Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2658 Expansion

Chapter 2658 Expansion

"Damn it? Why is it gone? It stands to reason that she can't go too far."

After searching around, the Lord of Slaughter couldn't help frowning.

"Did you hide her?"

Then, his sharp gaze turned to Fang Yi again.

Fang Yi's face darkened, and he said coldly: "Is that necessary? I am here, if you really want to take her away, can you stop me?"

Fang Yi didn't even look good to him. Although what he said was a bit arrogant, it was true.

At this moment, Fang Yi was also extremely depressed.

Unlike the Lord of Slaughter, Hua Lian'er has the breath of the original water in her body, and it stands to reason that he can sense it even if it is far away.

But in fact, there is no smell of Hua Lian'er around.

"Could it be captured by Jun Jiuyou?"

Although the Lord of Slaughter was a little displeased, he undoubtedly believed Fang Yi's words.

And he saw the real situation at the beginning, so he couldn't fake it.

"Impossible!" Fang Yi shook his head, "I have been paying attention to his aura. He followed us and left the Abyss of Blood Sea."

Fang Yi is sure.

Moreover, Jun Jiuyou's target is not Hua Lian'er at all, and he doesn't know where Hua Lian'er came from.

His purpose is only himself.

"That's strange! Did she really leave?"

The Lord of Slaughter said depressedly.

Fang Yi is not sure, but at present, this is the only possibility.

Because there is no one around here, it is impossible for Hua Lian'er to be taken away.

"Let your people continue to search around here, let's go back first!" Fang Yi finally decided to leave temporarily. Once Hua Lian'er really leaves, it is very likely that he will destroy the temple.

But, did Hua Lian'er really leave?

To be on the safe side, you can't give up here.

"it is good!"

The Lord of Slaughter had no objection to this, but was extremely depressed.

Fang Yi didn't, he glanced at the abyss of the blood sea again, and he left the place.


"What should we do next?"

A few days later, the two returned to Killing Road first.

The reason why it took so long is because the two searched all the way. According to their estimates, it is impossible for Hua Lian'er to go so fast and so far.

But things backfired, and the two got nothing.

The Lord of Slaughter also became more and more upset, because in this way, his trip was a waste of work.

"What else can I do, of course let your people continue to look for it, otherwise? Could it be that you still want me to find the twelfth-grade blood lotus and Yuan Tu for you?"

Fang Yi's voice was cold.

No wonder, the trip plan was perfectly implemented, but in the end, Hua Lian'er was lost.

How can he be happy.

Seeing this, the Lord of Slaughter didn't know what to say. During the past few days, he had confirmed that this was not Fang Yi's plan, but his heart was still full of unwillingness.

"Then this trip is not in vain, it can't be justified!"

He seemed to be blaming, but there was resentment in his tone.

It can be seen that he didn't dare to be too presumptuous in the face of Fang Yi. In fact, after this incident, he was even a little afraid of Fang Yi.

Fang Yi curled his lips, glanced at him, and said, "How can it be considered in vain? The ghost mother is dead. No one knows this news yet, and you can do a lot of things during this time, can't you?" ?”

Hearing this, the Lord of Slaughter's eyes lit up.

In the past few days, his mind has been on Hua Lian'er and the two magic weapons, completely ignoring other things.

At this moment, I still don't understand what Fang Yi means.


The ghost mother has fallen, and the evil ghosts and dragons have no leader. If you kill Dao, you can take the opportunity to win...

Do not!It doesn't need to be taken down completely, just getting some benefits is enough to kill Dao and benefit endlessly.

"Okay! You can figure it out for yourself! I'm leaving first, remember, you can't relax in the abyss of the sea of ​​blood, keep looking."

As he said that, Fang Yi didn't bother to pay attention to the other party, and drifted away.

And he was not in that mood at the moment, the matter of Hua Lian'er really gave him a headache.

How could such a good person suddenly disappear?

Now, he only hopes that Hua Lian'er has returned to the Temple of Destruction, otherwise...

"How's it going?"

In the silent hall, only the Lord of Slaughter was left, and he seemed to be talking to himself.

At this time, a person walked out from the dark place, bowed and replied: "Master Sansha, there is nothing unusual about the Temple of Destruction, and there is no trace of Concubine Xue. Maybe, she really disappeared."

Fang Yi, the Lord of Slaughter naturally couldn't believe it completely.

But now hearing the news, he couldn't help frowning.

"Keep watching, and report immediately if anything goes wrong!"



"Brother, you are finally back!"

After destroying the temple, the black dragon was overjoyed to hear the news of Fang Yi's return.

During this period of time, his little life was extremely nourishing and radiant. With the huge resources of the Temple of Destruction, his cultivation base has also made great progress, and he is only one step away from returning to the cave.

Fang Yi is obviously not in such a good mood as him, because of Hua Lian'er.

As expected, Hua Lian'er did not come to the Temple of Destruction.

So where did she go?

This is a headache.

Thinking back carefully about everything in the Abyss of Blood Sea, it seemed that there was nothing strange about it, and there were only three people present at that time.

Excluding herself and the Lord of Slaughter, could it be that she really fell into Jun Jiuyou's hands?

Although Fang Yi didn't really believe in this possibility, because he paid special attention to the opponent's every move at the beginning, but after ruling out all possibilities, he had to try this slim possibility.

"What? Send troops to the evil ghosts?"

The black dragon and the two guardians, who were originally excited because of Fang Yi's return, were dumbfounded at the moment.

"Young master, are you serious? Evil ghosts are very powerful. With my ability to destroy the temple, I'm afraid..."

Protector Zhenyang spoke first, and looked at Fang Yi with doubts on his face.

Naturally, Guardian Xuanyin was similar, and added: "My lord, what Guardian Zhenyang said is even true. Although the Kyushu disciples were imprisoned, they were finally rescued. The so-called gentleman's revenge is not too late for ten years..."

Protector Xuanyin obviously wanted to dissuade him, but Fang Yi interrupted him before he finished speaking.

"The ghost mother has fallen."

As soon as these words came out, it was undoubtedly shocking. Several people were stunned and speechless. Fang Yi ignored them and said directly: "Killing Dao has already started to act, so hurry up! This is the best opportunity for the expansion of the Temple of Destruction ..."

What Fang Yi said later, the few people probably couldn't listen to it.

Because they were completely shocked by the news.

And the deep meaning behind the news.

Immediately, the way they looked at Fang Yi became completely different, with a frenzied light.

"Yes! This subordinate will arrange it later!"

Immediately, the two guardians quickly took orders, their faces were full of ecstasy, and the black dragon was also ready to move. The improvement in cultivation during this period of time has already made him eager to try.


Fang Yi nodded, "Go ahead and do it! Maybe someone will take care of you."

As he said that, his sharp eyes couldn't help looking towards the direction of the evil ghost. There, there was still a person waiting for his suggestion, maybe he could be recruited.


(End of this chapter)

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