether you can save people depends on how much effort Lord Sansha puts in. But don't worry, this gentleman has always followed his word. Isn't the current plan very successful? "

"If the three kills are unreserved, even killing the Ghost Mother is not impossible."

"In this way, the three kills can be used to eliminate future troubles, what do you think?"

Fang Yi bewitched.

"You are simply crazy, killing a strong man at the peak of the Holy Spirit, boy, you..." The Lord of Slaughter glared at Fang Yi, completely speechless.

Just kidding, beheading the peak of the holy man, this is something he didn't even dare to think about.

Now the other party wants him to participate together, how can he not be surprised.

"Are you crazy? You have to try to find out." Fang Yi's mouth curled up with an evil look.

At the same time, the ghost mother's aura has climbed to an unbelievable place, and all around are crying and howling.

Obviously, Hua Lian'er's escape and everything in front of her eyes made her extremely angry.

"You two are going to die!"

Her icy voice seemed to come from Jiuyou, with a piercing breath.

The endless black mist also diffused away, enveloping the two of them.


(End of this chapter)

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