Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2657 The Disappeared Hua Lian'er

Chapter 2657 The Disappeared Hua Lian'er

This this!Really successful?

The Lord of Slaughter was stunned on the spot, looking at the long sword in his hand, not knowing what to say at all.

The pupils are also wide open, as if seeing a ghost, no wonder, the Ghost Mother is a powerhouse at the peak of the Holy Spirit, even in his dreams, he never thought that he could kill the other party, but the fact...

The other party died right in front of his eyes.

Fang Yi was also in a daze, but he quickly realized that he pointed at the karmic fire and shouted, "Twelve Grade Blood Lotus."

In fact, why should he say that Jun Jiuyou's purpose is here, otherwise he would not choose to make a move at this time, but Fang Yi's words made his eyes become more urgent, and the sharp eyes could not help but sweep away.

The Lord of Slaughter is no exception.

But Fang Yi himself was indifferent. Instead, while the two were looking at the black hole, they rolled directly towards the ghost mother's body and flew away.

"Little thief, where are you going!"

Jun Jiuyou was furious, and stretched out his palm, but unfortunately, it was still too late after all.

What's more, his mind is in the black hole, and he doesn't care about Fang Yi, he just wants to see the legendary twelve-grade blood lotus.

And Fang Yi, rolled up the corpse of the Ghost Mother and disappeared into the sky.

The Lord of Slaughter undoubtedly reacted at this moment, and hurriedly chased him away.

"Bastard, this seat will surely tear you to pieces!"

On the spot, only the furious Jun Jiuyou was left, because at this moment the black hole had completely collapsed, so there were no red lotuses of karma, but only phantoms of red lotuses condensed with real essence.

Afterwards, his figure also shot away in a hurry, towards the direction of Fang Yi's message.

The reason why Fang Yi left in such a hurry was naturally not because he was afraid of Jun Jiuyou. Today, with his strength, even if he is not the opponent of the opponent, he will not flee in despair.

Self-preservation is more than enough.

And the reason why he is like this is because Hua Lian'er is still nearby, once Jun Jiuyou finds out and blackmails him, then everything will undoubtedly be in vain.

Therefore, he had no choice but to distract the other party in this way.

As for killing the opponent, it is obviously impossible. The ability to kill the ghost ghost mother is entirely due to the joint efforts of the three parties, and it is also because of the ghost ghost mother's carelessness.

It is impossible for a similar situation to happen again, and it is undoubtedly difficult to kill Jun Jiuyou.

The surrounding space slowly returned to calm, as if nothing had happened, Hua Lianer's figure stepped out of the abyss immediately.

She looked a little weak, although the source of water protected her soul, and the fire of karma incinerated the black mist, but at the same time it almost exhausted her energy, making her extremely weak.

"Big wood!"

Looking at the direction in which Fang Yi disappeared, her eyes were full of worry.

But at this moment, the surrounding blood boiled, and an extremely terrifying aura with a strong smell of blood swept from the abyss.

what happened?

Hua Lian'er's face changed drastically, and she backed away in fright.

But that terrifying aura, like a bloody river, engulfed him in it.

Faintly, a shocking blood-colored sword emerged.

But in just an instant, the bloody sword shadow disappeared, and the bloody river returned to the abyss, and Hua Lian'er also disappeared.

The surroundings became calm again.


"Finally free!" Fang Yi looked behind and let out a long sigh of relief.

Then he looked somewhere and said, "Come out!"

The next moment, the Lord of Slaughter slowly stepped out of it.

At this moment, the Lord of Slaughter's eyes were extremely deep, and he looked at Fang Yi full of fear, just joking, there was a ghost mother in front, and Jun Jiuyou in the back, all of them were plotted by the other party, how dare he be careless.

Of course, I might add myself to this, and I have also become the opponent's thug.

"Your Excellency is really amazing. Even the ghost mother was beheaded. I really admire you." The Lord of Slaughter said coldly.

"I'm afraid this seat is also in your calculations!"

The Lord of Slaughter's face obviously looked ugly, and he looked straight at Fang Yi.

Fang Yi smiled indifferently, and said: "Master Sansha is just joking, the ghost mother and I swear to be incompatible, and the same is true for Jun Jiuyou, but Lord Sansha has no grudges with me, how can I do that?" Count three kills, sir."

"If that's the case, did Lord Sansha think he could catch my aura and follow me?"

Fang Yi smiled confidently.

The face of the Lord of Slaughter did not show any relief, and he said, "Since that is the case, why did you run away? There is still a promise to me?"

Fang Yi smiled in amazement, and said: "Master Sansha, have you forgotten that Concubine Xue is still at the scene, and the reason why I escaped is to distract my opponent and protect her."

"It's a pity that Mr. Sansha is very suspicious and has been following me. If not, the blood concubine may have fallen into your hands."

As soon as these words came out, the expression of the Lord of Slaughter suddenly changed.

But no, Fang Yi was too cunning to be blamed, so that he was led away by the nose by the other party, making him dare not be careless, and missed this golden opportunity as a result.

Immediately, he turned around and was about to return to the original place.

"Wait! Jun Jiuyou hasn't gone far yet, if you go back now, don't you just ask yourself!"

"Hmph! I'm afraid you want to give Concubine Xue some time to escape!"

The Lord of Slaughter sneered, but he didn't leave. First, it was naturally out of fear of Jun Jiuyou. Second, a long time had passed. If Concubine Xue really wanted to leave, she would have already left, so...

Faced with the questioning, Fang Yi did not refute, but said indifferently: "At the beginning of the cooperation, I said that whether the blood concubine falls into your hands depends on how much you contribute."

"It's not me who caused the current situation, but your distrust."

Fang Yi looked at the Lord of Slaughter while talking, seeing the latter's face turned livid, the conversation changed again.

"However, I have always followed my word. You have contributed a lot to today's matter. When Concubine Xue is found, if she knows the whereabouts of the magic weapon, I will tell you the truth."

Although the Lord of Slaughter is nothing to be afraid of, if the other party really turns his head and shakes off the matter of himself and Hua Lian'er to Shura Dao, then he will be in great trouble, so for the time being, he can only appease him.

Of course, there is another reason, as Fang Yi said, he has no grievances with Sha Dao, and there is no need to fight to the death.

He has never been a bloodthirsty person, except when dealing with his own enemies.

Hearing this, the face of the Lord of Slaughter obviously eased a lot, and he only said: "I hope you don't make a mistake, otherwise, although I can't take you down, I will..."

It's not just that I can't take it!

After this incident, the Lord of Slaughter felt a little scared in his heart.

It's fine if his strength is not weaker than his own, but his mentality is far beyond his reach.

If it wasn't for the magic weapon of the legendary ancestor Styx, he really wanted to stay away from the other party, for fear that he would be sold by the other party without realizing it.


"There is no breath of her!"

In the same space, two figures came again, but the surrounding area was quiet, with no one at all.

"It shouldn't be! She suffered a lot. It stands to reason that she shouldn't be able to go far, let alone cover up her aura." Suspicion appeared in the eyes of the Lord of Slaughter, and subconsciously, he took a look at Fang Yi.

The same is true for Fang Yi at this moment, his mind is infinitely expanded, but he still gets nothing.

"Strange! Could it be that he has already left?" Fang Yi murmured.

"Look around first before we talk, let's go together!"

The Lord of Slaughter said at this time, as if he was afraid that Fang Yi would fool him, the two went on the road together.

Seeing this, Fang Yi didn't bother to say anything, and then disappeared into the surrounding space.


(End of this chapter)

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