Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2656 Meteor! ! !

Chapter 2656 Meteor! ! !

"Good come!"

Fang Yi sternly shouted, advancing instead of retreating.

Before, because Hua Lian'er was in the opponent's hands, he kept his voice down everywhere, but now that Hua Lian'er is out of trouble, living in the Heavenly Sleeping Sword Formation, with the original water protecting her soul and purifying the black mist, he no longer cares about it. The killing intent was overwhelming.

The bright three-color light came out through the body, like a raging sun.

Intertwined with those black mist, not weak at all.

Seeing him like this, the Lord of Slaughter's eyes also froze. The matter has come to this point, and he has no way of turning back, so he has to fight hard.

Although he didn't think it was possible to kill the ghost mother, but the other party was so confident, then...


If you want to be crazy, let's go crazy together!

The killing air filled the air, like a terrifying dark cloud, the three superpowers fought fiercely together in an instant, and the whole world was in turmoil, as if it was about to collapse completely.

Among the three, the ghost ghost mother is the strongest, reaching the peak of being a saint.

The Lord of Slaughter is next, but his killing spirit is born for battle, even the Ghost Mother would not dare to be careless.

As for Fang Yi, he seemed to be the weakest of the three, but also the weirdest.

There are endless ways to save, and the power of the rules alone reaches several, such as the way of destruction, the way of space, and the way of rebirth. If you add the three major temples, it will be even more exaggerated.

Of course, he didn't understand deeply, and his own energy was also a little weaker.

So at this moment, the two of them are barely able to compete with the Ghost Mother.

In a short period of time, it seems that no one can do anything to anyone.

Even, if things go on like this, the two of them are still in great danger.

"Boy, didn't you yell that you want to kill the other party? It's all you can do? Get out!" The Lord of Slaughter obviously had the intention of retreating. In fact, it was meaningless to fight like this.

If it was usual, Fang Yi would probably do the same.

However, it is naturally different at this moment, because there is Jun Jiuyou hiding in the dark, such a good opportunity, he must find a way to deal with these two.

At the very least, the ghost mother must be solved.

The ghost mother imprisoned the Kyushu disciples, tortured Hua Lian'er into a human form, and knew her relationship with the Temple of Destruction.

Even if he rescued Hua Lian'er today, the Temple of Destruction will be completely destroyed when the other party returns.

Although he didn't have much affection for destroying the temple, the people who destroyed the temple were loyal to him during this time, so he naturally didn't want to see this scene.

The only way is to completely solve each other.

As for Jun Jiuyou, he was not that eager, and the other party's understanding of the underworld was not much better than him.

It's just that this guy is extremely insidious, and if he doesn't make a move under such circumstances, it is obvious that he will not make a move until the point where both sides are hurt.

But if both sides are hurting, it is not certain whether they will attack themselves or the Ghost Mother.

It's a ticking time bomb.

"It seems that this is the only way!" Fang Yi thought to himself.

At the same time, Hua Lian'er disappeared before, but inside that huge black hole, there was a completely different scene inside.

Hua Lian'er sat in it, and the endless black mist roared in her body, like giant beasts trying to swallow her completely.

She seemed to be in extreme pain, with a ferocious expression. Although Fang Yi had isolated the connection between the black mist and the ghost mother, once the black mist got out of control, it would riot wantonly.

Well, Fang Yi made enough preparations, a clear spring surged around Hua Lian'er, protecting her soul.

In addition, within this strange space, traces of fiery flames began to steam up, and in the flames, blossoming red lotuses also bloomed.

The red lotus karmic fire can incinerate all evil things.

The black mist entangled in Hua Lian'er's body, like meeting a nemesis, fled desperately, and finally disappeared little by little.

Hua Lian'er's expression also slowly relaxed.

But at this moment, she seemed to feel something, opened her eyes suddenly, and then sank into the depths of the space.

At the same time, there was a loud noise, and the space trembled violently, and then pieces fell off like broken glass, and the red lotus karma also evaporated away.

outside world!

The majestic attack of the three destroyed almost everything, including the black hole before.

At this moment, the black hole cracked little by little, hot flames steamed out, and all evil things retreated.

what happened?How can there be flames here?

Everyone was shocked. Of course, Fang Yi was pretending, because the flame itself was his masterpiece.

"It's Karma Fire! Karma Red Lotus! Could it be the Twelve Grade Blood Lotus!"

The ghost mother's pupils shrank sharply. What she comprehended was the way of evil ghosts, the way of evil, and her perception of karmic fire far surpassed that of other people, and she recognized this karmic fire almost at a glance.

And the purpose of her trip was to find the magical artifacts of Patriarch Styx, one of which was the twelfth-grade blood lotus, also known as the Karma Red Lotus.

Coupled with Hua Lian'er's previous induction.

With so many coincidences, the appearance of this karmic fire at this moment, how could it not make her think of the twelfth grade blood lotus.

For the magic weapon of Patriarch Minghe, she has searched for countless thousands of years, and she has exhausted all her efforts. It is conceivable to see the appearance of the twelfth-grade blood lotus at this moment.

Completely ignoring the two of Fang Yi, the whole person shot away like a bolt of lightning.

Not to mention her, the Lord of Slaughter is the same, but he knows a little bit about today's plan, and his strength is not as good as that of the Ghost Mother, so he is naturally not as fast as the other party.

However, he was in a hurry.

However, at this moment, Fang Yi's voice sounded in his sea of ​​consciousness, "Idiot, that's fake, and you haven't killed the Ghost Mother yet."

At this moment, Fang Yi's whole body's aura exploded without any reservation.

The Lord of Slaughter also reacted in an instant, and with all his strength, he slashed out with a sword.

Immediately, two terrifying attacks attacked and killed the Ghost Mother.

At this moment, the ghost ghost mother only has twelve blood lotuses in her eyes, so she can't take them into consideration. Of course, that's because she has absolute confidence in her own strength, and she thinks she can avoid this blow.

The giant palm slammed towards the fire of karma, only longing for the twelfth grade blood lotus.

Unfortunately, even if Fang Yi and the two agreed, how could Jun Jiuyou agree.

As Fang Yi expected, Jun Jiuyou originally wanted to wait for both sides to be hurt before taking action to clean up the mess, but he obviously couldn't sit still in the current situation.

Aside from this being an excellent opportunity to kill the ghost mother, how could he give up the twelfth grade blood lotus.

and so……

Seeing that the ghost mother is about to plunge into the black hole with her giant palm.

Her face was full of excitement.

But just at this moment, a terrifying aura came towards him, with the intention of killing, the pupils of the Nether Ghost Mother couldn't help but change drastically, and her whole face instantly became extremely pale.

It has to be said that her reaction was still extremely fast, and she slapped with all her might.


But unfortunately, it was still a bit late after all. Before her palm had charged up, the terrifying attack had already struck, and her whole body was blasted out like a cannonball as if struck by lightning.

If it's just that, it's fine, and it won't be fatal.

However, the majestic attacks of Fang Yi and the Lord of Slaughter fell at this moment.

Boom boom boom! !

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and everything in the field was instantly engulfed by these two terrifying energies.

"No..." Ghost Mother showed despair on her face, her eyes were full of fear and unwillingness, she howled terribly, and then she was swallowed up in it.

A generation of powerhouses at the pinnacle of holiness, masters of the majestic evil ghost realm, just fell away.


(End of this chapter)

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