Fortune Shrine

Chapter 2659 Infighting

Chapter 2659 Infighting

In the main hall, everyone had retreated, Fang Yi waved his hand, and the ghost mother's body appeared out of thin air.

This is the corpse of a peak powerhouse, one can imagine.

If it wasn't for Hua Lian'er, he would have been very excited, but at this moment, he couldn't see much reaction.

There was a faint light radiating from the corpse, and the power of the soul and the majestic energy were clearly dissipating slowly. It was difficult for a strong man like the Holy Peak to be completely wiped out unless he was killed with one blow.

Just like the ghost mother, the soul cave is also imprisoned at this moment, and it has not dissipated.

But her consciousness has been erased, and she has no owner.


At this time, Fang Yi stretched out his palm, and a huge vortex began to condense from the palm of his hand. Inside the ghost mother's body, the majestic energy and soul power rushed like a flood.

One can imagine the energy and soul power contained in a peak powerhouse.

Rao Fang Yi, it took several days to refine these energies.

Not to mention the skyrocketing strength.

All aspects have almost reached an unprecedented state, and the cultivation base has been raised to a higher level, breaking through to the middle stage of Dongtian Guiyi.

But while he was refining these energies, the Evil Ghost Dao ushered in a great change.

Killing Dao suddenly launched a fierce attack, which caught Evil Guidao by surprise.

The major forces obviously haven't reacted yet, and no one thought that the Killing Dao, who had been weak all these years, dared to provoke the evil ghost Dao, and everyone was waiting for a good show.

However, the evil ghost's revenge did not come, and the Temple of Destruction also joined the battlefield instead.

One south and one north, like an appointment.

Everyone in the world is extremely surprised, because these two forces are much worse than the evil ghosts, but...

For a time, all kinds of rumors spread everywhere, and the situation was surging.


"What a killer, he dared to touch the brow of my evil ghost, he didn't know what to do, and what about destroying the temple, he didn't even know what it meant."

"Yes! Please order the two adults to kill them!"

In a ghost mansion, in a certain hall, a group of high-ranking evil ghosts were aggrieved.

The leader is two men with deep aura, one of them is the Scarlet Flame Ghost King, and the other, who looks weird and has four eyes, is the Four-eyed Ghost King.

"Master Four Eyes, Lord Chi Yan, this subordinate is willing to go personally and wipe them all out."

"And I!"

Everyone begged for their lives.

The invasion of killing Dao and destroying the temple is a great shame to them. They have never paid attention to these two forces before.

Now that he actually came to commit an offense, one can imagine the anger in his heart.

However, the four-eyed ghost king and the red flame ghost king have not spoken for a long time, and both of them look worried.

Because just before Killing Dao invaded, the Lord of Killing sent someone to deliver a letter to the two.

The content of the letter is very simple, meaning: the ghost mother has fallen, and I advise the two to surrender, otherwise...

For such a letter, the two naturally sneered.

But then they never imagined in their dreams that Sha Dao would actually dare to invade the Evil Ghost Dao.

So, does it mean that what the other party said is true?Otherwise, they would not find any confidence to dare to invade the evil ghost realm.

In view of this, they didn't know what to do for a while.

Or maybe, they have their own thoughts, and they don't want their own people to be hurt.

"Don't worry, everyone! Killing Dao and destroying the temple are not worth mentioning. This king and Master Chiyan have already made arrangements, and they will definitely pay a hundred times the price."

The four-eyed ghost king appeased everyone.

Even though they issued a series of orders, if they were careful, they would find that none of the people who were sent to fight were their cronies.

However, how could these people want so much at the moment.

In their eyes, killing Dao and destroying the temple is not worth mentioning at all.

"My lords, there are rumors from the outside world that it is Lord Ghost Mother who..."

At this time, someone tried to say.

"Nonsense! Master Ghost Mother is one step away from achieving immortality. Will anyone believe such rumors?"

"that is!"

Before the man could finish speaking, he was swallowed up by the scolding of the crowd.

Obviously, in their hearts, they didn't believe that the ghost mother might fall one day. After all, that was the most peak type of existence in the entire Huangquanhai.

How could such a strong man fall.

"Don't listen to the rumors outside. The ghost mother is trying to break through and be immortal. Maybe other forces have received the news and want to prevent the ghost mother from breaking through."

The four-eyed ghost king said again.

The crowd burst into cheers upon hearing this.

It would be a great joy to try to break through immortality. Once successful, the Evil Ghost Dao will surely stand on top of the entire Huangquanhai, surpassing the Asura Dao and the Hell Dao.

"Okay! The Evil Ghost Dao will be presided over by this king and Lord Chiyan for the time being. I hope everyone will work together..."

The four-eyed ghost king told another nonsense, and then dismissed everyone.

In the main hall, there are only two ghost kings left.

"Things have come to this point, the ghost mother hasn't come back yet, and killing Dao and destroying the temple have taken action one after another, so it's impossible..." The four-eyed ghost king spoke first, his eyes full of doubts.


The Scarlet Flame Ghost King shook his head, "Master Ghost Mother is so amazing, who can kill her?"

This question, why not bother the four-eyed ghost king.

But everything seems to confirm the words of the Lord of Slaughter.

"No matter what, a mere lord of killing dares to make the two of us surrender. It's simply incomprehensible." The corner of the four-eyed ghost king's mouth curled into a hint of sarcasm.

Then he looked at Chiyan Ghost King again, and said: "For the current plan, you and I must unite, obey orders, and act in unison, Chiyan, don't you think so?"

Hearing the words, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King revealed a hint of amusement in his eyes, and said, "That's natural, but, whose order do you obey?"

Among the two ghost kings, in terms of relative strength, the four-eyed ghost king is slightly better.

So just now in front of everyone, he did his part, and he rushed to say everything, which undoubtedly made the Scarlet Flame Ghost King very upset.

Especially the meaning of the other party's words at this moment.

It couldn't be more obvious, and he couldn't agree more.

Hearing this, the four-eyed ghost king couldn't help but twitch his eyelids, and a faint killing intent flashed across his mouth, but he still smiled and said, "It doesn't matter who you listen to, as long as it's for the sake of the evil ghost!"

"That makes sense!"

The Scarlet Flame Ghost King glanced at him, and then said: "However, this king believes that the most urgent thing to do is to confirm the whereabouts of Lord Ghost Mother first, so as to avoid the sudden return of Lord Ghost Mother just after some people's ambitions are exposed. All right."

This remark is obviously full of irony.

After finishing speaking, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King ignored the four-eyed Ghost King who was already livid, and strode away.

In the same place, the four-eyed ghost king gritted his teeth.


"Hmph! The toad wants to eat swan meat, just because of your four eyes, it also wants to obey the king's orders. It doesn't matter."

After leaving the main hall, the Scarlet Flame Ghost King returned to his residence, and couldn't help but sneer.

"Not bad! I haven't seen you for a few days, and my temper has grown."

At this time, a light and fluttering voice suddenly came.

"Who?" The Scarlet Flame Ghost King's expression changed drastically, and he shouted, his sharp eyes could not help but sweep away, only to see that a figure was slowly gathering at the source of the voice.

If it's not Fang Yi, who else is it?


(End of this chapter)

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